Dr. Dority on the 33 Royal Principles of Health:
#25. The Character of Innate Forces

Welcome to “The Royal Principles of Health,” written by Dr. Michael Dority and presented by Selene River Press. 
This fascinating series is based on the 33 principles of chiropractic identified by R.W. Stephenson, DC, PhC, in his 
1927 classic Chiropractic Textbook. Dr. Dority calls these the “Royal Principles of Health” and invites you to learn 
how these foundational tenets illustrate the forces of universal intelligence that guide and determine our existence.

Discovery – Reconnaissance – Surveillance

Royal Principle #25 states: “The forces of Innate Intelligence never injure or destroy the structures in which they work.”

As we progress through life, our nervous system acts as the “surveyor” of our health topography. Its purpose is to discover what is in and around the body and determine how to respond to it. The human nervous system is always conducting reconnaissance and surveillance to detect what is going on in the cells. For example, when the nervous system detects an injury or wound, it immediately surveys the situation and prompts a call to special white blood cells called neutrophils to remove foreign material and bacteria. Next to come and survey the injury site are immune cells, known as monocytes or macrophages, to kill and destroy germs, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. The entire process is ordained. These cells are carrying out the Innately designated assignments they were created for.

Immune cells require certain tools to do the work of keeping us healthy. These include vitamins A, C, E, B12 and minerals such as folic acid, iron, zinc, thymus, copper, selenium, and chromium—all essential factors found in Immuplex. We are blessed that our central nervous system knows exactly what to do with these nutrients as it coordinates all of the various components and interactions that make up the immune response.

These actions are absent in a body that is void of its life force—there can be no nervous system response in a dead body. This brings us to R.W. Stephenson’s Royal Principle #23: “The forces of Innate Intelligence never injure or destroy the structures in which they work.”

The Innate wisdom of the body knows how to heal the body. And every day, science learns more about the amazing abilities of the body. Innate wisdom surveys all processes that take place, and by way of nerve communication, it directs the body to its manifest destiny of health and wellness. To complete life’s journey of health and wellness, we must stay on the route that leads to the causes of health. We must then map out that information for ourselves and our patients so we all reach our own manifest destiny of health. If we as practitioners are to be the “surveyors” of health, we in turn must be truly watchful of our own health. Teaching by example inspires others to be a living testimony to their own life and health.

As we work to be successful and to complete the task set before us, we must learn to survey the topography of humanity. Just as our nation’s boundaries were established with the science and skills of surveyors, we too can help our patients find the path to health and wellness. As we survey their needs, we can inspire them to manifest a greater level of health and wellness.

Let’s briefly look at a few early surveyors as well as the science and art of this important pursuit.

George Washington. Our founding father began surveying at age sixteen. He pursued it as a profession and completed 199 surveys in Virginia.

Thomas Jefferson. After receiving a commission as surveyor of Albemarle County, Jefferson used the modern surveying tools of the day to do the work. These included a “Gunter’s chain,” a distance-measuring device comprised of a 66-foot chain divided into 100 links, with 80 chains measuring a mile; a “circumferentor,” a type of compass used to measure horizontal angles; and a “theodolite,” which could measure both horizontal and vertical angles.

Benjamin Banneker. A farmer, mathematician, inventor, astronomer, writer, scientist, humanitarian, and surveyor, Banneker was perhaps the most famous black man in Colonial America. In 1791 he surveyed the boundaries for a district that would become the nation’s capital, Washington, DC. The boundary stones that Banneker set for the District of Columbia are still in place. They serve as monuments to this self-educated man who did so much to advance scientific inquiry and knowledge in early Colonial America.

Some of the instruments surveyors use today are based on early surveying tools. The same is true of the fundamental principles that guided our predecessors, but today we also have new ways of surveying our patients’ health needs. Understanding the topography of their health, including their anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry, involves taking a case history, examining of range of motion, and giving them orthopedic tests and X-rays (which B.J. Palmer introduced in 1910 at Palmer College of Chiropractic). Some of the specific methods and techniques we use today include kinesiology, contact reflex analysis, sacro occipital technique (SOT), neuro-emotional technique (NET), muscle response analysis (MRA), and the Heart Sound Recorder (HSR). We can also deepen our nutritional knowledge at Mark Anderson’s annual Back to School for Doctors seminars. With these tools, we can confidently detect spinal subluxations, nutritional needs, and any emotional stressors that could be impacting the nervous system. We have everything we need to survey our patients’ health needs and guide them on a successful journey through the travels of life.

Are we as chiropractors resolved to carry the flag of natural health care? Are we willing to continue learning and surveying how subluxations, nutritional disparities, and toxic emotions that negatively affect our health? Do we have the necessary strength, energy, and confidence to seek out and deepen our knowledge of the causes of health—even when doing so flies in the face of self-appointed mandates do this or do that?

Health is our manifest destiny. Health is the master of our bodies. We must be like Lewis and Clark. Lewis trained in the science and art of surveying to help map the route of our nation’s manifest destiny. Clark was skilled in detailing and drawing exacting maps that documented the places they had been and what had been discovered.

With our knowledge of the causes of health, we too can chart a course for greater health for our patients. With the tools and training of our profession, we can survey our patients’ needs and help them achieve greater health. This in turn rewards not only the patient but also the doctor.

“The greatest among you is the servant of all, and all have a desire to be healthy, and all have a spine.” These are the words of my teacher, Dr. Galen Price. He spoke them almost daily in my Chiropractic Philosophy class at Palmer College. Avoiding the causes of health is illogical! We must be selective in the choices we make for health.

The Greek word katecho means to hold on firmly and strongly. For me it is a declaration to embrace the soundness of the natural order of life. Chiropractic and nutrition are natural to and for the functions of health that must be expressed in our lives.  Take a survey of your health. Use it as a guide for your patients to take their own survey. Let us all work together to reach our manifest destiny for a healthier tomorrow.

Some things to think about:

  1. You survey your course from survival to success.
  2. You need your nervous system to survey your course to success.
  3. Your nervous system expresses your success in greater health.

“To get the job done, you have to determine the boundaries.”
—Nathaniel D. Dority, surveyor

Main image from Dr. Dority. Post images from iStock/Rost-9D (blood cells), AntonioGuillem (doctor and patient).

Dr. Michael Dority

DR. MICHAEL DORITY, now retired from his 44 years of chiropractic practice in Nebraska, credits his professional success to supporting the patient’s nervous system with whole foods, whole food supplements, and patient education. He has contributed to the health and well-being of many grateful families over the years. You can find Dr. Dority’s patient education posters here at Selene River Press.

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