These protein-packed treats make a quick and easy breakfast or snack when you’re on the go. The filling can be customized to suit your tastes and what you have on hand, plus it’s a great way to use up leftover vegetables and all those assorted cheese ends that seem to accumulate in your fridge (at […]
Category Archives: What’s Cooking at SRP?
This delicious soup wears many hats. It is warm and comforting on a cold, snowy day but light enough to enjoy on a balmy summer evening. It has a rustic air to it but is elegant enough to serve to company. Seafood contains a host of vitamins and minerals, many that are harder to find […]
Most store-bought salad dressings, even organic ones, contain highly refined, highly inflammatory seed or vegetable oils as well as added sugar and other nasty processed bits. Use this wholesome, whole-food vinaigrette to dress mixed greens as well as chopped raw salads, cold or hot steamed vegetables, or anything else that needs a little zing. Ingredients […]
How do you turn a cheap cut of meat into something you want to eat—in less than 10 minutes? Cumin Steak Bites, of course. Serve these tender nuggets with a raw green drink, a green salad, or some steamed vegetables. Leaving the meat rare not only keeps it tender, it preserves valuable enzymes as well as […]
The secret to great scrambled eggs isn’t adding cream or milk or water. It’s heat. By thoroughly preheating the pan, you can create a delectable breakfast with nothing more than a couple of eggs and some salt. We like coconut oil for its low reactivity and medium smoking point, but if you find the flavor […]
Shiitake mushrooms, long renowned in China for their medicinal properties, are considered immune adaptogens, meaning they boost a diminished immune system but also calm an overreactive one (as in people with autoimmune issues). They also have a deep flavor that makes meat unnecessary to create a rich, satisfying broth. If you’ve got shiitakes on hand, […]