Boost Your Workout with Circuit Training

Circuit training

The high-intensity interval training (HIIT) I committed to awhile back was great. It offered up some variety to the workout routine I’d been using, and I didn’t need to carve out another big chunk of time in my day to make it happen. I also noticed a change in my physique—enough changes to keep me […]

Nourishing Your Pet: Spotlight on Raw Food Diets and More!

Dog and cat

While basking quietly in my cozy reading chair and watching the morning sun coming through my east bedroom window, I was surprised by the sudden PA-LOP! that brought me out of my reverie. There, to my surprise, was my sweet cat curling up in my lap, wanting to also enjoy those welcome rays of morning […]

Who’s on Your Nutrition Team?

Diet and exercise

A while back an article discussing whether or not you can combat your bad eating habits with exercise caught my attention. As you might suspect, the one word answer is “no.” Actually, the foods you put into your body impact not just your overall health but also the effectiveness of your exercise habits. You cannot […]

Proteins, Hormones, Fats, and Children

Parents with child

Every cell, tissue, gland, bone, and organ in your body is made from protein. Without protein, you cannot repair and rebuild these vital body parts. Processed grains, cereals, breads, chips, and sugary foods provide nothing but a quick burst of energy and calories to burn. These sugary and starchy foods have no protein components whatsoever […]

Your Skin: Eruptions, Traumas, and Mysteries

Diana Hermann

SRP Founder Stephanie Anderson Interviews Diana Hermann of Zi Zai Dermatology. The skin is our hazmat suit for planet Earth. But how does it protect us from invasion by invisible microbial life forms? To start with, the skin needs two substances to be present in the GI tract: lactic acid and acetic acid. The body […]

The Health Power of Friendship


A longtime friend of our family is visiting, and it’s reminding me how important these people are in our lives. The instant warmth that surrounded each of us, including our dog, told a story I hadn’t considered before: the power of friendship must have an impact on our overall health in a way we may […]

Practitioners: Harness the Knowledge of Protomorphogens

Protomorphogens CD

In September 1957 Dr. Royal Lee presented a wide-ranging lecture on his groundbreaking theory of autoimmune disease for a rapt audience of doctors in Detroit. Those original source recordings have now been digitally mastered and collected in Dr. Royal Lee on Protomorphogens. A compelling primer on the autoimmune process, this new audio CD is a […]

Common Sense Nation:
An Insightful Lesson in the Power of Language

Common Sense Nation cover

Dr. Robert Curry is a retired chiropractor from Southern California and a longtime friend and colleague of mine at Standard Process. I’ve always looked forward to our times together when I could listen to his cogent thoughts on historical events and his deep insights into the convergence of ideas and movements that shaped the American […]

How to Talk with Your Teen About Junk Food

Teen with burger and fries

When your kids are young, it’s easy to control the foods they eat. Sure, you can’t completely shelter them from less nutritious foods—they will be invited to birthday parties and the like. But, for the most part, you’re their food supplier. You’re in control. This all changes once they become teenagers. They earn their own […]

Muscle Response Analysis: Endocrine System, Featuring Lowell Keppel, DC

MRA seminar flier

The demand for holistic solutions to health issues continues to grow. How do you, as a practitioner, meet that demand? You need to get to the root of your patients’ health issues with the right tools. One of the tools that can help you help your patients is Muscle Response Analysis (MRA), a method you […]

Fat Does Not Make You Fat

Eating processed grains is like trying to build a house with processed wood. You call the lumber yard, order all the lumber to frame up your house—the two-by-fours, rafters, ply boards, doorjambs, etc. The truck delivers all these materials in the form of sawdust with a note that says, “We just processed all your wood […]

Simple Ways to Add Variety to Your Brown Bag

Brown bag lunch

When it comes to healthy eating habits (for your body and your wallet), choosing to “brown bag” it at lunchtime ranks pretty high up on the list. Unfortunately, when it comes to packing lunch each day, a good number of people think they only have enough time to throw together a boring cold sandwich and […]

Practitioners: Tailor Your Nutritional Approach with a Simple New Chart

Organ chart

Some practitioners always seem to be on the lookout, forever seeking new ways to integrate the best nutritional formulas into their practice. If that sounds familiar, we have a new tool for you. The “Nutrition Affiliated with Organs, Glands, and Tissues Chart” is a straightforward, practical guide that cross-references 45 different organs, glands, and tissues […]

Prenatal Problems: Michael’s Story


More and more people are coming to understand that nutrition, acupuncture, and chiropractic can help improve virtually any situation with the body’s health. It’s especially fulfilling when parents on the way home from the hospital with their newborn first stop to see you, the chiropractor, so you can examine and adjust the infant—just like Michael’s […]

What Is Cow’s Milk Paneer Cheese, and Can I Make It at Home?

Mattar Paneer

Ask Chef Phyllis: I just discovered Indian cuisine, which I always thought was just curry. But recently I ate something called Peas with Paneer (Mattar Paneer) at my new and maybe soon-to-be favorite restaurant. It was very good. They told me it wasn’t made from soy (since I thought I was eating tofu), but it […]

Jumping Rope for a Healthy Heart and Beyond

Jumping rope

If you think there’s an age at which you’re supposed to toss your jump rope aside, you’re misguided. Jumping rope will continue to benefit your cardiovascular system and brain for as long as you have them. And I’m willing to bet you fit this description, right?! So if you’ve been longing to jump some rope […]

Introducing the Natural Fast-Aid Cabinet

Natural Fast-Aid Cabinet

While your first-aid kit is good for the occasional scrape or sunburn, that tube of antibiotic ointment is pretty much useless when it comes to allergies, heartburn, or bloating. In fact, there’s a host of maladies that are best addressed with high quality, food-based nutritional supplements rather than adhesive pads and tweezers. Now families have […]