Category Archives: Practitioner’s Corner

5 Steps to Improved Immune and Gut Health

Did you know that the lining of your intestine (also known as the second brain) plays a huge role in the health and strength of your immune system? That’s why you should pay close attention to the following conditions and address them before they offset the delicate balance of your gastrointestinal system: Irritable bowel Constipation/diarrhea […]

Spring Is Here! Cleanse and Detox

Why detox? Research suggests that many health problems are associated with prolonged exposure to various toxins in our environment, which can overburden our system and result in “dis-ease” or feelings of un-wellness. Who should detox? Everyone! All of our bodies produce toxins during the process of digestion and elimination, and when we fight infection and […]

Alternative Modalities in Veterinary Medicine Today

Remember when a trip to the veterinary clinic would focus mainly on topics such as vaccinations and fecal exams? Well, today’s veterinarians are more aware of alternative care than ever before. Veterinarians, just like their counterparts in human medicine, now provide acupuncture, chiropractic care, laser treatment, stem cell treatment…the list goes on and on. Why, […]

Are You Buying or Renting Your Probiotics?

What are “probiotics”? They’re living organisms (friendly bacteria) that need a conducive environment in order to grow and become self-sustaining. If the environment of your intestines, sinuses, and/or vaginal tract isn’t conducive to friendly bacteria, you’ll always “need” probiotics. The World Health Organization (WHO) currently defines probiotics as “live micro-organisms which, when administered in adequate […]

6 Steps to a Healthy Thyroid

A sluggish thyroid affects much more than just your weight: it plays a role in managing body temperature, metabolism, and libido; regulating fluid balance and bowel transit time; and maintaining everything from healthy hair and nails to brain function to the female hormone cycle. Hypothyroidism is when your thyroid is sluggish, or functioning suboptimally. It’s […]

Right now. Just now. Now now.


Tons of words. Tons of cures. We must change our way of thinking. Instead, we’re chasing “cures” and waiting for someone else to find magic bullets. I’ve said this many times, and I’ll repeat it countless times before my time expires: You. Are. The. Magic Bullet. An ounce of prevention. A portion of my heart […]

5 Top Tips for a Safe Dog Park Visit

Dog park

Dog parks are a popular solution for ever-growing cities with ever more restrictive leash laws. And you’ll find that taking your pet to the dog park has many benefits, including social interaction (for both of you), plus physical and mental stimulation. Some dog parks are even known for building strong communities. Unfortunately, although dog parks […]

The Weight Loss Triad for Your Pet

Big dog

None of us like to hear that our pets are overweight—or that they may potentially develop a serious medical condition such as heart disease, diabetes, or osteoarthritis pain as a result. But the truth is, many of us don’t even realize it when our pet is overweight. For example, according to the Association for Pet […]

Fat Does Not Make You Fat

Eating processed grains is like trying to build a house with processed wood. You call the lumber yard, order all the lumber to frame up your house—the two-by-fours, rafters, ply boards, doorjambs, etc. The truck delivers all these materials in the form of sawdust with a note that says, “We just processed all your wood […]

Prenatal Problems: Michael’s Story


More and more people are coming to understand that nutrition, acupuncture, and chiropractic can help improve virtually any situation with the body’s health. It’s especially fulfilling when parents on the way home from the hospital with their newborn first stop to see you, the chiropractor, so you can examine and adjust the infant—just like Michael’s […]

Prenatal Nutrition and Birth Defects

Prenatal nutrition

In every language, the first words spoken by a woman after delivery are, “Is my baby healthy?” The first words spoken by a woman upon learning that she is pregnant should be, “Am I well nourished?” Evidence of human birth defects dating back over three thousand years is reported in archaeological literature. Excavated ruins of […]

The Banting “High-Fat” Diet: Fad or Fact?

Banting Diet featured image

Start clearing more space on your plate for fat, because the latest fad diet is on its way to American shores, direct from our friends in South Africa. On a recent trip to Cape Town, South Africa, I kept hearing about the Banting Diet from locals who were shocked to learn I didn’t even know […]

A.D.D. – Jacob’s Story: Boosting School Performance with Diet

Growing boy

What I love about being a chiropractor is witnessing the rewarding results my clients get when they make positive changes in their lives. Being a chiropractor also allows me the freedom to use nutritional supplements, herbs, and homeopathic remedies to assist the body in restoring the balance needed to maintain health. Here is the story […]

Keeping Your Pet Safe During the Holidays

Cat and Christmas tree

Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year! I love spending time with my family and friends and taking in the Christmas lights and decorations, the gala of food, and the joy of the Christmas spirit. However, in the midst of all the excitement, many pet owners don’t recognize the hazards our furry friends can […]

3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Break Your Sugar Addiction

Sugar cubes

In a world where a dangerous threat to our health and happiness lurks within nearly 80 percent of the food offered up to us by our local grocery stores…where multitudes are misled by a seemingly supernatural marketing force—a world of confusion…a world of addiction—only one person will be able to bring balance… You! By recognizing […]

Coping with the Loss of a Pet

Sad dog

The loss of a pet can be devastating and, at times, unbearable. It’s a natural process to grieve over losing a dear family member, whether that family member is two-legged or four-legged. The grieving process happens gradually. It can’t be forced or hurried—there is no “normal” timetable. Some people start to feel better in weeks […]

We Interrupt Your Day: Antioxidant News

We interrupt your day to bring you two reports hot off the press. #1 from The Washington Post, entitled: “The latest study about antioxidants is terrifying. Scientists think they may boost cancer cells to spread faster.” Gee, anyone want to guess what this is about? The title seems so vague! And file #2 is the […]

From Impotence to Fatherhood


With the right support, your body is capable of amazing things. A seemingly healthy 38-year-old man—let’s call him Duane—walked into my office in October 2014 with this complaint: “My thyroid is gone, and my wife wants to get prego.” Duane’s impression of chiropractors was “they crack your back in ways that you always have to […]

The Torment of Pet Itch

dog lying on grass

Ugh! My dog won’t quit licking and itching. Have you ever had to deal with a pet that had a persistent itch or wouldn’t quit licking or grooming? Well, take comfort—you’re not alone. This problem can be unbearably frustrating for owners and, at times, painful for our pets. They’re susceptible to skin infections, parasites, allergies, […]

7 Foods to NEVER Put in Your Mouth!


Hydrogenated fats, artificial ingredients, toxic chemicals—a lot of what passes for food these days should never pass your lips. Take a look at the following list, and start paying attention to what you put in your mouth. Some are no-brainers, and others may surprise you. But that’s only because the food industry has been so […]