Embracing Superior Nutrition:
Your First Step to a Healthier, Happier You!

A Special Note for Holistic Health Practitioners

To our dedicated nutritionists, chiropractors, dietitians, and holistic medicine practitioners, this series is for you and your patients. Use these posts as a resource to inspire and guide those under your care toward healthier choices.

Happy New Year, friends and fellow wellness seekers! As we welcome a fresh year, it’s the perfect time to set intentions for a healthier and happier you. But let’s be honest, grand New Year’s resolutions often fizzle out because they lack a solid foundation and actionable steps.

No worries: we’re here to help with a 12-part series inspired by Stephanie Selene Anderson’s transformative book, Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is! This series isn’t just about making changes; it’s about building the foundations for changes that last.

In Stephanie’s words from the book,

People don’t think they have enough time or money to change the way they shop and cook, and some don’t believe they have the time to cook at all. But with this guide, you’ll see that time and money can be fluid, and you can channel these fluids in any direction you choose. You’ll also come to see that, in the long run, you really don’t save money when you buy cheap food. Eventually, that bill will come due, and you’ll pay it with your health.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll explore everything from the power of superior nutrition and the secrets of healthy shopping to the captivating truths about whole grains and the wonders of wild fish. Each post in this series will guide you through small, achievable steps that add up to big health benefits. We’re talking real changes, folks – the kind that transforms your daily plate and, in turn, your life.

So, whether you’re looking to overhaul your diet, understand the importance of organic foods, or just add a bit more green to your meals, we’ve got you covered. Let’s ditch the stressful, fleeting resolutions and embrace sustainable, step-by-step changes that lead to lasting health and wellness. Here’s to a year of delicious discoveries and nutritious adventures!

What is “Superior” Nutrition?

Imagine each meal as a colorful canvas, where every ingredient adds not just depth of flavor, but various dimensions of health to your life. Superior nutrition is all about choosing foods that are rich in nutrients, foods that emanate a harmonious tune of health and happiness in every bite.

Branching out from your “staple” foods to add variation, flavor, and color to your plate is a great first step. (It’s not the only step, though!) Over the next few weeks, we’ll be diving deep into Stephanie’s book Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is! and discover a step-by-step process to improving health as we go.

Embarking on this path can be as simple as making small, yet impactful, changes. Let’s start with a straightforward switch – replace white rice with nutrient-rich brown rice. This small step can be a delicious introduction to a world of whole, nourishing foods.

What is a ‘Whole’ Food?

Before we embark on our journey, let’s clarify what we mean by ‘whole’ foods. Whole foods are foods in their most natural, unprocessed form. They are free from additives or other artificial substances. Think fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, and dairy products that haven’t been processed to remove vital nutrients. These foods are the building blocks of superior nutrition, offering the full spectrum of nutrients your body needs.

Actionable Steps to Kickstart Your Nutritional Journey:

  • First Easy Step: Swap white rice for brown rice in a meal this week.
  • Weekly Goal: Introduce a new whole food into your diet each week.
  • Fun Challenge: Experiment with a new healthy recipe every weekend.

If you’re struggling to find “whole food” recipes, you can find a ton of wonderful recipes right here at Selene River Press. Start first with Maria Atwood’s “Tips from the Traditional Cook” category. If you’re looking for more casual fare, check out Men in Kitchens: A Good Day To Dine Hard, Phyllis Quinn’s The Slow Cook Gourmet, and Monica Corrado’s “The Complete Cooking Techniques for the GAPS Diet, 2nd Edition”. There’s a slew of additional cookbooks and resources in the shop.

Trying out new foods can be a daunting task, especially if you have to cook for your family. However, to make it fun and exciting, involve your family in the meal preparation process. Together, you can discover the delicious and healthy world of food, one vegetable or food addition at a time. Every new food is an opportunity to add vibrancy to your plate and life. In fact, you can explore daily tips in Paula Widish’s “Trophia: Simple Steps to Everyday Self-Health” for specific examples of DIY-shifts.

The Role of Mindset in Nutritional Change

Shifting your mindset is key. View this journey as an exciting exploration rather than a daunting change. Every step, no matter how small, is a step towards a healthier, happier you.

Check out these empowering resources for your journey!

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is! is your guide to a nutritional revolution.

Stephanie’s book is a treasure trove of research and an excellent starting point for anyone looking to build healthier habits one step at a time. Get your copy here.

Let’s embark on this journey with joy and anticipation. Every choice you make is a step towards a healthier and more energetic you. As you travel this delicious path of superior nutrition, don’t hesitate to share your stories and experiences with us. Let’s make every bite count and work towards a better, nourished version of ourselves!

Images from iStock/Halfpoint (main), ogichobanov (post).

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