Category Archives: Self-Health Survival Guides

The Beauty of Baby Steps

Baby steps to success

The road to optimal health can seem daunting—and even impossible—depending on which fork in the proverbial road you’re at. Whether you’re losing that last ten pounds or trying to stave off a disease, getting down on yourself and giving up happens pretty regularly. If this sounds like you, baby steps could very well be the […]

Water: How Much Do You Really Need?

Drinking water

Water, water, water. We’re all dehydrated and need more of it. That seems to be what I hear whenever I see one of our family’s holistic practitioners. I walk out kicking myself for not keeping up with this simple, healthy habit and vow that it won’t happen again. The thing is, I feel like I’m […]

Don’t Forget Your Lunchboxes

Child eating lunch

School is about to start, and you’re getting ready to cross items off your child’s classroom supply list. If your kids brown bag it rather than reach for the plastic trays at lunch, don’t forget to add a new lunchbox to the list. Making sure you have everything you need when the school year begins […]

My Clever Trick for Finding Holistic Practitioners

Finding a holistic practitioner graphic

Our family has arrived safely in our new home. Our truckload of boxes arrived the following day. And now, other than hanging pictures on the wall and finding homes for a few things, we’re pretty settled. It’s hard to beat how that feels in these situations. Right? Time for the next list of decisions to […]

Herbal Health Benefits: Growing and Eating Chives


In and of themselves, herbs may not be power-packed with nutrition, but there are still reasons why we should include them in our quest for quality food and better health. Herbs slow down the cooking process and connect us to nature, but besides the enjoyment of growing and cooking herbs, they impart flavor that makes […]

Credible Online Resources for Your Self-Health Education

Health key on keyboard

You can search any topic that pops into your head online. Type it in your browser and watch a plethora of links pop up. But before you start clicking away, digging deeper and deeper into the subject, ask yourself a question: how do you know which links will take you to credible resources? Of course, […]

You Got a Sunburn, Now What?


Summer has officially started, and with it comes more and more outdoor activities. Whether that means sitting at a baseball tournament all weekend or weeding your garden for an entire afternoon, the sun will be at its peak—and getting too much of it can completely wipe out the health benefits of exposing yourself to its […]

Do You Really Lose When You Snooze?

Hitting snooze

I hit the snooze button this morning. I’m not proud of it, but I had a later night than usual because of our son’s choir concert, and the thought of getting up at that moment seemed impossible. If I’m being honest here, I’ve become a snooze button hitter lately—and now something I’d never felt the […]

The Fine Art of the Perfect Push Up


Push ups work your whole body—that is, when you do them properly and without modification. A well-executed push up uses the muscles in both your upper and lower body and engages your core. It’s an “old school” exercise that means business, and since it doesn’t require any special equipment, you can “drop and give me […]

When Exercise Gets Boring, Join a Group

Kickboxing class

A favorite neighbor mentioned to me the other day that she’s bored with exercising on her own. Half an hour in, and she’s ready to walk away. This surprised me because she’s a very fit momma with two young kids. I always assumed this level of physical fitness was achieved by health nuts who exercised […]

A Glossary of Grains That’s Easy to Understand and Use

Easter Pie

All my life, every Easter my family—guided by three generations of matriarchs—would make a traditional specialty called Easter Wheat Pie (pastiera di Grano). One of the main ingredients is grano, Italian for wheat berries. You might have seen wheat berries in the bulk section at the health food store, but unless you grind or mill […]

School Testing: The First Step to Cardiovascular Disease?

Child sitting in classroom

With the school year winding down, the number of standardized testing days seems to be never-ending. And when our kids are taking tests, they aren’t moving their bodies. Rather, they’re sitting in front of a screen, plugging away at the questions in front of them—sometimes for hours on end. What effect does this have on […]

What Tale Is Your Hair Weaving About Your Health?

Thinning hair

My hair has gone through all sorts of ups and downs over the years—and I’m not just talking about its varying lengths every time I leave the salon. No, what I’m referring to is the overall health of my hair. From thick and shiny to frizzy and lackluster, our hair weaves a tale about our […]

Boost Your Workout with Circuit Training

Circuit training

The high-intensity interval training (HIIT) I committed to awhile back was great. It offered up some variety to the workout routine I’d been using, and I didn’t need to carve out another big chunk of time in my day to make it happen. I also noticed a change in my physique—enough changes to keep me […]