Category Archives: Self-Health Survival Guides

Substitution Chart for Today’s Cooks

Chocolate chip cookies

Ask Chef Phyllis: Years ago I had a refrigerator magnet that displayed equivalent amounts for baking, like 4 quarts equal 1 gallon and other basic information that most cooks know already. Now I’m looking for a different kind of substitution chart that has more up-to-date equivalents. For example, healthier swaps such as a better fat […]

Moroccan Chicken with Lemon, Saffron, and Green Olives

Moroccan Chicken

Moroccan cuisine is a personal favorite. The country’s location, with coastline on both the North Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, helped it become a mecca of trade with other cultures and nations over the course of millennia. While Moroccan food harnesses culinary influences from Andalusia, North Africa, and the Mediterranean, the resulting cuisine features […]

Springtime Asparagus Salad with Bacon, Egg, and Tarragon

Springtime Asparagus Salad

I’m writing this post fresh off a balmy 80° day, one I welcomed with open arms and bare feet. I think it’s fairly safe to say that spring has officially sprung! This time of year is my personal favorite. I love the buzzing energy, the chirping birds, and the dew-glistened, newly sprouted growth. I love […]

An Open Letter from Your Skin

bare legs at pool

Dear Person, I’ve been meaning to talk with you about a few things but wasn’t sure how to approach it. The subtle signs I’ve been sending you don’t seem to be doing the trick, so now I’m going with a more direct approach in hopes we can remain friends. Just remember that I always have […]

Stinky Pee and Other Good Reasons to Eat Asparagus


Yum! One of my favorite vegetable seasons is underway, which means asparagus abounds. Sure, these days you can find it in the grocery store pretty much all year long, but that doesn’t mean it’s always worth eating. Asparagus isn’t like the grape tomato, which has a flavor that seems to hold up no matter when […]

Lamb Shanks with Tomato, Mint, and Basil

Lamb shank

Easter is just around the corner, and this time of year always brings me thoughts of the small island in the Pacific Northwest where I grew up. With spring came lush green meadows, heavenly scented orchards, and glorious dewy mornings. The island was also a prime location for raising sheep, so much so that it […]

Simple Spring Cycle Splurges

Bicycle riders

The arrival of the spring equinox is a surefire signal that it’s time to dust off those bicycles that have been cooped up in storage all winter long. Riding a bike sparks a certain excitement that nothing else can. I mean, really—don’t we all remember the first time we rode our very own bike solo? […]

Fabulous Fungi: Everything You Need to Know About Mushrooms


Ask Chef Phyllis: Recently on TV I heard that mushrooms are very good for you, but I don’t buy them often—mostly because I know very little about them. The supermarket had many different kinds but no information on how to use them. My experience with mushrooms is limited to sliced raw mushrooms on a spinach […]

Sweet Potato, Apple, and Sausage Hash with Kale and Eggs

Sweet Potato Hash

Towards the end of January, I decided to embark on a cleanse of sorts. This is something I often do in late winter or early spring to give my body a break. The ritual also helps me rid myself of toxins that accumulate over the holiday season, when my job gets very demanding, and I […]

The Whole Food Supplement Difference

Food Pills

There are a few things in life you can be certain of: Christmas will fall on the same day every year. Your kids will outgrow their blue jeans every year. And every year you’ll find another article in the mainstream media discrediting the use of supplements. Now, I’m a firm believer that the best way […]

St. Patrick’s Day Feast: Irish Pork Shoulder with Colcannon


Ask Chef Phyllis: My Irish-born “from the old country” grandmother never made corned beef and cabbage for St. Paddy’s day. Why, it wasn’t even any kind of beef at all. It was an inexpensive piece of pork (which she called pork butt) slowly cooked with Irish whiskey for hours and served with boiled potatoes and […]

Spring Rituals for Our Bodies

Bubbles Spring

It’s March! It’s March! It’s March! Why all the excitement? Because with March comes spring, and with spring comes rejuvenation and reawakening to all living things—plants and animals alike. And I, for one, love it! Spring means less brown and barren, more green and vibrant. For us humans, spring brings a natural sense of reinvigoration […]

Tangy Slow Cooked Pork Shoulder with Potatoes and Cabbage

Pork Shoulder

Today I spent a good deal of time with my pants rolled up and my feet bare, basking in 70-degree weather. In February. I’m not going to lie, it was wonderful. However, we all know the weather can change in an instant—especially here in Colorado—so I’m not fooled for a second that the balmy temps […]