Blood Sugar Control: An Herbal & Food Perspective

Blood sugar control

Sometimes the usual foods we choose to keep our blood sugar stabilized are just that—“usual foods.” Take, for example, the common suggestion that we just eat a slice of cheese or drink a cup of coffee! Unfortunately, we forget, or simply don’t know, that for thousands of years many different herbs and foods have played […]

Bone Disorders: Real Osteoporosis Prevention!

skeletal structure

Are you one of the many worried people who would like to know how to best prevent the onset of an early bone disorder, or even stop the progression of one you suspect is already happening?  Maybe, like me, you’re not too excited about exercise, beyond taking long, healthy walks, but warnings that you must […]

Do You Really Lose When You Snooze?

Hitting snooze

I hit the snooze button this morning. I’m not proud of it, but I had a later night than usual because of our son’s choir concert, and the thought of getting up at that moment seemed impossible. If I’m being honest here, I’ve become a snooze button hitter lately—and now something I’d never felt the […]

Fat Burning Foods! Develop Your Own Weight Loss Program

How many times has your doctor or holistic practitioner—or even just a concerned friend—handed you a carefully outlined list of recommendations on this or that “best of the best” weight-loss diet, BUT once you got home, the information went on top of the coffee table, never to be looked at again? How about tippy-toeing around […]

How to Start Your Own Sustainable Vegetable Garden


I’m a big believer in sustainability, and I always enjoy helping people grow their own vegetables and produce. This is something I have plenty of experience in because I love showing other people how to get the most from their garden. It’s often much easier than you think. In return for a little work, you […]

The Fine Art of the Perfect Push Up


Push ups work your whole body—that is, when you do them properly and without modification. A well-executed push up uses the muscles in both your upper and lower body and engages your core. It’s an “old school” exercise that means business, and since it doesn’t require any special equipment, you can “drop and give me […]

The Science and Art of Muscle Response Analysis


What, exactly, is muscle testing? If you’re a practitioner, now is a great time to find out. Available as a 3-DVD set or as on-demand videos, Dr. Lowell Keppel’s “Muscle Response Analysis: Seminar & Workshop” walks you through the deceptively simple process that can greatly improve your level of communication and quality care. It costs […]

When Exercise Gets Boring, Join a Group

Kickboxing class

A favorite neighbor mentioned to me the other day that she’s bored with exercising on her own. Half an hour in, and she’s ready to walk away. This surprised me because she’s a very fit momma with two young kids. I always assumed this level of physical fitness was achieved by health nuts who exercised […]

Guilt-Free Dessert Recipes

Kids eating dessert

When I was growing up, there was nothing like when my mom would bake her unbeatable chocolate cake. Each day, we’d only get one slice, along with a tall glass of really cold milk. Nirvana is the only way to describe each bite of this smooth, chocolaty treat. Oh so sweet and delicious. Yum! Although […]

A Glossary of Grains That’s Easy to Understand and Use

Easter Pie

All my life, every Easter my family—guided by three generations of matriarchs—would make a traditional specialty called Easter Wheat Pie (pastiera di Grano). One of the main ingredients is grano, Italian for wheat berries. You might have seen wheat berries in the bulk section at the health food store, but unless you grind or mill […]

School Testing: The First Step to Cardiovascular Disease?

Child sitting in classroom

With the school year winding down, the number of standardized testing days seems to be never-ending. And when our kids are taking tests, they aren’t moving their bodies. Rather, they’re sitting in front of a screen, plugging away at the questions in front of them—sometimes for hours on end. What effect does this have on […]

Anointing Your Body with Oil: One More In-Depth Healing Technique

Woman anointing feet

“Essential substances, including healing fats, must be obtained in optimal quantities to maintain optimal health.” —Udo Eramus Have you perchance ever wondered why it is that even when you eat well and use affirmations, prayer, and meditations, you’re still, after so much effort, unable to resolve some persistent health issue? Could the practice of anointing […]

What Tale Is Your Hair Weaving About Your Health?

Thinning hair

My hair has gone through all sorts of ups and downs over the years—and I’m not just talking about its varying lengths every time I leave the salon. No, what I’m referring to is the overall health of my hair. From thick and shiny to frizzy and lackluster, our hair weaves a tale about our […]

Solved by Walking: Simple Steps to Health


In our modern life, have modern men and women lost touch with—or just forgotten—what our long-dead bipedaling ancestors inherently knew about the benefits of walking? When was the last time we were inspired to read books and essays with titles such as Reveries of the Solitary Walker, In Praise of Walking, or Foot Notes; or, […]

The Weight Loss Triad for Your Pet

Big dog

None of us like to hear that our pets are overweight—or that they may potentially develop a serious medical condition such as heart disease, diabetes, or osteoarthritis pain as a result. But the truth is, many of us don’t even realize it when our pet is overweight. For example, according to the Association for Pet […]