Category Archives: Self-Health Survival Guides

How to Combat Your Sitting Lifestyle

Office employees

It’s not exactly breaking news that a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your health. We’ve been hearing about it for years. But until recently, our jobs have been left out of the equation. Now that’s all changed. The frequency in the number of stories about the detriments of sitting for too long—at work or otherwise—has […]

Spicy Chuck Steak Chili with Chipotle and Chocolate

Steak Chili

I’m writing this post during a small window of blissful respite at the tail end of a long weekend. It’s been a whirlwind of activity—I spent the past few days away from home, watching my nieces while my sister and brother-in-law celebrated their anniversary out of town. Not to say we haven’t been enjoying ourselves […]

The Best Herbal Teas for Fall and Winter

Chamomile tea

With the arrival of November, it’s time to exchange your pleasing glass pitchers of iced tea for your favorite mug of the hot stuff. That mug of yours has been waiting patiently in the cupboard for you to grab hold of its handle, carefully place a tea bag inside, and fill ’er up with boiling […]

Garden Ratatouille: Late Summer Variety


Ask Chef Phyllis: My mother never told me of this season in a marriage—I call it “late-summer boring squash season.” My husband (my “can’t waste anything” backyard gardener) brings me ripe zucchinis, some plump as bowling pins and others as skinny as broomsticks, and stacks these and other late summer veggies such as small peppers, […]

Pumpkin Seeds Like You’ve Never Seen Them

pumpkin seeds

If you prepared for this weekend’s Halloween festivities by carving a pumpkin, I certainly hope you didn’t wantonly throw away the bounty of seeds it had to offer. You may have hurt your jack-o-lantern’s feelings if you did. Feel free to go apologize before any mysterious goings on befall you. I’ll be right here waiting. […]

Butternut Squash with Cranberries, Pecans, and Gruyere

Butternut squash

I’ve been desperately clinging to the notion that summer isn’t over, unwilling to let go of the long, warm evenings, 5 A.M. sunrises, and lazy days spent near the water. This week it came to my attention that it was time to finally address my state of denial/ignorant bliss. I’ve turned my heat on consecutively […]

What’s Your Best Trick for Making New Habits Stick?

Starting line

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that every human being walking around on this planet has at least one good habit they’ve been meaning to bring into their lives. Whether it’s cooking with a new super food or developing a new skill, we can all benefit from adding a new, […]

Is Carb Loading Still a Thing?


Remember the days when your athletic coach would encourage you to “carb load” before some big matchup? Heck, the matchup didn’t even have to be big. My high school track coach used to encourage us to eat a big plate of pasta the night before any old Tuesday afternoon meet. Knowing what we know now, […]

How Do I Find Real Food While Traveling?

Travel food

Let’s face it. Whether we’re racing through the airport or driving for hours down a long and lonely road, for some of us, the downside of traveling is the series of increasingly questionable food choices we make on the go. A pit stop at Panda Express before security? Check. Grab some “trail mix” (M&Ms and […]

Grain-Free French Silk Brownies

French Silk Brownie

I first stumbled upon the inspiration for this recipe by accident. I wasn’t even looking for anything chocolate, or even grain-free for that matter. But ever since that day, these brownies have become one of my go-to recipes when I want to make a fairly simple yet seriously indulgent dessert for myself or my clients. […]

Don’t Forget to Laugh Today


While there isn’t a sound more glorious than a baby giggling, laughter from people of all ages can totally make my day. Especially when I overhear one of those contagious kinds of laughs that make me bust up myself—completely involuntarily. I don’t have to know the person laughing or even be with them to feel […]

Don’t Let Anyone Squash Your Love of This Veggie

Butternut squash

Have you noticed some shifting going on at your local farmers’ market? Not only are we starting to add more oomph to our top layers, but the vegetables are getting heftier too. Take for example the difference between those thin-skinned summer squash that have been so easy to come by and the ever more present […]

German Stuffed Kohlrabi with Braised Kale

German Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi. It’s one of those “weird” vegetables. It’s ugly. Well, maybe I needn’t go so far as to call it ugly, but in The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, Johnny Bowden describes kohlrabi as a cross between an octopus and a space capsule. I think that about sums it up, and I’m guessing its likeness […]

Three Reasons You Should Know Where Your Food Comes From


There are certain news stories that tend to catch my eye, and one of the topics I can’t seem to look away from is our food supply. Watching the news is a brilliant way to convince yourself how important it is to know where your food comes from. Look at these three recent headlines to […]

Are Your Teeth Malnourished?

Toy teeth

If your idea of giving your teeth what they need stops at brushing, flossing, and drinking your milk, you’re being a tad shortsighted. And since the health of your teeth says a lot about your overall health, you certainly don’t want to appear like you don’t know what you’re doing. Right? Right. Self-health education to […]