Category Archives: Raising Healthy Humans

Spring Detox Time for Body and Home

Hello and happy spring! Spring is such a wonderful time of year full of new life, fresh colors, wonderous rain, relaxing weather and the ever-so-popular spring cleaning. But have you ever thought of spring cleaning your body? What a perfect way to embrace the new season after all those bundled-up hibernation months of winter. I’m […]

KISS Part 2:
Tips for Your Health Goals Success

Hello again! My last post focused on the KISS method for child health, and today I want to expand on that concept for ourselves. In the spirit of simplicity, I’m back with more tips to help you weave health and happiness seamlessly into your daily routine. So, let’s keep the ball rolling with some straightforward, […]

It’s Time to KISS:
Tips to Bring Health into Your Kids’ Daily Life

In thinking about my post for today I remembered a line I heard in some movie somewhere. I don’t remember the context, but I clearly can hear the character stating, “Keep it simple, stupid.” What an intriguing concept! In my effort to find the origins of this phrase, I learned that it comes from the […]

How to Cure Picky Eaters, Part Two

This is the second and final part of my series on helping children eat nutritious food. For the first part in the series, please see “How to Cure Picky Eaters, Part One.” Getting persnickety eaters to enjoy a variety of nutritious foods can feel like a futile mission.  When you consider how many unhealthy influences […]

How to Cure Picky Eaters, Part One

Few things are more discouraging than planning a nutritious meal, gathering healthy ingredients, and cooking the wholesome dish for your family—only to be met with a chorus of complaints: “This looks gross!” “What’s that green stuff?” “I hate tomatoes!” And the ultimate, “I’m not eating that.” Your heart sinks. Your temperature rises a little (or […]

Could That Morning Pastry Be Causing Your Mood Swings? The Acid/Alkaline Balance and Mental Health

Alkalizing diets have become a fairly common topic these days, especially in reference to disease. I can’t research cancer remedies without running into articles about how to balance your body’s pH levels with the right foods. In fact, until I came upon Dr. Royal Lee’s “Guideposts to Mental Health” in the SRP Historical Archives, I […]

5 Rules for De-Stressing Your Holidays

We’re in the heart of the holiday season, but for some of us, the most wonderful time of year is turning into the most stressful time of year. Just a few months ago, we waited anxiously for fall to usher in the long-awaited holidays. Yet as they draw near, it seems we’re bombarded with the […]