Category Archives: Self-Health Survival Guides

Luscious Liver Pate: A Quick and Easy Recipe for Nature’s Most Potent Superfood

Many of us understand the countless advantages we derive from the “odd bits” of the animal. On the surface, organ meats pack a wallop of health benefits, providing us with a plentiful source of easily assimilated, concentrated nutrition. But even beyond that, they have a deeper importance. “Nose to tail” cuisine has been receiving a […]

Men: The Cycle No One Talks About

Anyone who’s made it as far as grade-school health class knows what PMS is. And once you know about this phenomenon, you start recognizing how frequently our society refers to it. Whether it’s treated as a punchline on sitcoms or a scapegoat for undesirable actions, PMS seems to be treated as an all-purpose insult or […]

Paris-Brest with Fresh Berries and Crème Suisse: A Classic French Dessert Just in time for Mother’s Day

I was eleven when I began training under a French pastry chef named Pascal. He graciously took me under his wing because he recognized my passion for food and art and my eagerness to learn and create. Every Saturday morning, I absorbed Pascal’s vast knowledge in the art of patisserie, preparing fruit tartelettes, croissants, napoleons, […]

Ever Wonder Why You Vomit?

I’m the latest victim of a bug one of our boys brought home last week. One of the main highlights of this particular bug is vomiting. Too much information? Be grateful this is the only highlight I’m sharing. ;) Curious about all that this highlight had to offer, I couldn’t help but think to myself, […]

The Ultimate Waldorf Chicken Salad: A Great Memory

A lady friend came to my house for lunch last week. I was serving my version of Waldorf Chicken Salad (a recipe inspired by the nearly forgotten and long-closed Schrafft’s restaurants in New York City). When she spotted what I was serving, Julie commented that my chicken salad was the best and asked me to […]

Tuscan Sausage and Kale Soup: A Hearty, Healthy Classic for Busy Days

Life has been busy lately. I mean, my life is always somewhat busy. As I shift from one priority to the next, I can usually find an ebb and flow in the ceaseless bustle, but of late my schedule has been more of a constant swarm of activity, without much respite. Not necessarily complaining. I […]

Powerful Stress Reducers (That Aren’t Meditation)

I know, I know…you aren’t a meditator. You can’t imagine just sitting there, trying to empty your head of thoughts and focus on your breath for minutes on end. You’re too busy, too high-strung, too whatever. While all good things become easier with practice, just because you’re not willing to put in the time it […]

For the Busy Family: Slow Cooker Chicken in Milk (Actually, I Use Cream!)

Ask Chef Phyllis: I’m not in the habit of using just chicken breasts or parts and need to find a good recipe for whole chicken. I know how to cut it up, if need be. I’ve heard of a chicken in milk recipe from a neighbor and had something like it in Spain, but the […]

Shakshuka with Oil-Cured Olives, Feta, and Herbs: A Spicy Tomato and Egg Dish with North African Flair

I’m one of those folks who loves breakfast for dinner. And lately I’ve been loving dinner for breakfast, so much so that I’ve been implementing this practice with increasing frequency for some time now. I suppose what I mean is that I no longer attach the “breakfast” or “dinner” label to foods that traditionally fit […]

5 Things You Need to Know About Being a Self-Healther

You’ve arrived at the conclusion that it’s time to stop taking your health for granted. You’re ready to start paying attention to how to maintain your health, or even improve it. You’re bright. You’re resourceful. And you’ve saved all sorts of articles and tidbits from social media and other great online resources like Selene River […]

Briana’s Magic Hippie Tea: An Old Family Recipe for Colds and Flu

With the change of seasons comes drizzly spring days, budding new blossoms, sprouting green grasses, and and the whisper of fresh pollens through the air. This is also the time of year when many of us start dealing with stuffy noses, sore throats, and puffy eyes. In preparation for the bustling spring and summer ahead, […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Your Liver

Whether you know it or not, your liver is kicking ass and taking names each and every day on your behalf. Being your largest internal organ (about the size of a football), the liver sits to the right of your stomach, just under your diaphragm, and is protected by your right rib cage. In the […]

Six-Cheese White Pizza with Slow-Roasted Tomatoes: Harness the Flavors of Summer in the Off-Season

I can think of few things I enjoy more than the pure, vibrant flavor of sun-ripened tomatoes in peak harvest season. Those of you who’ve been following me may recall a time or two when I’ve gushed over what I consider the most quintessential summer food of all. For me, nothing beats a sweet, juicy […]

Portuguese Sweet Bread for Easter

Ask Chef Phyllis:  Back in the day, before the supermarket took over every mom-and-pop shop, our town, Assonet (just a few miles from Fall River) had a real bake shop. They sold filozes on Sunday morning and cookies at Christmastime, but what I remember most of all was the Portuguese sweet bread I could get […]

Creamy Lemon Cheesecake with Fresh Berries: Sugar and Gluten Free!

In my former life as a pastry chef at the bakery where I honed my craft, Easter weekend was one of our busiest times of the year. We carefully mapped out our prep work for the week to maximize production and minimize a nervous breakdown come Good Friday. We started our “day” around midnight, pumping […]

Why Are Our Teenagers More Anxious These Days?

As I was chatting on the phone with a dear friend the other day, I could hear her anxiety-ridden teenager in the background. I hadn’t realized this was a concern in my friend’s home, but it sounds like her family has been dealing with it for quite some time. After we hung up, it struck […]

Memphis Style Baby Back Pork Ribs

Ask Chef Phyllis: My family’s specialty for any get-together, wedding, or potluck is BBQ style spare ribs. Our family ribs are steamed in aluminum foil over an open pit of applewood chips for hours, and then drenched in sweet, thick BBQ sauce. Recently, I went to a restaurant in Oklahoma. Their baby back ribs were […]

Herbed Lamb and Barley Stew: A Hearty Meal to Celebrate the Start of Spring

I spent my childhood on a tiny British Columbian island in the Pacific Northwest called Salt Spring. The region is famous for its incredibly tender and mild-flavored lamb. Sometimes it seemed as if there were more sheep than people, and the locals revered them with an almost cult-like status. The sheep also make abundant souvenir […]

Quick Weeknight Dinners: Pork Tenderloins

I’ve been trying to make dinners that are quick and tasty. With two teenage boys always having to go somewhere in a hurry after school or after dinner, I need nutritious, quick meals. (By the way, these guys are always famished, and they love Mexican food.) In the past I’ve made chicken cutlets, chicken tenders, […]

Chilled Thai Peanut Noodle Salad

Lately, we’ve had an influx of beautiful, sunny, and warm weather around these parts—and I’m not complaining! I see hints of green grass peeking through the dry, yellowing blades that linger from our fairly arid winter. The seed pollens of my wild arugula wafted from my veggie garden many years ago, and ever since they’ve […]