Category Archives: Self-Health Survival Guides

Southern-Style “Sort of” Succotash: Success Secret and Healing Benefit

I’m sure some of you may be wondering why I call this dish “sort of” succotash. In my house, we just call it succotash, but I added this disclaimer purely so that the succotash purists will give the recipe a try. It’s “sort of” succotash because I omit one ingredient crucial to true succotash: lima […]

Stop Depriving Yourself! Make Successful Health Choices

In a conversation with a friend the other day, I mentioned one of my favorite financial gurus. “The reason I’m drawn to him,” I tell her, “is that he doesn’t talk about depriving yourself to live within a specific budget. Rather, he tells you to approach money with an attitude of what can I do […]

Sweet Potato Salad with Tangy Buttermilk-Chipotle Dressing

My daughter started school today, which I guess means summer is officially over, at least in Colorado. Back home in BC, we always started school the Tuesday after Labor Day—a concept that makes sense to me. And because of that, I still refuse to admit summer is over until that first long weekend in September. […]

Cabbage: The Ultimate Farewell-Summer Side Dish

Labor Day weekend is typically seen as the last hurrah of summer, as the days get shorter and kids get back into the routine of school. It offers many of us an extra day of rest to celebrate our hard work over the past year. Chances are good you’ll be firing up the grill … […]

Seafood Chowder with Bacon and Dill

I can’t believe I’m writing a chowder post in August. But here we are, on our second week of almost daily downpours (not just passing monsoon summer thunderstorms, but rain showers as regular as clockwork) and it feels like autumn. Though my tomatoes are likely screaming for respite, I’m actually enjoying the weather. Must be […]

Self-Healthing on a Budget

I am a firm believer in recruiting experts to help us along our self-health journey, but limited funds shouldn’t keep you from living with optimal health. Of course, ignoring nagging little issues (or your health in general) can end up costing you more in the long run and living within your means is also important […]

Chorizo–Zucchini Frittata

It’s that time of year again: when many families increase our efforts to squeeze every last drop of summertime in before the new school season starts. It happens every year for many of us—this “Holy cow! What happened to summer and how did it fly by so fast?!” thing—yet for some reason, this year, the […]

Online Tools to Keep Your Health on Track

Like it or not, the world we live in is now online. It allows us to reconnect with friends we haven’t seen since high school graduation and lets us see what’s going on around the world any time of the day. And it houses several tools that can keep your health headed in the right […]

Grilled Steak with Thai Basil Pesto and Cucumber-Snow Pea Salad

As I write this, it’s a beautiful, sunny Sunday morning. I’m in the tail end of my vacation hangover (you know, that somewhat blurred period between “responsibility-free” and “real life”) and in the midst of the subsequent lapse of time, space, memory, routine, and full brain function. The trip back home to British Columbia was […]

The Perfect Final Lesson of Summer

Unbeknownst to me, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics declared August “Kids Eat Right Month” four years ago. While it’s essential for kids to eat well year round, prioritizing it for an entire month can be just the right catapult to making it actually happen. It seems the perfect final lesson of summer before your […]

Peanut Butter and Banana Protein Muffins

I’m writing this article from a little breakfast nook, cup of tea in hand, at my mum’s house back in British Columbia. Finally starting to settle in and regain my energy—and sanity!—after the long, arduous journey, including sixteen hours of delays and rerouting from cars to planes to ferries. A challenging situation for any average […]

Myth Busting Our Furry Best Friends

Dogs have been a big part of my life as long as I can remember. Their excitement when I walk through the door is such an ego boost. And their willingness to listen, without judgment, to whatever I need to share is therapeutic. As I watch our pup, Cleo, pass the days being her doggie […]

Warm Grilled Vegetable Salad with Balsamic Dressing and Feta

It’s hot. Damn hot. Oh, and did I mention I have no air conditioning?! Yeah… In scorching weeks like these—if I have an appetite at all—I take as much of my cooking out to my deck as I can manage. To avoid my oven or stovetop, I’ll try pretty much anything on the grill: whole […]

Know Your Alternatives: The Many Options for Healthcare

One of the hottest hot button topics out there is alternative medicine. And most of us aren’t exactly wishy-washy about our opinions—we either believe in it or classify it as voodoo medicine. Heck, the very idea that nutrition can heal our bodies and minds has led to heated conversations and strong resistance from people I’ve […]

Beef Carpaccio with Fried Capers, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and Parmesan Crisps

In the thick of the hot summer months, my appetite declines drastically. It’s not just that I don’t eat as much, but what I want to eat changes as well. Unsurprisingly, I don’t crave heavy, hearty foods like slow cooked winter stews, but I do hunger for juicy, ripe fruit and crisp garden produce. Perhaps […]

What’s the Deal with Sleepwalking?

We have a sleepwalker in our house, folks. The first time it happened was unnerving, to put it mildly. Our sweet little eight-year-old boy wandered into the living room, blankly stared at my hubby and I, and began relieving himself onto the wood floors with a maniacal laugh. What the what?! After getting him changed […]

Asparagus Flan

Summer is in full swing now, and the days are filled with activity. We often have guests around this time of year, which presents us with lots of opportunities for last-minute entertaining. Easy yet classy dishes that can be whipped up on short notice are always welcome. With that said, I like to keep discs […]

Sauces of Summer

Summer is the time to pick, prepare, grill, and/or just gobble up raw all kinds of luscious, fresh foods. And we’re right in the thick of it, my friends. This is the perfect time to make some simple changes to your nutrition routine—and love every bite of it—with a few uncomplicated sauces of summer that […]

Spiced Whole Grain Almond Biscotti with Aniseed and Cardamom

I have a confession to make: I have a hard time truly relaxing without feeling guilty about it. I’m ambitious, and I have many shoes to fill as a single mother with a household and business to attend to (not to mention my own personal hobbies and needs). Frequently, I feel like I just don’t […]

Declare Your Health Independence

Independence Day—the day we celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress back on July 4, 1776. My challenge to you is to make July 4, 2017, be the day you declare your health independence. Health independence simply means taking personal responsibility for your health. We’re not talking about the […]