Vitamin Rich Casserole Recipe Bonanza!


In my ongoing quest to cook nutrient dense meals, I’ve been on the hunt for that ever-wonderful dish called a casserole. As a household of one, casseroles are a real timesaver for me. They use several types of foods (even leftovers), and I can combine my favorite flavors. Best of all, I can bake casseroles […]

Special Sweet Potatoes, 2 Surprising Ways

Sweet potato

Ask Chef Phyllis: The only time I think about or serve sweet potatoes is during the holidays. And I am tired of serving gooey, marshmallow–topped sweet potatoes to my guests for either Thanksgiving or Christmas because I find that most of them only take a taste to remember how sweet they really are. What do […]

The #1 Thing That Should Not Be True

Child eating raspberries

We live in a world jam-packed with knowledge—it’s at our fingertips in the blink of an eye. Personally, I miss the days of encyclopedias, but we’ll save that for another time. Getting back on track here, these days you don’t need to remain ignorant about any topic. A question pops in your head, go online […]

Keeping Your Pet Safe During the Holidays

Cat and Christmas tree

Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year! I love spending time with my family and friends and taking in the Christmas lights and decorations, the gala of food, and the joy of the Christmas spirit. However, in the midst of all the excitement, many pet owners don’t recognize the hazards our furry friends can […]

French Countryside Gratineed Chicken

Gratineed Chicken

Here in Northern Colorado, we’ve been experiencing some unseasonal warm, sunny weather, so it’s somewhat challenging to remember the imminent threat of winter is on our heels. Sure, we’ve had a small dose of frosts, and I can smell the chill in the evening, but when I’m wearing flip flops for Halloween, it’s easy to […]

Give With a Conscience This Year

Gift wrapping

Well, folks. Whether you can believe it or not, here we are at December 1st. That means the holidays are rapidly approaching, and if you haven’t started thinking about the people on your gift list this year, there’s no time like the present. Did you catch what I just did there? “Present” meaning right now—and […]

New Data on Your Precious Eyes!


In a recent blog post about the eye-brain connection, I detailed my own difficult battle with an eye disorder called episcleritis. Although I dealt with it successfully enough to stop using steroids, some troubling issues nevertheless remained. My continued search for a magic potion that would bring my eyes back to their original sharp focus […]

Roast Turkey with Sausage, Rice, and Mushroom Dressing: A Thanksgiving to Remember

roast turkey

Ask Chef Phyllis For years, our parents roasted a 25-plus pound turkey that my mom started to cook at 2 A.M. That very large bird was more often than not dry and tough. The side dishes saved the day. Momma made a delicious sausage and Italian chestnut dressing that was bread stuffing. Now with new […]

Gratitude Works!

Gratitude list

There are a good number of people out there who live by the creed of gratitude. While I live my life as an optimist—always seeing the best in people, places, and situations—what I’m talking about here goes way beyond that. It’s more than the power of positive thinking. On a daily basis, these folks count […]

Muscle Response Analysis: Organs & Immune System, Featuring Lowell Keppel, DC

Keppel MRA event flier

More people want holistic alternatives to traditional medicine. How do you, as a practitioner, meet their needs? You want to help your patients get to the root of their health issues. To do this, you need the right tools to treat those who want alternative options. Begin the process of improving your patient evaluations with […]

3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Break Your Sugar Addiction

Sugar cubes

In a world where a dangerous threat to our health and happiness lurks within nearly 80 percent of the food offered up to us by our local grocery stores…where multitudes are misled by a seemingly supernatural marketing force—a world of confusion…a world of addiction—only one person will be able to bring balance… You! By recognizing […]

Have You Heard What Your Fingernails Are Saying About You?


Much like the tale of your tongue, your fingernails have a lot to say about you—and your health. I’m not talking about gardeners with perpetual dirt under their nails or nibblers with the nervous habit of chewing them right down to nothing (though if you’re looking, both of those things also tell a story). No, […]

Medicinal Bone Broth for Winter’s Woes

Sick man drinking broth

Like many of us, you may wait till the last minute before you start scrambling to find an easy way to banish the first sign of the winter woes. Yes, that’s the case for many of us with too busy a lifestyle. We find ourselves unprepared to prevent the onset of a bad cold, sore […]

How to Combat Your Sitting Lifestyle

Office employees

It’s not exactly breaking news that a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your health. We’ve been hearing about it for years. But until recently, our jobs have been left out of the equation. Now that’s all changed. The frequency in the number of stories about the detriments of sitting for too long—at work or otherwise—has […]

Coping with the Loss of a Pet

Sad dog

The loss of a pet can be devastating and, at times, unbearable. It’s a natural process to grieve over losing a dear family member, whether that family member is two-legged or four-legged. The grieving process happens gradually. It can’t be forced or hurried—there is no “normal” timetable. Some people start to feel better in weeks […]

Spicy Chuck Steak Chili with Chipotle and Chocolate

Steak Chili

I’m writing this post during a small window of blissful respite at the tail end of a long weekend. It’s been a whirlwind of activity—I spent the past few days away from home, watching my nieces while my sister and brother-in-law celebrated their anniversary out of town. Not to say we haven’t been enjoying ourselves […]

The Best Herbal Teas for Fall and Winter

Chamomile tea

With the arrival of November, it’s time to exchange your pleasing glass pitchers of iced tea for your favorite mug of the hot stuff. That mug of yours has been waiting patiently in the cupboard for you to grab hold of its handle, carefully place a tea bag inside, and fill ’er up with boiling […]

Garden Ratatouille: Late Summer Variety


Ask Chef Phyllis: My mother never told me of this season in a marriage—I call it “late-summer boring squash season.” My husband (my “can’t waste anything” backyard gardener) brings me ripe zucchinis, some plump as bowling pins and others as skinny as broomsticks, and stacks these and other late summer veggies such as small peppers, […]