The Nutritional Foundations of the Healing Arts – A Review of Mark R. Anderson’s Back to School for Doctors 2017 Seminar

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No other event has done more to bring the teachings of the greatest nutritionist of the twentieth century, Dr. Royal Lee, to a modern audience than Mark Anderson’s Back to School for Doctors. Every year, this annual seminar manages to transform Dr. Lee’s body of work into a relevant, living tradition of holistic nutrition that enriches countless lives. A stunning feat, repeated year after year.

BTS 2017 was no exception. Practitioners gathered from all over the country to experience first-hand Anderson’s exploration of key nutritional concepts—and to acquire the kind of in-depth expertise that will help them lead their patients to optimal health.

This event, and the wealth of knowledge it represents, doesn’t just end when the lights turn off and the stage goes dark. It continues with A Review of BTS 2017: Nutritional Foundations of the Healing Arts from acclaimed educator, clinician, and writer Dr. Michael Gaeta. There is perhaps no practitioner better-suited to plumb these key concepts than Dr. Gaeta, and his critical assessment of BTS 2017 should not be missed.

BTS 2017 was unique in that the topics and themes of the seminar were captured in a stunning visual representation: “The Wheel of Healthcare.” At the hub, the nutritional foundations of the healing arts, starting with the very building blocks of life on earth: water, chlorophyll, oxygen, amino acids, vitamin complexes, mineral compounds, trace elements, fats. From these elements and from the sun, the planet’s food chain emerges. Complex carbohydrates, fiber, microflora, and enzymes, to name a few. Next, the disciplines: herbal medicine, chiropractic, holistic medicine, Western medicine, and other healing arts. And, finally, the outer spoke of the wheel, which represents the foundation-building knowledge recorded in books and research throughout the twentieth century. From 1921: Studies in Deficiency Disease. From 1939: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. From 1943: The National Malnutrition. From 1975: Sugar Blues. All of them pillars of a holistic health education.

The Wheel of Healthcare illustrates a simple truth, one that far too many disciplines of the healing arts fail to acknowledge: all tissues and organ systems of the human body are built, maintained, and repaired from complex nutrients—nutrients that can only be derived from whole foods grown in rich soil. Of the precious few healing disciplines that do base their care on a foundation of nutritionally therapeutic principles, it is inevitable that their patients will experience more healthful outcomes as a result.

Most attempts to repair any part of the body without the essential nutrient pattern (as informed by careful guidance from a health care professional) will fail. The body must create the tissue components itself from the right nutrient resources.

The rightness of this approach has been revealed over time through the works on the outer spoke of the Wheel of Healthcare. Dr. Royal Lee and others inspired—even demanded—a radical change of direction for the healing arts, empowering health professionals to stop offering reaction-to-disease care and start offering actual health care.

Become a better, wiser healer with this critical assessment of BTS 2017 from one of the most respected clinicians working today. It is essential for practitioners who wake up every morning with the desire to provide their clients with the very best of holistic health care. For practitioners who missed the original Mark Anderson event, A Review of BTS 2017 should be considered an absolute must.

All slides, notes, and reference materials are included with your purchase.

About the Author

Dr. Michael Gaeta is a visionary educator, clinician, and writer in the field of natural health care. His purpose is to create a world of vital, resilient people who find fulfillment through positive contribution, and who stay out of the medical system. Michael works with natural health professionals to improve patient care and practice success through his one-year clinicians’ mentoring program, live seminars and webinars, and distance learning programs. He holds licenses in acupuncture, dietetics-nutrition, and massage therapy, and he is a doctor of acupuncture in Rhode Island. Michael earned his master’s degree in acupuncture from the New York College of Health Professions, where he was a faculty member for ten years. Michael’s teaching is informed by more than two decades of clinical practice both in New York and Colorado. He has helped thousands of patients improve their well-being, prevent illness, and choose a lifestyle of  “nature first, drugs last.” He cofounded Acupuncture for Veterans to provide free treatments to vets in New York City. Michael is past president of the Acupuncture Society of New York, earning awards for State Association President and State Association of the Year. He appeared on the CBS Early Show and NBC News, and he has trained thousands of clinicians with his “Success with Natural Medicine” clinical seminars and his “Love, Serve & Succeed” business and ethics seminars. His wellness radio show on Contact Talk Radio has attracted over 100,000 subscribers. He loves to debunk popular myths regarding food quality (critical), vaccines (bad), cholesterol (good), antioxidant vitamins (bad), and chronic illness (preventable). Michael is also a pianist and composer. With his partner, Richard Schmitt, DC, he launched Expert Nutrition Advisor, the first online video education service for Standard Process clinicians and their patients.

For seminar information and publications by Michael Gaeta, please visit Gaeta Communications. For more useful ideas and resources, visit Nutrition for Acupuncturists.
