Enjoy the latest installment of Dr. Lowell Keppel’s “Good to Know” series for practitioners.
Category Archives: Dr. Lowell Keppel
Enjoy the first installment of Dr. Lowell Keppel’s “Good to Know” series for practitioners.
The dreaded hangover—that painful reminder that you overindulged. Isn’t it true what we ALWAYS say? I’m never doing that again! And yet, after a few days or a few weeks, we find ourselves suffering again because of our own poor decisions. Dr. Scott Walker, DC, one of my mentors and the developer of the Neuro-Emotional […]
We have arrived at back to school! Kids are starting both classes and sports, so this is a vital time to take a look at the children of your patients. Did you know that every year teenage athletes drop dead from sudden cardiac arrest? According to the Cleveland Clinic, sudden cardiac death kills one in 100,000 to one in 300,000 athletes under the age of 35, more often males. Sudden cardiac arrest is due to an “electrical” problem in the heart. […]
What are “probiotics”? They’re living organisms (friendly bacteria) that need a conducive environment in order to grow and become self-sustaining. If the environment of your intestines, sinuses, and/or vaginal tract isn’t conducive to friendly bacteria, you’ll always “need” probiotics. The World Health Organization (WHO) currently defines probiotics as “live micro-organisms which, when administered in adequate […]
More and more people are coming to understand that nutrition, acupuncture, and chiropractic can help improve virtually any situation with the body’s health. It’s especially fulfilling when parents on the way home from the hospital with their newborn first stop to see you, the chiropractor, so you can examine and adjust the infant—just like Michael’s […]
What I love about being a chiropractor is witnessing the rewarding results my clients get when they make positive changes in their lives. Being a chiropractor also allows me the freedom to use nutritional supplements, herbs, and homeopathic remedies to assist the body in restoring the balance needed to maintain health. Here is the story […]
Hydrogenated fats, artificial ingredients, toxic chemicals—a lot of what passes for food these days should never pass your lips. Take a look at the following list, and start paying attention to what you put in your mouth. Some are no-brainers, and others may surprise you. But that’s only because the food industry has been so […]
As the demand for a holistic approach to health care grows, practitioners need to seek out the right tools to treat patients who want such options. Begin the process of improving your patient evaluations with Muscle Response Analysis, a method you can use as a benchmark. With this visual tool, your patients will be able […]
Don’t you love getting a great night’s sleep? Everyone does! So here are a few tips—and a beautiful laminated infographic—to help you sleep like a baby. There are numerous reasons we experience sleep issues. Melatonin, a neurotransmitter your brain makes, helps a lot of people. If you’re one of them, the problem may actually be […]
Good things come in fours, and this is especially true when it comes to Dr. Lowell Keppel! He’ll be hosting four separate classes with an intense focus on specific areas for nutritional evaluation: Vital Signs and Vitamins Organs and Immune System Digestive and Mineral Endocrine System Got your attention yet? Each of these intensive 4-hour […]
I’m delighted to introduce my new muscle testing seminar, an endeavor over 10 years in the making. At the February 8th Muscle Response Analysis (MRA) Seminar in Thornton, I’ll present the Muscle Response Analysis Chart, which is based on the 7 sets of reflex points. Practitioners will love this work—it’s simple, reliable, and consistently gets […]
It’s the time of year when everyone starts talking and thinking about colds and flu. It’s also the time of year when we start asking ourselves, “Should I get the flu shot?” For me, the answer is no. I don’t get the shot because I’d rather support my immune system’s ability to fight viruses and […]
Today’s world of vitamin supplements is full of confusion and contradiction! For an example of what I mean, read this article I shared on Facebook. The article, about calcium and heart issues, made me realize once again that the emphasis of almost all vitamin research is placed on how much of any particular vitamin you […]