Stuffy Nose? Grab the Honeycomb!

I would venture a guess that most of us automatically grab for a tissue and blow like crazy when we can’t breathe through our nose. I mean, breathing is pretty important to our livelihood, yes? So getting rid of whatever bothersome thing that’s stopping the free flow of air becomes a pretty high priority, and […]

French Beef Stew with Wine for the Slow Cooker

Ask Chef Phyllis: Thinking about a menu for six to seven dinners a week gives me nightmares. Can you help with some recipes for the slow cooker that will satisfy my meat-and-potato family? — Loretta Edmiston, Riesel, Texas Yes! Here’s a French Beef Stew with Wine that feeds 4 to 6 good appetites, freezes well, […]

The Seven Deadly Fallacies of the Western Diet

Sometimes we don’t see ourselves until we catch our reflections staring back at us from a mirror. Although the image is reversed, it still reveals the facts, whether they be flaws or perfections. Perhaps our common-sense desire for healthy food is also easier to express in reverse. What are people actually saying when they insist […]

Dr. Royal Lee’s Classic Nutrition Course, From Soil to Supplement, now available as an eBook

Now you can put the wisdom of Dr. Royal Lee in your pocket and take it with you wherever you go. From Soil to Supplement: A Course in Food, Diet, and Nutrition, Taught by Dr. Royal Lee is available as an eBook in EPUB and Kindle formats as well as in print. This book was designed and edited by Mark R. Anderson […]

Beef Shank Osso Buco

This classic Milanese braise literally translates as “bone with a hole,” in reference to the succulent exposed marrow from the cross-cut shank bone. Although the dish is traditionally made with veal shanks, I’ve found that beef is not only much more economical but seems to contain more flavor than its younger counterpart, so it’s a […]

Tools for Becoming Your OwnSelf-Health Advocate

Acting as your own self-health advocate can be a challenge, especially when you aren’t medically minded by nature. When I first realized that I needed to educate myself about health-related topics—not just for my family’s well-being, but also my own—I wasn’t even sure where to begin. As I mentioned in a previous article about being […]

Complimentary Herbs and Nerves Seminar Featuring Lee Carroll!

Attention, practitioners! Colorado will be the place to be March 11–13, 2014, for Lee Carroll’s seminar on Herbs and Nerves: Pain, Insomnia and Anxiety. These half-day seminars are complimentary, but advance registration is required, so sign up today! Don’t miss out on the chance to hear a lecture by one of the foremost authorities on […]

Lies, Denial, and Prosecution:The Sugar Story

Exactly one year ago, the New York Times ran a science editorial entitled “It’s the Sugar, Folks.” The opening sentence: “Sugar is indeed toxic. It may not be the only problem with the Standard American Diet, but it’s fast becoming clear that it’s the major one.” A few paragraphs later it states, “The study demonstrates […]

Coconut-Honey Flan

Flan is a classic egg custard dessert, particularly familiar to many Latin American tables. Though regional variations are found all over the world, flan’s roots are most likely found in France, where the custard is more commonly known as crème caramel. The dessert is essentially a reversed crème brûlée, with an exception that flan and […]

Here’s the Scoop on Poop

When you live in a house full of boys, bathroom humor is common, especially if your goal is some sure-fire laughs. It’s been my experience that there’s no age limit on this particular kind of hilarity, because scatological jokes create chuckles from the young to the old. There are times when the boys get on […]

Is Honey Safe for Sugar Sensitive People?

Perfectly balanced in glucose and fructose, honey is exactly what the liver needs to reduce blood sugar spiking. In my social circles, this is such a fundamental belief that I thought I knew exactly what I was going to write about—until I looked at the research. I was shocked to find counter opinions. Should a […]

It Depends on the Vitamin

By now, you’ve probably heard about the vitamin studies published in the Annals of Internal Medicine “proving” that vitamins “don’t work.” My first question when I heard this news was, “What kind of vitamins did they give the study participants?” But when I read the studies, I couldn’t find an answer. The researchers list “multivitamin […]

Seared Scallops with Grapefruit-Avocado Salad

Spring is just around the corner, or so I keep reassuring myself. Without fail, there comes a very precise moment towards the tail end of winter where my body screams “Stop! No more soup! Please, please give me a glimpse of summer, and feed me something light and refreshing!” That moment generally occurs sometime between […]

Keep Your Spirits High When the Sun Is Low

It’s about this time of year that I begin longing for warm days and the bounty of summer. While it’s a subtle feeling, the shorter days of winter can still get a little heavy, and it’s during this time that I find myself needing a quick energy boost to keep me going. I know I’m […]

The Three Tolerances

This article takes a look at the book From Soil to Supplement, a course in diet, food and nutrition from one of the most prescient nutritionists of the century, Dr. Royal Lee. You can find more important information in our tag, Notes from the Archives. There are three tolerances, Dr. Royal Lee tells us, and they […]

The Gut Brain Connection

Had any gut feelings lately? Your gut bacteria may be trying to tell you something. Science is starting to confirm what some already know—that what happens in our gut affects what goes on in our brains and also influences our moods and our feelings. This makes sense considering the fact that there’s a ten to […]

Healthier Chocolate Mousse for Two

Nothing says “I love you” quite like a sinfully decadent treat, especially one that’s handmade with affection. And you can’t get much more sinful and decadent than a rich, dark chocolate mousse. The fact that chocolate mousse takes mere minutes to prepare, and is practically fail-safe to boot, serves to really butter up your significant […]

Forget the Diamonds…Bring on the Chocolate!

If you don’t have a hankering for chocolate, I don’t think we can be friends. I kid, of course. We can be friends—we just won’t talk about chocolate. I’d have to prove you wrong every time the topic came up, and that’s no way to treat a friend. When it comes to the health benefits […]

Introducing Our…Muscle Response Analysis Chart!

We’re delighted to introduce our new Muscle Response Analysis Chart by Dr. Lowell Keppel. This beautiful, full-color chart illustrates the science behind Muscle Response Analysis, highlighting the following 7 reflex points: organ, immune, vital signs, digestive, mineral, endocrine, and vitamin/Cataplex. Practitioners will love this simple, reliable tool that consistently produces good results with patients. This […]