Ask Chef Phyllis: I don’t doubt that people write to you about what festive meals to serve during the holidays, but my question is what to serve in between and after those costly feasts? That’s when I’m so burned out. Do you have any suggestions for crock pot meals, top–of–the–stove meals, or even simple, quick chicken meals that are cooked in the oven? […]
Being a personal trainer has taught me a lot, but one of the most important things I’ve learned is how to set myself up for success first thing in the morning. In this post, I’ll help you do the same with five simple yet powerful self-health hacks you can do every day. So let’s get […]
Versatile and tasty, cauliflower “rice” is one of the newest trends of the times. Formerly confined to a scant few home kitchens, it’s now making waves in the marketplace. You can even find it, premade and packaged, in some grocery store aisles. It’s essentially nothing more than plain old cauliflower that’s pulsed in a food processor to look like rice and then subbed into your favorite recipes instead of such. […]
In the world of alternative and holistic health, probiotics have been a topic of discussion for quite some time. Heck, even conventional medicine has come to recognize the health benefits they provide, and all of the TV commercials that tout them are yet another sign that they’ve gone mainstream (though not all are created equal). Lately, in the circle of resources I rely on, I’ve noticed another word creeping into the conversation: prebiotics. Hmm…Probiotics? Prebiotics? What’s the […]
Ask Chef Phyllis Everyone knows that English muffins came to America with Samuel Thomas. Everyone knows they’re a pain to make….kneading, rolling, cutting, and griddling. So I decided to make English muffin bread. That sounded like a solution. I tried six different recipes, some old, some new. Easy by definition, yet not so easy as the ones I tried didn’t produce the […]
I recently recalled an event from the long distant past, when I was waiting for a good friend to pick me up for some fun. Not having the time to start any particular worthy project, I turned on the TV. I should mention that my television time, both then and now, is very limited. Other […]
The most common explanation I get from people who have difficulties eating a healthy diet is that they lack time to prepare home-cooked, nourishing food. Understandable. The pressure of jobs, commutes, and family responsibilities makes it quite difficult to put nutritious, quick meals on the table each night. For many of us, it’s not a […]
Let’s face it, people. In the cold days of winter, when it’s hard to get warmed up, there are days when you just don’t feel like cooking. Maybe you only have a thirty-minute window between getting home from work and getting to your son’s basketball game. Perhaps you worked overtime on a special project and […]
Don’t be fooled by the diminutive size of pumpkin seeds—they pack quite a punch. Even if pumpkins are already part of your diet, you should consider adding the seeds as well. After all, they’re packed with tons of nutrients, and they’re just as delicious to eat as pumpkins. Also, when it comes to consuming the […]
Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot adequately process insulin and regulate blood sugars. Although many factors play into determining whether an individual develops type 2 diabetes, the standard American diet, which is loaded with processed foods and refined sugars, definitely plays a major role in the epidemic of type 2 […]
One of my all-time favorite quotes is by Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not a singular act, but a habit.” A new year is the perfect time for new beginnings and a significant chance to wipe our slate clean of negative habits. Come the start of the January, many of […]
In a perfect world, we’d only eat the foods that nourish us. Nothing but nutrient dense, grass-fed, organic goods at all times. We’d grind our own grains just minutes before baking our own bread. We’d stop off at our neighbor’s farm for our weekly supply of raw milk. If this sums up your daily life, […]
It’s every traveler’s nightmare. You’ve been planning a trip abroad for six months, but the day before take off, you start feeling that scratch in your throat. Or you make it to your destination only to notice your stomach is feeling kind of funny after eating some local cuisine. Whether it’s a car trip upstate […]
In talking with others, I’ve frequently find that when we experience pain of almost any kind, we often look for pain relief that works within minutes. Convenience and speed seem to be the priority. And too often, our first choice is one of the more devastating over-the-counter drugs. You may have guessed that I’m referring […]
For many of us, the holiday season is typically full of bustling activity and a veering away from our usual routines. We frequently indulge in too much food and drink, and we feel added pressure to attend social and family functions. Our sleep patterns sway, and we experience even more stress as we strain ourselves […]
I don’t know if you’ve heard, but as of November 2017, the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology have made some changes in what they classify as “normal” and “high” blood pressure. Previously, your reading had to reach 140/90 to be considered high. Now, however, you’re labeled with high blood pressure with […]
A headache could mean a good number of things. It could mean that you simply need to eat more or drink more water. Or it may indicate a stress-related problem. Whatever the cause, you can find relief with many home remedies. Managing Your Stress Level If you’re working more than ten hours a day and […]
If you’re looking for a simple and easy approach to body building nutrition, a whole foods regimen is the perfect solution. Aside from its simplicity, a diet of whole foods offers enormous benefits for your training, bodybuilding, and long-term health. What Are Whole Foods? Whole foods are processed and refined as little as possible before […]
I’d be terribly hard-pressed if I had to choose a favorite international cuisine. I appreciate and enjoy almost all good, wholesome food. And thankfully, today we have an abundance of globally inspired flavors and nutritional benefits at our disposal, so we’re free to experiment and introduce our taste buds to new foods quite easily. Every […]
When you think about this question, you may start listing off subjects related to the weather, politics, or other things outside of yourself. But the real power comes when you internalize it and do some real digging and reflecting. So, how will 2018 be different? For me, a few things come up. I’m looking forward […]