In light of everything we’re hearing on the news lately, it’s important to remember that the little things we do throughout the day can have a big impact on how we feel in the days that follow. Besides the usual diet and exercise recommendations, one of the most essential daily habits you can adopt for […]
Category Archives: Adventures of A Self-Healther
In this day and age of instant gratification, the art of truly nourishing our bodies has been lost. Rather than looking to food for its honest purpose—providing the fuel our bodies need to accomplish everything it must do each day—food is now just the stuff we consume to fill the void in our bellies. We […]
If you’ve been considering yourself lucky because you’ve managed to avoid catching bugs from the people coughing and sneezing around you, I daresay that luck has nothing to do with it. The thing that’s been keeping you healthy is your immune system, plain and simple. And it takes more than luck to keep it—and you—strong […]
It doesn’t take much digging to discover Anna Vocino is a woman of many talents. Spend a few minutes on her website, and you’ll see what I mean. When I took some time to talk with her awhile back, I quickly learned that her life has taken her down a diverse career path. Vocino, a […]
Many of us think we should only spend time on our hobbies once we’ve taken care of everything else (you know, the important stuff). After you get the house clean or set the annual budget for your business, then—and only then—you can finally do that fun activity that you get completely lost in. Well, that’s […]
All day long we’re standing, sitting, and moving as we go about doing all the things our lives require of us. Then, at the end of the day, we flop down in our beds to get the rest our body needs in order to do it all again. Standing, sitting, and moving, day after day. […]
Some of us just aren’t gym people. But every couple of years—usually in January—we think we should be gym people and make it our resolution to “join the gym and actually go this time.” But it never sticks. We may beat ourselves up about it a little bit, but we soon fall into our old […]
There was once a time when the year 2020 sounded incredibly futuristic. We’d never reach it—but if we did, there’s no way we’d look at our daily lives the same way in 2020 as we did back then. Surely, everything would be different. Right? Yet we’re just a few days into this visionary year and […]
Here at the Adventures of a Self-Healther blog, we discussed all sorts of topics in 2019. We made cholesterol less scary, learned about the pancreas, discussed fermented foods for naysayers, examined the perfect diet (for you), and explored some compelling facts about breast milk—to name just a few. Along the way, I hope you were […]
Every day, there’s a battle cry heard in most kitchens across the land: “I’m tired of wasting food!” Or it’s what the adults—aka the ones who buy the groceries and pay the bills—are saying anyway. One of the rites of passage into adulthood is when you go from opening the fridge, finding it clearly packed […]
The end of the year is drawing closer, and whether you realize it or not, you’ve probably been thinking about what you want your 2020 to look like. In other words, all kinds of ideas about the things you’d like to accomplish are bouncing around in that big beautiful brain of yours. Maybe you just […]
Sleep is one of those things that most of us don’t get enough of. Though the restorative impact it has on our bodies is well known, I bet we don’t even know the half of it. The busyness of this time of year can be an arch enemy of slumber, so make sure you don’t […]
It’s hard to remember the last time you got a piece of personal mail delivered to you, isn’t it? If you’re like me, the route back from the mailbox always includes a brief stop at the recycling bin or the shredding pile, and rarely does anything make it any further than that. When a handwritten […]
Here in the United States, Thanksgiving is just a couple days away. While the origins of the holiday aren’t without controversy, President George Washington’s first Thanksgiving proclamation was about giving thanks to God. I was raised to celebrate this day as a time to give thanks for the good things in my life. And, I […]
Quick! Grab your to-do list and tell me what’s on it. If you’re like most adult humans on the planet, you’ll rattle off rather mundane tasks: Balance the checkbook. Pick up dog food. Return library books. But have you jotted down any joyfully rejuvenating activities to take care of yourself? No? Let’s change that immediately. […]
November is National Family Caregivers Month, which couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time in my life. You see, we just lost our dear friend, Andy, to pancreatic cancer, and I was truly amazed by the number of people who stepped up to make sure he wasn’t alone as he battled through the stages […]
Earlier this month, I mentioned Child Health Day in a post I wrote about the importance of starting healthy habits from a young age. Well, I’m just not sure that one day alone gives our children’s health the attention it truly deserves. This generation of kids is going to be responsible for taking care of […]
It’s impossible to talk about healthy habits without talking about the destructive nature of refined sugar. And if you think you’re off the hook because you switched to artificial sweeteners, think again. Zero- and low-calorie sweeteners, such as aspartame or saccharin, cause a whole other set of problems. It’s not that sweet foods, in and […]
How many times have you thought to yourself: It would be so much easier to ditch this unhealthy habit if only I’d never started it in the first place. Because, let’s face it, changing our habits isn’t always easy to do. So, when is the best time to start up a healthy habit? The answer […]
On a daily basis, most of us take our food for granted. Maybe you like scrambled eggs with onions, peppers, and spinach for breakfast. And a crunchy chef salad with a tahini dressing is always nice at lunch. And, for dinner, maybe some grilled salmon and roasted veggies. Not too bad, right?! But do you […]