Category Archives: Practitioner’s Corner

New Year’s Resolutions

Here we are, NEW YEAR’S! It’s a time of ending and beginning as we say goodbye to 2021 (though most may say good riddance) and move on to 2022. (Lord, this year has got to be better!) We humans often look forward to change—be it a change of attitude, behavior, or circumstance. To mark this […]

How to Tune Up Your Diet Without the Pain

Selene River Press recently received a question about how to still enjoy foods you love even while making healthier diet choices. Essentially, this person wanted to know if they had to give up their favorite donut in order to eat healthier. I love this question because there are so many possible answers, and most of […]

When the Numbers Lie:
The Myth of Drug Statistics

If you take any sort of medication, it might interest you to learn what its NNT is. This acronym stands for the “number needed to treat,” essentially a ratio that tells you the number of people who need to take a medication for one person to see a benefit. The perfect scenario would see one […]

Your Pet’s Annual Vet Visit

It can be difficult to know when our pets aren’t feeling well. Sure, we might notice some obvious symptoms such as shaking, panting, crying, loss of appetite, lameness, stiffness after rest, a change in posture, aggression or a grumpy temperament, excessive licking and scratching a specific area, a difference in how they play, or  a […]

Anything Can Cause Anything

“Anything can cause anything!” “You don’t always have what you got!” These phrases I learned from Dr. Victor Frank, the developer of Total Body Modification (TBM). I remind myself of them daily, but especially when I feel stuck with a patient. You know, I’ve tried all of these other things, and I think…what do I […]

Good to Know:
Ragland’s Test

There are many “SIMPLE” tests you can perform on your patients to determine the function of the body and the body’s systems. I have dedicated the last 10 years in sharing what I have learned to other practitioners so that they may be more effective in treating their patients. One such test is Ragland’s Test […]

Every Patient Visit Is an Open Book Quiz

As a healthcare provider, I find value in displaying charts on the wall and keeping other references handy that remind me of successful procedures and applications of Standard Process whole food supplements, including when to use them. Ever wish you could remember all the important things you learned over the years? I know I have! […]

Muscle Testing:
Fact or Fantasy?

Muscle testing—what a wonderful tool. Chiropractors have been using it successfully since 1964, and since then other healthcare practitioners have incorporated it into their practice, including neurologists. Yep, on the sidelines of sporting events you will occasionally see a neurologist pushing on an athlete’s arms to determine neurological injuries. Muscle testing was developed by Dr. […]

“Why Do I Have to Keep Coming Back, Doc?”

Patients who are new to natural healthcare can be a bit finicky. I can say this with love and respect because I was just like that as a new patient years ago. I grew up in the “medical model,” where any symptom was undesirable and should be immediately suppressed with the latest medication. I was […]

Why Nutrition Knowledge Is Essential for the Chiropractor

When I was a young chiropractor, I often heard stories about the adjustment that would finally bring patients the relief they had long sought. I also wondered when this “magic adjustment” would take hold and resolve the back issues and subluxation complexes of my own patients. It wasn’t until I undertook Dr. Scott Walker’s Neuro-Emotional […]

Dr. Dority on the 33 Royal Principles of Health:
#11. The Character of Universal Forces

Welcome to “The Royal Principles of Health,” written by Dr. Michael Dority and presented by Selene River Press. This fascinating series is based on the 33 principles of chiropractic identified by R.W. Stephenson, DC, PhC, in his 1927 classic Chiropractic Textbook. Dr. Dority calls these the “Royal Principles of Health” and invites you to learn […]

Joseph’s Journey Through Cancer

In April 2007, I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma, a non-Hodgkin’s, large B-cell cancer. As a committed practitioner of wholistic health for 35 years prior to my diagnosis, you can imagine how opposed I was to the standard medical approach of cancer treatment: cutting (surgery), burning (radiation), and poisoning (chemotherapy). Fortunately, my cancer was slow-growing. […]

Dr. Dority on the 33 Royal Principles of Health:
#10. The Function of Force

Welcome to “The Royal Principles of Health,” written by Dr. Michael Dority and presented by Selene River Press. This fascinating series is based on the 33 principles of chiropractic identified by R.W. Stephenson, DC, PhC, in his 1927 classic Chiropractic Textbook. Dr. Dority calls these the “Royal Principles of Health” and invites you to learn […]