The Six Core Principles of Trophotherapy: A Review of Mark Anderson’s Back to School for Doctors 2014

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It is nothing short of a tragedy for a patient to be permitted to suffer from simple starvation while being given the so-called benefits of modern science in a modern hospital, and still gradually fade away by reason of some unrecognized form of malnutrition.
—Dr. Royal Lee

In November 2014, acclaimed educator, clinician, and writer Dr. Michael Gaeta gave a seminar titled “The Six Core Principles of Trophotherapy.” But this wasn’t just a seminar—it was also a deep dive into Back to School for Doctors 2014. Participants at BTS 2014 were treated to Mark R. Anderson’s exploration of a cornerstone of whole food nutritional therapeutics: Trophotherapy, or the art and science of applied nutrition.

If you were present at Dr. Gaeta’s seminar, here’s a rare opportunity to learn more. And if you weren’t, here’s an even rarer opportunity to see what you missed.

Trophotherapy refers to nutritional therapy that feeds, restores, and maintains the human body. It’s the science upon which Dr. Royal Lee built the Standard Process legacy. This principle has been forgotten by the majority of conventional medicine, but Dr. Gaeta—informed by 25 years of clinical experience—detailed the concept in his seminar, and now offers it here.

  1. Nutritional Complexes: The Cataplexes and Synergists (the products of living cells, precursors of hormones, vitamin complexes, minerals, and unrefined fats and oils)
  2. Exogenous Immunity: Pathogens from Without (nutrients of phagocytosis and improved immunity)
  3. Endogenous Immunity: Autoimmune Reactions (nutrients of apoptosis-programmed cell death, oral tolerance, and protomorphogens)
  4. Digestion: The Triad of Breakdown and Assimilation (protein, fats, and carbohydrate digestion)
  5. Cardiovascular: The Triad of the Heart (nutrients of the heart, rate, rhythm, and tone)
  6. Autonomic Nervous System Imbalance (sympathetic and parasympathetic nutrient controls, energy creation, innervations, and stimulation)

Once taught by Dr. Royal Lee, the legacy of this critical information is now being disseminated by Mark Anderson and Dr. Michael Gaeta. Their goal is to help practitioners of holistic medicine treat their patients and try to keep them out of the medical system whenever possible with holistic solutions and preventive care. With serious chronic illness and autoimmune conditions continually rising, every practitioner should be reevaluating their approach and incorporating the sound, foundational principles of applied nutrition.

This special presentation of Dr. Gaeta’s seminar (with videography and editing by Dr. Chris Taylor) is offered with special thanks to Mark R. Anderson for his tireless efforts to create Back to School for Doctors. No other event has done more to bring the timeless teachings of Dr. Royal Lee, the greatest nutritionist of our times, to a modern audience. BTS has transformed Dr. Lee’s body of work into a relevant, living tradition of holistic nutrition that enriches countless lives.

Over the years BTS has become the most important annual event for practitioners of holistic nutrition. For those who deeply appreciate and crave a deeper understanding of Mark Anderson’s work, The Six Core Principles of Trophotherapy is an essential educational tool. All Mark Anderson’s original slides and handouts are included.

About the Author

Dr. Michael Gaeta is a visionary educator, clinician, and writer in the field of natural health care. His purpose is to create a world of vital, resilient people who find fulfillment through positive contribution, and who stay out of the medical system. Michael works with natural health professionals to improve patient care and practice success through his one-year clinicians’ mentoring program, live seminars and webinars, and distance learning programs. He holds licenses in acupuncture, dietetics-nutrition, and massage therapy, and he is a doctor of acupuncture in Rhode Island. Michael earned his master’s degree in acupuncture from the New York College of Health Professions, where he was a faculty member for ten years. Michael’s teaching is informed by more than two decades of clinical practice both in New York and Colorado. He has helped thousands of patients improve their well-being, prevent illness, and choose a lifestyle of  “nature first, drugs last.” He cofounded Acupuncture for Veterans to provide free treatments to vets in New York City. Michael is past president of the Acupuncture Society of New York, earning awards for State Association President and State Association of the Year. He appeared on the CBS Early Show and NBC News, and he has trained thousands of clinicians with his “Success with Natural Medicine” clinical seminars and his “Love, Serve & Succeed” business and ethics seminars. His wellness radio show on Contact Talk Radio has attracted over 100,000 subscribers. He loves to debunk popular myths regarding food quality (critical), vaccines (bad), cholesterol (good), antioxidant vitamins (bad), and chronic illness (preventable). Michael is also a pianist and composer. With his partner, Richard Schmitt, DC, he launched Expert Nutrition Advisor, the first online video education service for Standard Process clinicians and their patients.

For seminar information and publications by Michael Gaeta, please visit Gaeta Communications. For more useful ideas and resources, visit Nutrition for Acupuncturists.

Author: Michael Gaeta, DAc, MS, CDN based on Mark R. Anderson‘s original presentation material.
Available Formats: E-Learning, DVD, USB drive, MP3, or set of 5 audio CDs (plus 1 CD-ROM)
Total runtime: 5 hours, 37 minutes.
