Category Archives: Adventures of A Self-Healther

You Got a Sunburn, Now What?


Summer has officially started, and with it comes more and more outdoor activities. Whether that means sitting at a baseball tournament all weekend or weeding your garden for an entire afternoon, the sun will be at its peak—and getting too much of it can completely wipe out the health benefits of exposing yourself to its […]

Do You Really Lose When You Snooze?

Hitting snooze

I hit the snooze button this morning. I’m not proud of it, but I had a later night than usual because of our son’s choir concert, and the thought of getting up at that moment seemed impossible. If I’m being honest here, I’ve become a snooze button hitter lately—and now something I’d never felt the […]

The Fine Art of the Perfect Push Up


Push ups work your whole body—that is, when you do them properly and without modification. A well-executed push up uses the muscles in both your upper and lower body and engages your core. It’s an “old school” exercise that means business, and since it doesn’t require any special equipment, you can “drop and give me […]

When Exercise Gets Boring, Join a Group

Kickboxing class

A favorite neighbor mentioned to me the other day that she’s bored with exercising on her own. Half an hour in, and she’s ready to walk away. This surprised me because she’s a very fit momma with two young kids. I always assumed this level of physical fitness was achieved by health nuts who exercised […]

School Testing: The First Step to Cardiovascular Disease?

Child sitting in classroom

With the school year winding down, the number of standardized testing days seems to be never-ending. And when our kids are taking tests, they aren’t moving their bodies. Rather, they’re sitting in front of a screen, plugging away at the questions in front of them—sometimes for hours on end. What effect does this have on […]

What Tale Is Your Hair Weaving About Your Health?

Thinning hair

My hair has gone through all sorts of ups and downs over the years—and I’m not just talking about its varying lengths every time I leave the salon. No, what I’m referring to is the overall health of my hair. From thick and shiny to frizzy and lackluster, our hair weaves a tale about our […]

Boost Your Workout with Circuit Training

Circuit training

The high-intensity interval training (HIIT) I committed to awhile back was great. It offered up some variety to the workout routine I’d been using, and I didn’t need to carve out another big chunk of time in my day to make it happen. I also noticed a change in my physique—enough changes to keep me […]

Who’s on Your Nutrition Team?

Diet and exercise

A while back an article discussing whether or not you can combat your bad eating habits with exercise caught my attention. As you might suspect, the one word answer is “no.” Actually, the foods you put into your body impact not just your overall health but also the effectiveness of your exercise habits. You cannot […]

The Health Power of Friendship


A longtime friend of our family is visiting, and it’s reminding me how important these people are in our lives. The instant warmth that surrounded each of us, including our dog, told a story I hadn’t considered before: the power of friendship must have an impact on our overall health in a way we may […]

How to Talk with Your Teen About Junk Food

Teen with burger and fries

When your kids are young, it’s easy to control the foods they eat. Sure, you can’t completely shelter them from less nutritious foods—they will be invited to birthday parties and the like. But, for the most part, you’re their food supplier. You’re in control. This all changes once they become teenagers. They earn their own […]

Simple Ways to Add Variety to Your Brown Bag

Brown bag lunch

When it comes to healthy eating habits (for your body and your wallet), choosing to “brown bag” it at lunchtime ranks pretty high up on the list. Unfortunately, when it comes to packing lunch each day, a good number of people think they only have enough time to throw together a boring cold sandwich and […]

Jumping Rope for a Healthy Heart and Beyond

Jumping rope

If you think there’s an age at which you’re supposed to toss your jump rope aside, you’re misguided. Jumping rope will continue to benefit your cardiovascular system and brain for as long as you have them. And I’m willing to bet you fit this description, right?! So if you’ve been longing to jump some rope […]

Veggie Noodles: A Step to Better Nutrition

Zucchini noodles

As I mentioned earlier this year, I’ve committed 2016 to making small monthly changes that will, inevitably, lead to a year of success. With March being National Nutrition Month, I plan to pick one aspect of my current nutrition routine that could use a little “beefing up” and then make it happen. I encourage you […]

Let’s Grow Some Stuff!


For me, it’s hard to reach the last week of February and not start dreaming of the next season. There it is, right around the corner—bright sunshine greeting you with a nonchalant smooch on the forehead, warm breezes enveloping you in a gentle hug, lingering snow and ice being banished from all the land. Sounds […]

The Key Is in Your Core (Training)


My core muscles have taken a beating over the years. It all started with carrying three babies to full-term, and then the problem was exacerbated by my disdain for all things in the sit-ups and crunches family. Bicycles, side twists, exercise ball—I’m not a fan. Your core muscles are pretty darn important though, and not […]

Raw vs. Cooked: The Vegetable Controversy

Cooked vegetables

I used to feel guilty about how rarely I felt the urge to throw together a big ol’ salad and gobble it up. After all, a bed of beautiful dark greens with bits of red pepper, cucumber, carrots, red onion, and maybe even some hard-boiled egg makes for the ultimate in health-inducing cuisine. Yes? How […]