Teaching Kids How to Live and Cook the “Nourishing Traditions” Way

Nourishing Traditions children's cookbook

Nourishing Traditions—part cookbook, part phenomenon—inspired half a million people to return to the wisdom of traditional human diets and start eating healthfully again. The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care gave pregnant mothers, as well as moms with newborns and children, a comprehensive guide to valuable holistic nutrition and advice on everything from […]

Summer Squash with Brown Butter Hazelnut-Mushroom Stuffing

Summer Squash

This morning I sat lazily on the back deck, slowly waking up. Tea in hand, I caught up on emails, did some crosswords, and browsed the net. On Facebook, a friend posted that it was “National Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day.” Now I can’t attest to the verity that such a day […]

Belly Fat—Simplified!

Belly fat

Fourteen years after my mom passed away, I finally got around to cleaning out the boxes containing her belongings. There was lots of memorabilia, and seeing old photos of my mom spawned what I hope is a timely subject. I noticed in her photos that as she went from childhood to young womanhood to motherhood, […]

Shrimp Scampi from the 1939 New York World’s Fair

Shrimp Scampi

Ask Chef Phyllis: About a year ago, a friend emailed me your Q&A column concerning his parents and their dining experience at the ’39 World’s Fair. We have a disagreement in our family over Shrimp Scampi since the ingredients in most recipes are nothing like what our grandparents ate at that same fair. They said […]

The Dark Side of Bone Broth

Bone broth

From the beginning of time—or at least since man discovered fire and our ancestor hunters came on the scene—humans all over the world have been boiling bones to glean their last bits of goodness after eating all the meat. Bone Broth is a time-honored traditional food that seems to have hit the mainstream recently. It’s […]

Corn and Salmon Chowder with Bacon and Dill

Corn and Salmon Chowder

Fresh corn is one of my favorite summer pleasures. I don’t eat a whole lot of it, but during its brief attendance in my vegetable garden, I can often be seen eating corn nightly until the crop is finished! The height of corn season is just about wrapping up, and by now we’ve all eaten […]

The Myth of Calories In, Calories Out

Counting calories

The argument that weight loss is merely a matter of taking in fewer calories than you exert throughout the day has never really sat right with me. It seems to be an oversimplification of an issue that too many people struggle with: carrying excess weight. Don’t get me wrong. I love the simplification of most […]

Hard Times Are a Comin!

Disaster plan

A while back, I was reminiscing about many things. I recalled a conversation my late sister-in-law told us about her grandfather who, in the late 1940s and early ’50s, was consumed with the dire predictions of the times. When the family cleaned out his home after his death, they discovered a hidden opening inside one […]

Recipes for Yak Meat: From Sizzling Steaks to Ground Meat

Chili con Carne

Yak meat is growing in popularity and availability. My friends in the know are all talking about it. They say it’s leaner than beef, just like bison, and doesn’t have any gamy taste. That’s a nice catchphrase. But yak meat is sweeter and has a depth of flavor—meaning it hits different taste buds on your […]

How Do You Prep Your Kitchen for the School Year?

school bus

The new school year is just days away at our house. It marks the end of informal meals where we eat whenever hunger strikes and whatever sounds good in the moment. I do love the unstructured days of summer. With the approach of a more regimented mentality for mealtime during the school year, it pays […]

Introducing New CDs from Selene River Press

CDs new to SRP

Selene River Press presents new CDs from two big names in the fields of herbal medicine and veterinarian practice: Lee Carroll, BSc, BHSc (WHM), and Dr. Tom Cameron, DVM. As a leading member of the MediHerb team for over 20 years, Lee Carroll bolsters his unique insights into the clinical application of evidence-based herbal medicine […]

Treating Alcoholism: What’s the Missing Link?


If you or any of your family members are trapped in the obsessive cycle of alcoholism, rest assured that there are ways out of this depressive and destructive lifestyle. Alcoholism is a devastating disorder, and it’s rarely discussed in polite company or groups that cater to those seeking good health in general. As such, it […]

Greek Yogurt Panna Cotta with Grilled Summer Fruits

Panna Cotta

Last week was the anniversary that marked the passing of my dear grandma, “Goodie.” I hold a special place in my heart for dear Goodie, with her proper British accent and her uncanny ability to kick my ass at Scrabble into her 90s. She liked to say things like “Oh, heavens no, dear.” She liked […]

Back to School for Doctors 2015: Cardiovascular Performance, Endurance, Maintenance

Back to School for Doctors

Save the date! Selene River Press is hosting Mark R. Anderson’s 24th annual Back to School for Doctors series in Denver on September 19th and 20th, 2015. This comprehensive seminar on the science of Dr. Royal Lee and how it relates to the health issues practitioners and their patients face today is a popular event that […]

Muscle Response Analysis: Vital Signs & Vitamins, Featuring Lowell Keppel, DC

MRA chart

More and more people are seeking out alternatives to traditional medicine, and the trend is expected to continue. As a holistic practitioner, you help your patients get to the root of their health issues. To do this, you need the right tools to treat those who want alternative options. Begin the process of improving your […]

Cultured Milk and Cream for Easy Ice Cream Making

Homemade Ice Cream

Summer is the perfect season to experiment with cultured frozen ice cream. Are you ready? How about a classic dessert from India called Shrikhand: rich, creamy Greek yogurt streaked with golden, orangey saffron threads and studded with exotic fruits and nuts. Inspired by this dish, at one of my cheese making classes about two years […]

The Dollars and Cents of Your Lifestyle

Piggy bank

A common argument for not eating healthy, nutrient-dense food is the fact that it’s too expensive. And it’s true—the price you pay at your local market is often double (or more) for the healthier organic versions of your favorite foods. But these immediate savings come with a hefty future price tag that you don’t see […]

Monica Corrado Helps Students Achieve Their Best Eating Habits, Well-Being

Monica at Athenry Farm

“It was a power packed mind blowing learning experience and I loved it!” So says Elaine Boland—blogger and owner of Fields of Athenry Farm—of a cooking class. Chances are high that when a cooking class is described as “a mind blowing learning experience,” Monica Corrado taught it. Boland was so impressed with what she learned […]