Powerful Exercises You Can Do Anywhere—No Equipment Required

There are almost as many excuses for not exercising as there are people who make them. Not enough time, you might say to yourself. Can’t find the perfect activity, you lament. And so on. We all know how it goes. But have you ever considered that it might be easier to throw in the metaphorical […]

Grain Salad Recipes Galore: Hot Weather Nutrient Dense Choices

Like millions of other outdoorsy types (myself included), you’ve probably noticed that increasingly warm weather is right around the corner. This is when our appetites seem to slow down and we’re likely to eat less. Sometimes when it’s hot enough, we can even eat as little as one full meal a day, plus a few […]

Cornmeal-Crusted Fish with Spicy Herbed Remoulade Sauce

Last week, I was given a bag of fragrant, native, yellow stone-ground cornmeal from Anson Mills with the request that I “please make something out of it.” Well, of course the first thing that came to mind was cornbread. But anyone who knows me knows that I like to take the road less traveled and […]

Answers to Your Questions About Cellulite

With the passing of Memorial Day comes the swift arrival of swimsuit season (or, for us non-swimmers, short- and tank top-season). Some of us are excited by the promise of showing more skin as the days of summer approach. But others of us feel nothing but unease and dread about what’s hidden under our sleeves […]

A Natural, Long-Term Solution

Constipation can be a major medical issue if not properly treated. Fecal buildup and retention can cause significant internal damage and related health issues, which doctors often recommend treating with more water, high-fiber foods, and prescription medicine. If the problem is a moderate case of constipation, such treatments can help. But such short-term solutions aren’t […]

Spring Green Soup

Hey there, folks! After a bit of a hiatus, I’m happy to announce that I’m finally getting back to writing. I’ll be tempting your taste buds with new, wholesome, delicious recipes, and also offering lots of tips for nourishing yourself and your loved ones with real food. Along the way, I’ll be sharing the occasional […]

Fat! What Is It Good For?

If you’ve been on your self-health adventure for any length of time, you already know that one of the most frustrating conversations you can have with people who simply follow the status quo is about fat. More specifically, the need to avoid it when we’re trying to lose weight. Lately, I’ve given up pointing out […]

A Nutty Discussion: The Good & Not So Good on Nuts!

As many of us become more conscious of foods that provide superior nourishment, the phrase “nutrient dense” (which, as I understand it, was first coined by Sally Fallon Morrell of the Weston A. Price Foundation) has taken center stage. Yet recently I’ve seen an enormous amount of blog posts, recipes, and articles espouse the utter […]

How to Do Summer Right

Summer, summer, summertime. Cancel your Netflix and your cable. Unplug your TV. It’s time to get your summer on! Whether your style is camping, road-tripping, relaxing at the pool, or staying up late for fireworks on the 4th of July, take the best care of yourself and make the most out of the short summer […]

What If We Didn’t Have Eyebrows?

When I was looking in the mirror the other day, a few questions popped in my head: Why do we have eyebrows? What exactly is the purpose of those two swaths of hair? And what would happen if we didn’t have them? It was time for a little digging. Hooray! Before we humans evolved to […]

There’s Bread and Then There’s Bread

When you think about food, do you sometimes feel like you live in two worlds at the same time? One is a colorful world of healthy food that’s full of nutrients. The other is a black-and-white world of unhealthy food that’s devoid of nutrients. In one of these worlds, bread is the staff of life. […]

Vitamin D Deficient in America? Eat Lard!

Vitamin D deficient? You are not alone. In 2004, the Scientific American reported that more than 75 percent of Americans were deficient in vitamin D. And in 2005, the Journal of Nutrition reported that vitamin D deficiency “is now recognized as an epidemic in the United States.” Really? Why? How? Taking a vitamin D3 supplement? […]

A Corn and Cornmeal Primer: Nixtamalization and More—A Must Read!

One of the more complex questions for those of us who use corn and cornmeal, or who want to learn how to use them, is the process called nixtamalization (niks-tamal-ization). According to some, there’s something wrong with using corn that hasn’t been nixtamalized. However, learning the nitty-gritty of what it all means can be a […]

Type II Diabetes, Obesity, Butter, and Public Health: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

A few days ago I received a request from the Diabetes Council of Hyde Park, NY, to be part of an “expert” panel (word used loosely in relationship to myself) on DIABETES, and provide a short article on the subject.  I decided to do it, and below is the article I provided them. Furthermore, I […]

Don’t Think You Have Time for Exercise?

If you’ve been meaning to build more physical activity into your every day life but think it will take up too much time, you’re going about it all wrong. An all or nothing approach is quite foolish when it comes to your health. It simply allows you to put off what you know you need […]

7 Ways to Restore Adrenal Health

Too many of my patients show up in my office without their adrenals. Well, technically, their adrenals may still be intact, but often they are having troubles such as: Low energy/excessive fatigue Insomnia Thyroid imbalance Unexplained weight gain or loss Muscle fatigue/soreness Anxiety or depression Poor digestion and/or multiple food intolerances Thinning hair Low libido […]

Everything and Everyone is Better with Butter

As proponents of whole foods and a holistic, natural diet, we’re big fans of butter. But what exactly makes butter so much better than synthetic margarine? For starters, if the cow is fed high-quality pasture grass—particularly fast growing, new spring grasses—the resulting butter will be a plentiful and effective source of vitamins A and D. […]

Gallbladder Attack! A Very Painful but Preventable Condition

On the same day I thought it might be time for a chiropractic adjustment, I noticed a sharp, intense pain in the upper right side of my body, underneath my ribcage. Along with that, my upper right back muscles and lower right hip felt painful and stiff. I went to see Dr. Joe Givan, one […]