I’m blessed to work with so many talented veterinarians. These men and women have big hearts for wet noses. But for many of us, no matter who we are, we often take our heart for granted—until it gives us problems. And I think we do the same with our pets. Many times we don’t give […]
Category Archives: Practitioner’s Corner
Chiropractic doctors! We’re treating patients who are more malnourished, more emotionally and physically stressed out, and more toxic than ever before. In December 2011, the American Academy of Neurological Surgeons calculated that “an estimated 75 to 85 percent of all Americans will experience some form of back pain during their lifetime.” Staggering statistic, but the […]
As the demand for a holistic approach to health care grows, practitioners need to seek out the right tools to treat patients who want such options. Begin the process of improving your patient evaluations with Muscle Response Analysis, a method you can use as a benchmark. With this visual tool, your patients will be able […]
Another 180-degree reversal by this country’s nutritional “authorities.” This is the second huge reversal in just one month; the previous one being the USDA warning that foods containing cholesterol do not need to be avoided. They don’t elevate blood cholesterol levels. That comes after generations of perpetuating this fear and their own bad science. Royal […]
Editor’s Note: The antioxidant theory has been in our collective face for way too long. It’s a theory that’s never been proven. In fact, it’s been disproven. Yet it remains an urban legend—and it continues to do harm. Read on to learn everything you need to know about vitamins and antioxidants from author Mark Anderson. […]
It’s that time again. Now that the New Year is upon us, we’re making resolutions to improve our diet, get more exercise, and take better care of our families—but sometimes we forget about our four-legged family members. When it comes to giving our pets the nutritional support they need to enjoy long, healthy lives, where […]
From: Dr. WM Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 7:39 AM To: Mark Anderson Subject: I’m bummed Mark, I’m bummed. I recently was told that Standard Process Calcium Lactate is calcium carbonate from limestone bound to lactate from tapioca. Cripes. It’s counter to Courtney’s discussion on the easy conversion of calcium lactate to an ionized form, […]
Don’t you love getting a great night’s sleep? Everyone does! So here are a few tips—and a beautiful laminated infographic—to help you sleep like a baby. There are numerous reasons we experience sleep issues. Melatonin, a neurotransmitter your brain makes, helps a lot of people. If you’re one of them, the problem may actually be […]
Good things come in fours, and this is especially true when it comes to Dr. Lowell Keppel! He’ll be hosting four separate classes with an intense focus on specific areas for nutritional evaluation: Vital Signs and Vitamins Organs and Immune System Digestive and Mineral Endocrine System Got your attention yet? Each of these intensive 4-hour […]
Sacajawea was a Shoshone Native American who lived between the years of 1788–1812. She was married at the age of 13 and became a mother at the age of 17. Less than two months after the birth of her son, she set off in 1805 to guide the Lewis and Clark expedition, trekking over 3,700 […]
We interrupt your day to bring you this emergency adrenal update. Listen here for important adrenal news directly from Dr. Royal Lee. Photo from iStock/ImageegamI
Finally, the truth about fat. You can have your bacon and eat it, too: “The Questionable Link Between Saturated Fat and Heart Disease.” Good thing we’ve been listening to Dr. Royal Lee. Listen for yourself: Eat Animal Fats, Lose Weight: 1964 https://www.seleneriverpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Eat-Animal-Fats_Lose-Weight_1964.mp3 Photo from iStock/Demid
Stress is something we humans deal with every day. But let’s stop and think about our pets. Do they have stress in their lives? If so, what types of stress do they deal with? There’s a quote that goes: Handle every stressful situation like a dog. If you can’t eat it or play with it, just pee […]
When it comes to the best choice for milk, there’s an ongoing controversy and opinions from every side. Is the best choice raw, organic, cow, goat, soy, rice, or nut milk? Issues like dairy intolerance and convenience also help fuel our search for substitutes. One of the things we’ve learned through our evolving relationship with […]
Exactly one year ago, the New York Times ran a science editorial entitled “It’s the Sugar, Folks.” The opening sentence: “Sugar is indeed toxic. It may not be the only problem with the Standard American Diet, but it’s fast becoming clear that it’s the major one.” A few paragraphs later it states, “The study demonstrates […]
Dr. Royal Lee’s prescience never stops revealing itself as modern medicine continues to stumble over the truth in places it was not consciously looking. The only amazing thing here is how long it takes and how far they still have to go to recognize the complete picture. Mental illness and the brain/autoimmune connection was first […]
I’m delighted to introduce my new muscle testing seminar, an endeavor over 10 years in the making. At the February 8th Muscle Response Analysis (MRA) Seminar in Thornton, I’ll present the Muscle Response Analysis Chart, which is based on the 7 sets of reflex points. Practitioners will love this work—it’s simple, reliable, and consistently gets […]
Grilled foie gras and vegetables in a savory broth. I remember watching Dances with Wolves during my childhood—particularly the scene where Lieutenant Dunbar participates in a hunt for “Tatanka,” or wild bison. After the kill, one of the Lakota warriors cuts open the fallen bison, pulls out its warm heart, and offers it to the […]
It’s the time of year when everyone starts talking and thinking about colds and flu. It’s also the time of year when we start asking ourselves, “Should I get the flu shot?” For me, the answer is no. I don’t get the shot because I’d rather support my immune system’s ability to fight viruses and […]
Looking for a cheap and easy way to cope with holiday stress that’s guaranteed not to leave you with a hangover—or added inches to your waistline? Then read on. Acupressure, developed in Asia some 5,000 years ago, is a type of bodywork therapy. It involves pressing or massaging specific points on the body using a […]