Warning: You May Find This Repell-sive

The summer solstice arrives this weekend. Let the fun begin! But while the beginning of summer brings an abundance of lively outdoor activities, it also brings more bugs. Luckily for me, those pesky biting ones (I’m talking about you, mosquitoes) only find me moderately tasty, but they adore my hubby and two of our boys. […]

Toxic Toothpaste

I just read the list of ingredients in my toothpaste. Is this stuff safe?! I wonder, since some ingredients deemed safe are later declared toxic. For example, triclosan was an ingredient approved for use in toothpaste until recent findings forced the EPA and FDA to take another look. Some companies have responded to consumer concerns. […]

Men in Kitchens Is Hot Off the Grill!

Order your copy now for only $5! Attention, guys! With the first eBook in our Men in Kitchens series, A Good Day to Dine Hard, you’ll finally conquer that last frontier—the kitchen. There’s only one thing sexier than a man who cooks, and that’s a healthy man—who cooks. Nick Armstrong and Patrick Earvolino want to […]

Grilled Steak with Parsley, Arugula, and Hazelnut Pesto

Grilled Steak with Hazelnut Pesto

It’s time to say hello to barbeque season, in all its splendid, fire-charred glory! This is my favorite time of year as a cook. Nothing pleases me more than firing up the grill to prepare an entire meal without the stovetop or oven (especially in my little non-air-conditioned house). But it’s not just the relief […]

Top 4 Lessons My Dad Taught Me About Nutrition and Health

I grew up in a traditional home, which meant my mom was the chief cook and nutrition expert. When I look back, though, I see that I learned plenty from my dad too. Not that he ever started conversations with, “Here’s what you need to know.” Rather, he taught by example. Actions speak louder than […]

Feed Me Recipes eBook Update!

Want a free lunch? It’s as easy as Creamy Potato-Leek Soup! We invite you to sign up for our mailing list, if you haven’t already. New signups will receive our Feed Me! 5 Quick & Healthy Recipes eBook by Chef Briana Nervig, featuring five luscious and nutritious whole food recipes, and now recently updated with […]

Check Out Selene River Press on YouTube!

Our Men in Kitchens cooking demonstration videos will help you sharpen your skills at the cutting board with author Patrick Earvolino. Guest Chef Briana gives you the lowdown on sweeteners so you can make healthier choices. Earvolino also demonstrates one of his recipes in our new eBook, Men in Kitchens: A Good Day to Dine Hard. These videos are a quick and convenient way […]

A Cool Summer Meal: White Bean and Kale Salad

Ask Chef Phyllis: My Sicilian mother was a great cook, but she served a lot of meals cold that Americans would serve hot—like meatloaf. On summer evenings, she served her meatloaf with hard-boiled eggs in the middle, along with a kale and bean salad. I’ve figured out how to duplicate the meatloaf. Can you help […]

Thank a Local Farmer: June Is National Dairy Month

When I was growing up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin, “America’s Dairyland,” June was always a month I looked forward to. After all, it’s Dairy Month! A national holiday since 1937, various other states pay tribute to Dairy Month with their own events—but I’ve never seen it celebrated with such vigor and enthusiasm as […]

Get a $200 fermentation seminar for $39.95!

The Cook Your Way to Wellness DVD and Tell Me More booklet set provides a basic demonstration for making some of the world’s most nourishing foods. Cook Your Way to Wellness DVD This DVD is 90 minutes of Maria’s careful, detailed instruction for making kefir, whey, beet kvass, fermented veggies, kombucha, bone broth, butter, and beef […]

Moroccan Spiced Fish with Orange and Olive Salad

I don’t know if it’s because of the change in seasons and the oncoming warm weather, but I’ve been craving especially bold flavors lately. This simple, super tasty meal begins with a pungent, Moroccan-inspired fish seared over a smoking hot grill until crispy. It’s served with a unique, Spanish-inspired salad that complements it to a […]

Here Comes the Sun: To Expose or Not to Expose

Summer vacations and loads of outdoor activities are going to be here before you know it, which means you’ve got a big decision to make. Hide in the shade the whole time or bask in the sun’s glory? Lots of us keep to the shade, no matter how much we’d rather soak up the rays. […]

What’s In Your Baby’s Food?

Sacajawea was a Shoshone Native American who lived between the years of 1788–1812. She was married at the age of 13 and became a mother at the age of 17. Less than two months after the birth of her son, she set off in 1805 to guide the Lewis and Clark expedition, trekking over 3,700 […]

What’s Growing in the Garden

Many (all right, almost all) of the challenges of farming are due to the unpredictable forces of nature. Thanks to resources like the Farmers’ Almanac, biodynamic planting calendars, and weather forecasting, we can plan the best care for our crops. With every season you learn new and better ways to act with a little caution […]

Chef’s Secret to Crunchy Fish Crust: Pistachio-Crusted Salmon, Halibut, or Orange Roughy Fillets

Salmon fillets

Ask Chef Phyllis: My aim is to prepare fish for my family at least once a week. In the past, I tried prepared frozen flounder (I think it was flounder) or cod fish fillets coated in egg and bread crumbs, which I usually pan or deep fry. Of course, the kids really like this the […]

Soda Habit: Breaking Up Ain’t Hard to Do

Back in the day, I was an avid soda drinker. And I’m not talking about just once in a while. I drank my share and your share and maybe even part of your best friend’s share. Growing up, I was almost never allowed this tempting beverage, so apparently I had to make up for it […]

Raw Milk Battle Royale

The battle for raw milk is on! Bills to legalize or expand raw milk sales are pending in thirteen state legislatures. Is your state on the list? Find out at the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund website. You can also find out where the issue of raw milk stands in your state by visiting the Real […]

Salade de Printemps

This crisp and refreshing salad is inspired by a traditional French dish called salade Lyonnaise, from the province of Lyon. I’m a salad girl, and I’m known to combine multitudes of items in one big bowl. However, the French have this way of keeping their salads extremely minimal and unadulterated, which I find I can […]