Pet foods don’t give your animals all the nutrition they need! How do I know this? As a veterinary technician, I meet with hundreds of experienced veterinarians in Colorado and throughout the country. Most of them tell me they’re encountering more cases of allergies, GI problems, and cancer today than they did 20 years ago. […]
One may think that running a business in the world of personal health is very cut and dried, and it would be if you were the only one in the market offering your particular services to patients. However, there is this issue called “competition,” which means you are not competing against one other health practice […]
If I had to name one vegetable that sends most folks running, it would be Brussels sprouts. Unfortunately, what creates this stigma is incessant overcooking that releases sulfuric compounds. It’s really too bad because Brussels sprouts are quite delicious and extremely good for you. They are also coming in to their peak season right now. […]
It’s been several years since I’ve had the daily, glazed-over look of a sleep-deprived new parent. But I can still recognize—and sympathize—with other new moms and dads from a mile away. You see them now and then out in the world. In the grocery store, they may ask where the bananas are, even if they’re […]
When he first heard of this odd new concept of autoimmune reactions in the body, the father of modern immunology, Nobel Laureate Paul Ehrlich, was so aghast that he dismissed the theory out of hand, calling it Horror Autotoxicus. Almost a half century would pass before Dr. Royal Lee and colleagues discovered the phenomenon anew […]
Intestinal hyperpermeability, otherwise known as leaky gut syndrome, is a very real problem that health practitioners are discovering in their patients who are suffering thanks to years of bad dietary choices. If you are a practitioner who has patients with leaky gut syndrome or metabolic syndrome or you’re trying to get a better understanding of […]
I was lucky enough to get my hands on some freshly caught sardines this week—and they caught me quite off guard. I’d never dealt with the whole fish before. Come to think of it, I’d never done anything but pluck them from a can. But when a client requested fresh sardines, I finally realized what […]
Does the thought of eating liver make you shudder? I have vivid memories of my siblings and myself staging a mutiny every time our mom cooked it for supper. She never even had to tell us it was on the menu—we could smell the liver and onions frying away. That was our signal to drag […]
Our grocery store shelves are filled with processed and refined foods that have been stripped of their nutritional value. That’s why it’s more important than ever for us to reclaim the food traditions that lead to better health—namely, fermentation. In The Art of Fermentation, Sandor Ellix Katz explores the many benefits of reclaiming this tradition, including […]
Ever hear, “I’m gluten free” or “I have adult-onset celiac disease”? Gluten-free this, gluten-free that…for the love of god! I thought bread was a nourishing staple. When it was properly prepared, which means germinated and fermented, wheat bread was once the staff of life, providing nourishing sustenance for thousands of people. But in recent years, […]
Have you ever resisted a simple nutritional suggestion made by a trusted professional, for no particular reason? Ugh! I’m guilty as charged. My family has seen our clinical nutritionist for more than two years now, and I’m fairly certain she’s urged me to make my own bone broth from day one. I wouldn’t say I’ve […]
People are always talking about the importance of eating our greens. And while greens are certainly some of the most nutrient-dense vegetables around, we should also not forget to eat our “whites”—more specifically, sulfurous whites like the alliums (onions, garlic, leeks) and brassicas (cauliflower). As a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, cauliflower has a […]
In Super Nutrition for Babies, authors Katherine Erlich and Kelly Genzlinger tell you exactly “when, how, why, and what” to feed your baby in this invaluable guide to nutrition for every stage of your child’s growth. They recommend a focus on nutrient-rich foods and the elimination of refined and processed foods from both mother and baby’s […]
Honeybees—directly or indirectly—are responsible for one third of everything you eat. These lovely little insects supply our diets with a great deal of our nutritional needs, as well as diversity and pizzazz. Do you like kiwis? Thank the honeybee. Do you enjoy cashews? Thank the beekeeper. Are you fond of watermelon? Thank them both! Honeybees […]
Have you ever craved a particular food so much that you find yourself mixing it with just about anything you can think of, no matter how crazy? That’s how I’ve been feeling about sesame seeds lately. Luckily for me, they have a pretty neutral flavor—though I wouldn’t necessarily recommend them in tea. Yes, I said […]
It was cold today—damp, boots and sweater-wearing, bone-chilling cold. Okay, maybe it only felt that frigid because yesterday I was wearing shorts and flip-flops. But it made me want to eat soup, under a blanket. Instead, I opted for this tart! Why? Because I’m obviously not quite ready to let go of summer yet. And […]
The Soul of Soil: A Soil-Building Guide for Master Gardeners and Farmers presents a solid and tested approach focused on helping gardeners and farmers educate themselves about basic sustainable soil management practices. As the authors note, we must remember that “we are all part of the soil ecosystem.” First published in 1983, The Soul of Soil is […]
Burn more calories than you eat, and you’ll lose fat. This belief, known as the “calories-in, calories-out” theory, is an unquestioned principle of nutrition. We all buy it. And it makes sense—if we assume all calories behave the same in the body. Or, as the dietitians like to put it, “a calorie is a calorie,” […]
I am vowing to start a love affair with…stress. After all, most of us come face-to-face with some form of stress on pretty much a daily basis. We may as well learn to love anything (or anyone) we deal with that frequently. It makes life easier and, after watching Kelly McGonigal’s TED Talk on the subject, […]
Autumn is just around the corner, and while I look forward to brisk morning walks and nights snuggled up with a good book, I am equally sad when the reality of early darkening skies and frigid weather sets in. I almost instantly yearn (and frequently express my desire) for long warm summer days once again. […]