Think about the last time someone reached out and grabbed your hand just when you needed it. Chances are, this gesture immediately made you feel calmer, more supported, and ready to face whatever challenge was in front of you. This response isn’t unique to you or your situation (though there’s no harm in focusing on […]
Category Archives: Self-Health Survival Guides
Last I checked, more than three million Americans have celiac disease, and about eighteen million (6 percent of the population) experience gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance (also known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or NCGS). Gluten is an elastic protein responsible for the elastic texture of dough. When it comes to the rapid rise of gluten […]
A few years back I started donating blood on a regular basis. The main reason why goes back to a memory of my mom coming home with a sticker on her shirt. It read something along the lines of: Be kind to me. I donated blood today. I don’t remember her talking about it, but […]
Another year has begun. Now that the trials and tribulations of 2016 are behind us, we can charge toward the resolutions we declared for the clean slate of 2017. As you consider what you want to achieve in the upcoming year, there are a few things you can do to set yourself up for success. […]
Remember when you were younger and “old” people were always talking about how quickly time goes by? You didn’t believe them, right? Neither did I—but I’m there now. I’m always flabbergasted when we get to another one of our boys’ birthdays or the last few days of any given year. Yet here we are at […]
Every year at least one surprise gift-giving event pops up. In a moment of panic, it can be tempting to grab any ol’ generic gift—think a random box of assorted chocolates or some Santa-shaped trinket. Not only are such gifts impersonal, they’re also kinda’ lame. I’ve got fantastic news for you though… Your last-minute gifts […]
Sound like a superfood? It is! But what is kefir (pronounced ke-fir)? Originating from the north Caucasus Mountains, located between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, kefir is a cultured milk product much like yogurt. But while yogurt is cultured solely with the beneficial bacteria known as lactobacilli, kefir is cultured with lactobacilli and […]
This past year was kind of a doozy for my whole family. We faced several major life events that demanded a fair bit of our life energy. So this gift-giving season, I want to put the emphasis on laughter, fun, and celebration when it comes to picking out the perfect presents for everyone on my […]
You can’t buy real sour cream in the United States—but read on for an easy, homemade option. Sour cream is not available in the United States. Real sour cream, that is. Authentic sour cream. Sour cream that is soured cream. I know, you just bought a container at your grocery store the other day. The […]
The gift-giving season is here, and you have a very important question to answer. What kind of gift giver do you want to be? The kind who gives out yet more “things” that lose their luster shortly after being unwrapped? Or the kind who doles out gifts that can help change a person’s life? The […]
These days, most people agree that yogurt is a health food, if only for the probiotics—or beneficial bacteria—it contains. However, the yogurt at the supermarket may not deliver the health benefits you think it does. So remember that the next time you toss fat-free Greek-style yogurt into your shopping cart, thinking you are “doing your […]
During a recent family visit, a subject came up that all moms and sisters end up discussing…stinky feet. In particular, one of my sisters believes hers are exceptionally stinky. She even confessed that she replaces her shoes before they wear out because they emanate a less-than-desirable aroma. Then she posed the question, “Why do some […]
It’s impossible to go through the day without experiencing a myriad of emotions—positive or negative. How you respond to such emotions as they pop up is a deciding factor in how they guide your health. So be aware, and choose wisely. Browsing through the SRP Historical Archives, I discovered the 1954 article “A Concept of […]
Oddly enough, I’ve both been a part of and witness to several debates about yams and sweet potatoes over the past couple of weeks. The first conversation was instigated by me, when I asked a produce manager to explain the difference. The second happened when a cashier at a different store insisted there was no […]
A recent conversation with a friend reminded me that my self-health tale has had two very different parts to it. The first chapter, “Flying Solo,” is when I blindly attempted to find resolutions to the conflicts in my story all on my own. The second chapter, “Seeking Help,” came about after I encountered the frustration […]
It is an alluring idea to think that any modern advance that helps us live a more comfortable life has been thoroughly tested before being allowed into our homes. After all, we’d all like to believe that the products we rely on every day are ultimately helpful rather than harmful. Unfortunately, that’s not always the […]
“Get your flu shot here!” It’s hard to drive around town this time of year without seeing these signs. My intention isn’t to tell you whether or not you should swing into the parking lot next time you see one of them, but I do think it’s important to know that you have alternatives. It’s […]
Have you taken a whiff outside lately? The fragrant, sweet aroma of apple season has arrived. It’s the time of year that makes a person think of bushels and baking. While noshing on a fresh apple is always a great choice, it’s worth taking a look at other ways of kicking up the nutrient profile […]
A pretty big story broke recently about the sugar industry funding a research program in the 1960s and 1970s that successfully portrayed fats as the villain behind coronary heart disease (CHD)—but sugar was the real culprit. Just imagine what it would have done to the industry if the truth had come out in a more […]
Making my own fermented vegetables. I’d been meaning to do it for quite some time, but I was nervous. After all, the lacto-fermentation method in Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions instructs you to leave food in a jar, stored in a regular old cupboard, for several days. How do you keep it safe? Various articles I’d […]