Category Archives: Self-Health Survival Guides

Kick Ass Chicken-Vegetable Soup

Chicken soup

I’ve been nursing a cold all week. Of course, no one really likes being under the weather, but rather than cursing my luck this time, I’ve surprisingly been somewhat thankful to my body. Feeling worn out forces us to be gentler on ourselves, take it easy, rest, and attend to things that have gone neglected. […]

Raw vs. Cooked: The Vegetable Controversy

Cooked vegetables

I used to feel guilty about how rarely I felt the urge to throw together a big ol’ salad and gobble it up. After all, a bed of beautiful dark greens with bits of red pepper, cucumber, carrots, red onion, and maybe even some hard-boiled egg makes for the ultimate in health-inducing cuisine. Yes? How […]

Brain Training: Should You or Shouldn’t You?

Brain training

My plan for this week’s post was to discuss the benefits of brain training and my February health goal of committing to doing it every day. It was sure to be a hit, and I was confident that I’d find a magnitude of resources touting brain training as the best decision I could ever make […]

Asian Sesame Kale-Seaweed Salad

Sesame Kale-Seaweed Salad

January is winding down, and by now some of you may have already abandoned those well-intentioned yet tough-to-keep New Year’s resolutions. Before you go beating yourself up, know that you’re not alone. Studies have shown that a mere 64 percent of people have kept their resolutions by the one-month mark. And only a sobering 8 […]

The Juiciest Time of the Year


These days it isn’t so unusual to find discarded peels of fruit covering the bottom of our kitchen sink. The various shades of orange complement the black surface very nicely, I must say. While it’s an ongoing battle to get our boys to automatically clean up after themselves rather than leave their mess behind, it’s […]

Better Than Mashed Potatoes?! Whipped Parsnip and Cauliflower with Kale

Parsnip and cauliflower mash

Ok, ok, ok, I know what you’re thinking: What is this blasphemy?! The girl can’t be serious! I mean, how can you really improve a cozy comfort food like mashed potatoes—especially if the “improvement” doesn’t even contain potatoes at all? I promise I’m not just spewing crazy nonsense. I may be a tyrannical dietary dictator […]

Reap the Rewards of Daily Meditation


Last month I wrote about resolving to make better resolutions for 2016. Rather than make an all-encompassing declaration of what you want to accomplish by the end of the year, I suggested taking on a new healthy habit each month. Baby steps are often easier to make happen. Quite honestly, I wrote that post as […]

Balsamic-Braised Greens with Giblets and Smokey Bacon

Balsamic Braised Greens

As someone whose life revolves around all things cooking and eating, I’m invariably interested, and usually excited, to try new foods and flavors. And though I definitely favor certain tastes and textures, I rarely come across a food I dislike. Sadly, organ meats have never been high on the list of things I just can’t […]

Top 5 Countdown of Self-Health Lessons for 2015

Keep Educating Yourself

Being the information junkie that I am, my gig writing the Adventures of a Self-Healther blog for SRP is pretty sweet. Picking a nutrition or health topic that interests me, digging around for information that builds on my self-health knowledge, and then sharing it with others is near perfect for me. For this last post […]

A Season That Shines…with Holiday Traditions


Ask Chef Phyllis: I want to have a holiday tradition that will make memories like the one I remember most from my grandmother. We only had her German goodies like Lebkuchen and Pfeffernusse at Christmas time, which made them special. But the thing I remember most of all was her gingerbread…it was the best, more […]

Resolve to Make Better Resolutions This Year

2016 resolutions

We’re inching dangerously close to that time of year when nearly half of the U.S. population (45 percent) will be making resolutions for a better 2016. Shortly thereafter, we will arrive at the time when almost every single one of them has been tossed aside for old habits. Only 8 percent of people succeed with […]

Pork Tenderloin with Pears and Rosemary

Pork tenderloin with pears

For many people, the six weeks between mid-November and the end of the year are usually bustling with activity. It’s a time we welcome, yet with so many demands on our schedules, it’s often exhausting. The past few years, I’ve made a silent pact with myself to not spread my resources and energy too thin, […]

Be Mentally Prepared for the Holidays

Tired Santa

Whether you’ve been anxiously awaiting the season since June or wishing you could hibernate with the bears rather than participate, the holidays are here. Let the parties and package gathering and traveling begin. Right? Right. Love it or loathe it, the hustle and bustle and perceived obligations can scramble the minds of the best of […]

Special Sweet Potatoes, 2 Surprising Ways

Sweet potato

Ask Chef Phyllis: The only time I think about or serve sweet potatoes is during the holidays. And I am tired of serving gooey, marshmallow–topped sweet potatoes to my guests for either Thanksgiving or Christmas because I find that most of them only take a taste to remember how sweet they really are. What do […]

The #1 Thing That Should Not Be True

Child eating raspberries

We live in a world jam-packed with knowledge—it’s at our fingertips in the blink of an eye. Personally, I miss the days of encyclopedias, but we’ll save that for another time. Getting back on track here, these days you don’t need to remain ignorant about any topic. A question pops in your head, go online […]