Cooking for Well-Being Teacher Training: Level I—Learn to Cook

  Cooking for Well-Being Teacher Training with Traditional Food Chef Monica Corrado:   Learn to Cook Traditional Food!   Train to be a Traditional Foods Cook!    This Level I four-day intensive training in Purcellville, Virginia, at Fields of Athenry Farm, will provide the foundation of knowledge in both technique and background—the how and the why [...]

Heal Your Leaky Gut…with Meat Stock! Cooking Class with Teaching Chef Monica Corrado, MA, CNC

Whole Foods Cooking School 2201 S. College Ave., Fort Collins, CO, United States

  What is meat stock? Isn't it the same as bone broth? No way! Want to heal your leaky gut? Meat stock is the answer. Want an easy one-pot meal? Meat stock is the answer. Have allergies? Auto-immune disorders? Brain fog? Meat stock is the answer. (Well, a big part of the answer, anyway.) On [...]
