Give the Gift of Laughter, Fun, and Celebration

This past year was kind of a doozy for my whole family. We faced several major life events that demanded a fair bit of our life energy. So this gift-giving season, I want to put the emphasis on laughter, fun, and celebration when it comes to picking out the perfect presents for everyone on my list. Maybe the people on your own list would benefit from something similar.

The Gift of Laughter

Fitting as much laughter into our days as we can will only do good things. As I discussed in my blog post “Don’t Forget to Laugh Today,” laughter gives our immune system a boost. It also kicks in some good ol’ endorphins and improves our relationships.

To that end, I recently discovered some books in our chiropractor’s office that will have you—and anyone else who picks them up—giggling at each turn of the page. For starters, the folks at the humor site put a humorous spin on the interactions between our hearts and brains in their bestselling comic book Heart and Brain: An Awkward Yeti Collection. And their equally hilarious follow-up, Heart and Brain: Gut Instincts, adds the antics of our tongue, bowels, and stomach. If you’re looking for lots of laughter and learning, try picking up one or both of these collections for a friend’s coffee table…and your own!

The Gift of Fun

You can also consider the gift of a fun experience rather than a thing. Pay attention to what the person on your list deems “fun,” then get a gift certificate for an adventure that fits the bill. If you live close enough, include a note saying that it’s an adventure you can go on together. Spending time with someone you care about makes this a great gift—and maybe some laughter will even be included.

When our family relocated to a new area, I discovered lots of options for fun experiences. Our boys love attending live sports events, so tickets for a local hockey game and gift certificates to a restaurant they’ve been wanting to try is sure to be something they’ll remember.

The Gift of Celebration

The last focus is celebration. When we take the time to celebrate the little things in life, we can bring fun, new traditions into our world. I found this super cool calendar called “Celebrate Everything 2017.” Just like the name indicates, it has something to celebrate each day of the year. From “Read a Roadmap Day” on April 5 to “Talk Like a Pirate Day” on September 19, you’ll be having fun and cackling all year long.

Giving gifts that encourage laughter, fun, and celebration will set just the tone I’m looking for in 2017. What are the perfect gifts that will bring these things into your life?

Photo from iStock/AntonioGuillem

Paula Widish

Paula Widish, author of Trophia: Simple Steps to Everyday Self-Health, is a freelance writer and self-healther. She loves nothing more than sharing tidbits of information she discovers with others. (Actually, she loves her family more than that—and probably bacon too.) Paula has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Public Relations and is a Certified Professional Life Coach through International Coach Academy.

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