Why You Should Take Your Workout Outside—Even in the Winter

It can be hard to get the motivation for a workout in the cold winter months, let alone do it outside. But exercising out in the cold actually carries benefits above and beyond what you get from a gym. Here’s why you should be taking that workout outside, no matter what the weather. 1. More […]

Are Peanuts About to Make a Comeback?

Peanuts have been on the list of food bad guys for some time now. With the severe (even life-threatening) allergies that so many kids deal with every moment of their lives, it’s no wonder schools have cracked down. These days, in some schools the once ubiquitous peanut butter and jelly sandwich can’t even make it […]

How to Cure Picky Eaters, Part Two

This is the second and final part of my series on helping children eat nutritious food. For the first part in the series, please see “How to Cure Picky Eaters, Part One.” Getting persnickety eaters to enjoy a variety of nutritious foods can feel like a futile mission.  When you consider how many unhealthy influences […]

6 Slow Cooker Recipes That Will Make You Look Wonderful

For many of us, losing weight is a constant struggle between our urge to eat the food we love and the realization that we need to make sacrifices to look good and stay healthy. However, you can eat a much more fulfilling diet than your usual unseasoned salad and chicken breast. Slow cookers are both […]

How Human Touch Benefits Everyone

Think about the last time someone reached out and grabbed your hand just when you needed it. Chances are, this gesture immediately made you feel calmer, more supported, and ready to face whatever challenge was in front of you. This response isn’t unique to you or your situation (though there’s no harm in focusing on […]

How to Cure Picky Eaters, Part One

Few things are more discouraging than planning a nutritious meal, gathering healthy ingredients, and cooking the wholesome dish for your family—only to be met with a chorus of complaints: “This looks gross!” “What’s that green stuff?” “I hate tomatoes!” And the ultimate, “I’m not eating that.” Your heart sinks. Your temperature rises a little (or […]

Gluten Free in America: Is It the Gluten? Or Is It the Way We Make Our Bread?

Last I checked, more than three million Americans have celiac disease, and about eighteen million (6 percent of the population) experience gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance (also known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or NCGS). Gluten is an elastic protein responsible for the elastic texture of dough. When it comes to the rapid rise of gluten […]

Interesting Facts About Donating Blood

A few years back I started donating blood on a regular basis. The main reason why goes back to a memory of my mom coming home with a sticker on her shirt. It read something along the lines of: Be kind to me. I donated blood today. I don’t remember her talking about it, but […]

Confused About Carbs? What the Experts Are Saying

“Carbs” is an abbreviated slang word for carbohydrates, a critical part of the human diet. I get more questions about this subject than almost any other food item. I subscribe to many email newsletters about nutrient dense foods, and carbs came up a lot in November, along with a cornucopia of Thanksgiving recipes. Each newsletter […]

7 Easy Tips to Find Time to Exercise

“I just don’t have time to exercise.” Sound like you? You’re not alone. “No time” is the number one excuse people make for not exercising. Not to be cruel, but let’s be honest. It isn’t about having the time—it’s about making the time. Your health, fitness, and waistline depend on it. Work, school, job, and […]

Don’t Make Another Resolution Before Reading This

Another year has begun. Now that the trials and tribulations of 2016 are behind us, we can charge toward the resolutions we declared for the clean slate of 2017. As you consider what you want to achieve in the upcoming year, there are a few things you can do to set yourself up for success. […]

Could That Morning Pastry Be Causing Your Mood Swings? The Acid/Alkaline Balance and Mental Health

Alkalizing diets have become a fairly common topic these days, especially in reference to disease. I can’t research cancer remedies without running into articles about how to balance your body’s pH levels with the right foods. In fact, until I came upon Dr. Royal Lee’s “Guideposts to Mental Health” in the SRP Historical Archives, I […]

Buckwheat Pancakes: A Delicious Breakfast That Can Keep Your Heart Pumping

Last September, I had the opportunity to attend Back to School for Doctors 2016, presented by Mark Anderson from Standard Process West. I’d never been to this event before, and all I can say is wow! What I assumed would be a few doctors gathered in a small conference room turned out to be a […]

Top 5 Self-Health Adventures of 2016

Remember when you were younger and “old” people were always talking about how quickly time goes by? You didn’t believe them, right? Neither did I—but I’m there now. I’m always flabbergasted when we get to another one of our boys’ birthdays or the last few days of any given year. Yet here we are at […]

Holistic Healing Through Equine-Assisted Therapy

When you commit to a lifestyle of eating healthy and nutritious food, strange things start to happen. For some of us, these things involve horses, as you’ll see…but we’re not quite there yet. When I say “strange things,” I’m not talking about the dreaded carb flu some of us experience at the onset of a […]

Can Sound Replace Sugar? How Sound Affects the Taste of Our Food

Different senses affect how we perceive food. Imagine your grandma’s apple pie baking in the oven. If it smells flavorful, you’ll perceive that it will taste good as well. When you see how visually delectable it is as it cools on the counter, your assumption is even more confirmed. And when you feel that first […]

Last-Minute Gift Ideas That Aren’t Lame

Every year at least one surprise gift-giving event pops up. In a moment of panic, it can be tempting to grab any ol’ generic gift—think a random box of assorted chocolates or some Santa-shaped trinket. Not only are such gifts impersonal, they’re also kinda’ lame. I’ve got fantastic news for you though… Your last-minute gifts […]

Healing a Broken Heart: Nutritional Foundations: A Collaborative Approach, Featuring Mark Anderson, John Bennett, DC, and Nicole Eckman, RD

Don’t miss a beat! Get to the heart of the matter with this upcoming January seminar at the Embassy Suits in Loveland, Colorado, featuring three amazing speakers highlighting heart health. Mark Anderson, John Bennett, and Nicole Eckman each bring their expertise to the table on this timeless topic. This seminar will teach you how to […]

Be Happy—No Matter What! The Happiness Neurotransmitters

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to have a consistently happy, positive attitude? Do you think it’s possible to maintain a seemingly effervescent smile even when things aren’t going your way? Do you brood a lot? Are you blue, disappointed with your life, and lacking incentive to work on your dreams? Read on […]

Candida, Thrush, or Eczema Got You Down? Try Kefir!

Sound like a superfood? It is! But what is kefir (pronounced ke-fir)? Originating from the north Caucasus Mountains, located between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, kefir is a cultured milk product much like yogurt. But while yogurt is cultured solely with the beneficial bacteria known as lactobacilli, kefir is cultured with lactobacilli and […]