Category Archives: Self-Health Survival Guides

Nutrient Dense Foods and Mental Health

Way back in 1939, Weston A. Price documented the link between diet and mental health in his groundbreaking book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. His work still holds true to this day. When Dr. Price studied indigenous cultures around the globe in the 1930s, he found that eggs from pastured hens, deep yellow butter from grass-fed […]

Top 3 Ways to Get Your Produce Locally

Every year when the spring equinox rolls around I start craving the ultra-freshness of local fruits and vegetables. Aside from the vibrant flavors, local produce is also nutritionally superior to the stuff that’s trucked in from the other side of the country (and skipping the trucks altogether is better for the air we breathe too). […]

Dairy-Free Is Not a Life Sentence!

Did you know that dairy-free does not need to be a life sentence? Read on to learn why! People all over America are going dairy-free. Children, adults, teens, and even tweens have gone “DF” by adopting a dairy-free diet. Which means exactly what you think it means: eliminating dairy from the diet. Most people who […]

What Your Doc Wants You to Know

So often, we’re apprehensive about speaking up in the doctor’s office. Our doc is the expert, so we think: Don’t doubt his or her suggestions. Don’t look foolish by admitting you got lost in the conversation. Just be a good patient and go with the flow. I’m not saying this is the way it should […]

A Fun, New Way to Use Those Leftovers

Wouldn’t it be great if leftover night were the most anticipated meal on your weekly menu? Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Our boys only have to hear the word leftovers before they’re suddenly certain they can do without dinner. For some reason, simply warming up the same thing we had the night before last […]

Hold the Mayo!

Mayonnaise. Mayo. A favorite condiment in the U.S. of A. You’ll find some Hellman’s or Kraft in just about every sandwich shop, burger joint, and refrigerator. But unfortunately, mayo is no longer a healthy option for us. Read on to learn why. The Original Mayonnaise There are conflicting opinions on when and where mayonnaise (originally […]

Who’s Making Our Food Choices?

We know things can change in the blink of an eye when it comes to the foods we should put in our shopping carts and the foods we should leave out—at least according to the powers that be. Only recently, we learned how the sugar industry funded research that falsely portrayed fat as the demon […]

The Grounding Diet!

Ever feel out of your head? Out of your body? Ever been called an airhead? Unable to concentrate? Unable to focus? Spacey? All of this is the opposite of being grounded. As the word suggests, to feel grounded is to feel stable in your body. Fully present. Able to focus and think clearly. Think of […]

Surprising Things Your Body Can Tell You About Your Heart

Our bodies are amazing. Each part serves a specific purpose, but they also work together to give us signals when something isn’t quite right. Since February is all about the heart, here are some surprising things the rest of your body can tell you about your heart——and what you can do to diminish your risk […]

Perfect Beans at 5,000 Feet!

I love me some good beans! Don’t you? Beans, beans, good for your heart…the more you eat, the more you (should not) experience flatulence! Beans, when prepared well, are chock-full of nutrients. We have heard for years that the proper combination of beans and grains can provide an inexpensive protein option. They are also versatile […]

Eat to Your Heart’s Content

A content heart is one that you take care of on all levels. You recognize and deal with your emotions in a constructive way. You engage in physical activity to get your heart pumping so often that it’s a common occurrence. And last but absolutely not least, you give it all of the nutrients it […]

A Different Kind of Exercise for Heart Health and Beyond

Was one of your resolutions this year to become more physically fit? It was for me. You haven’t fallen off your resolution wagon, have you? I know I haven’t, and we’ll assume you still have the drive and desire to achieve what you set out to do too. We’ve got this. As you get into […]

All the Things You Forgot About Your Heart

It’s February. The month we dedicate to the celebration love. What symbol pops into your head when you consider the word “love”? A heart, of course. While the human heart is only kinda sorta the same shape as the symbol we’re familiar with, thinking about it prompted me to revisit all the things I’d forgotten […]

Give Your Broth a Boost

This is the time of year that soup always sounds good. I mean, what’s not to love? Satisfaction, warmth, and deliciousness in every spoonful. Plus, all the necessary elements of a nutritious meal—protein, fats, and carbs—show up in one bowl with ease and speed. You can’t beat that. However, in order to get everything you […]

Are Peanuts About to Make a Comeback?

Peanuts have been on the list of food bad guys for some time now. With the severe (even life-threatening) allergies that so many kids deal with every moment of their lives, it’s no wonder schools have cracked down. These days, in some schools the once ubiquitous peanut butter and jelly sandwich can’t even make it […]

How Human Touch Benefits Everyone

Think about the last time someone reached out and grabbed your hand just when you needed it. Chances are, this gesture immediately made you feel calmer, more supported, and ready to face whatever challenge was in front of you. This response isn’t unique to you or your situation (though there’s no harm in focusing on […]

Gluten Free in America: Is It the Gluten? Or Is It the Way We Make Our Bread?

Last I checked, more than three million Americans have celiac disease, and about eighteen million (6 percent of the population) experience gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance (also known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or NCGS). Gluten is an elastic protein responsible for the elastic texture of dough. When it comes to the rapid rise of gluten […]

Interesting Facts About Donating Blood

A few years back I started donating blood on a regular basis. The main reason why goes back to a memory of my mom coming home with a sticker on her shirt. It read something along the lines of: Be kind to me. I donated blood today. I don’t remember her talking about it, but […]

Don’t Make Another Resolution Before Reading This

Another year has begun. Now that the trials and tribulations of 2016 are behind us, we can charge toward the resolutions we declared for the clean slate of 2017. As you consider what you want to achieve in the upcoming year, there are a few things you can do to set yourself up for success. […]

Top 5 Self-Health Adventures of 2016

Remember when you were younger and “old” people were always talking about how quickly time goes by? You didn’t believe them, right? Neither did I—but I’m there now. I’m always flabbergasted when we get to another one of our boys’ birthdays or the last few days of any given year. Yet here we are at […]