Fight the Healthcare Scare:
Engage the Principles of Wholism

“If something is important enough, or you believe something is important enough, even if you are scared, you will keep going.” – Elon Musk.

Is your life and health important enough to you to protect and safeguard it? Are your joints, which allow you to move, important enough to you to safeguard and protect? Are your nerves, which control all functions in your body, important enough to safeguard and protect? Are the foods you eat important enough to you to select those that will produce a strong and vital body? Are the feelings and emotion’s you entertain important enough to you to create stable and clear emotional and mental states? Are you taking your place at the watchtower of your health so you are able to protect and safeguard your life?

Is your body and wellbeing important enough to you to learn about and act upon the natural principles and laws that produce health?

The process of organization and regulation of every cell, tissue, organ, and system in our body, under the control of the central nervous system, is a result of what I like to call the Law of Wholeness. The central core principle of this law is simple: What supports life to function in health and innate intelligence makes us whole.

We see the result but not the life force itself. Like gravity, it is a principle, yet we cannot see gravity; we see the effects of gravity. Principles serve as a compass that direct and guides us. We see the needle move but we do not see the force of magnetism pulling the needle. Wholeness, the communication and cooperation between all our systems and levels of Being, speaks to the inner man and woman and are expressed in one’s life force.

In the last three to four years, we have become a people and nation living in the stress of fear with all our focus on disease and pandemic and nothing said about prevention and building one’s resistance to disease by building health. Remember that fear is the medical/pharmaceutical complex’s best friend. When fear is instigated, our cholesterol goes up, we panic, and when we panic we forget how to remember. We become irrational, our blood pressure goes up and our love life fades away, our digestive track shuts down, we can’t sleep. Then we set an appointment and are prescribed a cholesterol drug, an anti-depressant, an antacid, a blood pressure drug, and a love life drug, and everything will be just fine?

Did they forget to tell you that cholesterol is needed in the production of adrenal hormones, especially when you are stressed? When adrenal hormone production drops, we experience adrenal fatigue, which forces one into a state of physiological depression and fatigue. The symptoms of adrenal fatigue are many. Let’s discover them and take action to nullify them.         

  • Depression, mild and intense
  • No energy in the morning
  • Tired in afternoon or whenever there is a letdown in the day
  • Strange tingling sensations in arms and chest, along with neck tightness, shoulder aches and pains, and headaches for no reason
  • Exhaustion for no reason
  • Feeling of panic for no reason
  • Digestive upset, diarrhea, colitis, diverticulitis, ulcers and/or constipation
  • Chronic sleeplessness
  • Increased chance of infections, along with loss of enthusiasm and peacefulness

Seventy-five percent of Americans reported they experience these physical and emotional symptoms when stressed. The American Institute of Stress estimates that the cost of stress in the US is 150 to 300 billion per year from absenteeism, turnover, diminished productivity, medical/legal costs, and increased insurance cost and payouts. What are we to do so we do not fall into the jaws of stress?

Fear, dread, and the feeling of doom is an emotion related to the kidneys. On top of the kidneys set our adrenal glands and they receive hormone signals from the pituitary gland in our brain.  The adrenal and pituitary glands relate to feeling paranoia, vulnerable, lost, emotionally and physically depleted, and insecure. Our hypothalamus up in the center of our brain has the job of coordinating all these stress signals and relates to feelings of shame, humiliation, and feeling wounded, lost, and confused. These three organs, Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA-AXIS) are the frontline defense against stress and they produce their hormones from cholesterol.

Cholesterol serves as the foundation or precursor for all classes of steroid hormone production as well as sex hormones and cortisol. The release of cortisol, made from cholesterol, regulates our body metabolism by controlling how our body will metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates for energy essential for a healthy stress response.

To fight the battle and to win the war the soldier needs training, proper equipment, and ammunition. To win back your health is important, even if you are scared. Learning how to win, being armed with the right knowledge and information, destroys the enemy of fear, spurring you on to stay in the process. Let’s begin with the bullets you need to put into your gun of healthcare.

Support your HPA-AXIS with Standard Process Hypothalamus PMG, a protomorphogen that aids the hypothalamus in its communication function between the nervous system and hormonal system. For the female, utilize Symplex-F and for the male, Symplex-M. These PMG products provide support for the female ovary and male testes as well as for the pituitary, adrenal, and thyroid glands. For kidney health and functional support, Renafood provides the needed nutritional and PMG factors .

Ordained by the Creator of Life, the principles of wholeness always work when we work the principles. The fundamentals are the same for all human beings. Learning the principles of wholism, engaging in and applying them, will lift you out of fear where you can experience your inexorable spirit.

Images from iStock/Ake Ngiamsanguan (post), fizkes (main).

Dr. Michael Dority

DR. MICHAEL DORITY, now retired from his 44 years of chiropractic practice in Nebraska, credits his professional success to supporting the patient’s nervous system with whole foods, whole food supplements, and patient education. He has contributed to the health and well-being of many grateful families over the years. You can find Dr. Dority’s patient education posters here at Selene River Press.

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