What Does Your Body Mean to You?

I was sitting in my kitchen, eating my post workout snack (Greek yogurt with organic blueberries and strawberries), when a funny question popped in my head. Should I add almonds, even though they’re not my favorite, because food is the fuel for our bodies. Thinking of this instantly brought back a memory from high school. […]

Healthy, Gluten-Free Grains, Seeds, and Grasses (And No, Almond Flour Isn’t One of Them!)

In July of 2014 I wrote an article titled “To Gluten or Not to Gluten,” which was published in the Summer 2014 issue of Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation. To say that it received a huge response, both positive and negative, is an […]

Chilled Shrimp Antipasto Salad

I love this time of year—the depth of color and light; the sweet air wafting with the scent of freshly mown grass; the cacophony of chirping birds, the hum of insects, and the sounds of baby critters exploring their new world. It’s nature in all her glory. In a strange way, I even relish the […]

The False Sense of Security Behind Food Label Math

When you’re first starting out on your self-health journey, chances are pretty good that one of your first moves will be to start noticing food labels at your local market. You’ll want to make sure there are zero grams of this and “all” of that, so you keep a keen eye out for those things. […]

A Mother’s Day Pancake Anyone Can Make

Ask Chef Phyllis: I need something special that kids (ages eight, ten, and twelve) can help prepare on Mother’s Day for our mom. She loves pancakes, but I don’t think I can manage frying all those pancakes without help. Is there a big pancake that’s easy and special too? Any suggestions? —Mariead Q. from Cambridge, […]

Starting the Day Right: 5 Tips for Lasting Energy

Do you struggle to wake up in the morning? Does your energy lag as you go throughout your work day? Do you sometimes feel like you’re constantly running on empty? If so, you’re not alone. Energy is a huge struggle for many of us because our are lives aren’t in balance. If you need some […]

Luscious Liver Pate: A Quick and Easy Recipe for Nature’s Most Potent Superfood

Many of us understand the countless advantages we derive from the “odd bits” of the animal. On the surface, organ meats pack a wallop of health benefits, providing us with a plentiful source of easily assimilated, concentrated nutrition. But even beyond that, they have a deeper importance. “Nose to tail” cuisine has been receiving a […]

Men: The Cycle No One Talks About

Anyone who’s made it as far as grade-school health class knows what PMS is. And once you know about this phenomenon, you start recognizing how frequently our society refers to it. Whether it’s treated as a punchline on sitcoms or a scapegoat for undesirable actions, PMS seems to be treated as an all-purpose insult or […]

Do You Take Your Phone to Bed? Follow These Tips to Avoid a Bad Night’s Sleep

Are you guilty of taking your phone to bed with you? You’re not alone. Probably millions of people place their phones underneath their pillow or on the bedside table every night—that is, if they haven’t fallen asleep with their phone clutched in their hand. If you’re seeking a good night’s sleep, lying down with your […]

Paris-Brest with Fresh Berries and Crème Suisse: A Classic French Dessert Just in time for Mother’s Day

I was eleven when I began training under a French pastry chef named Pascal. He graciously took me under his wing because he recognized my passion for food and art and my eagerness to learn and create. Every Saturday morning, I absorbed Pascal’s vast knowledge in the art of patisserie, preparing fruit tartelettes, croissants, napoleons, […]

Bitters! A Super Gut Remedy: A Bitter Herbs Primer

In our far distant past, probiotics, prebiotics, fiber from heritage grains, pesticide-free homegrown vegetables and fruits, and yes, bitter herbs, were all just a normal part of our daily diet. I honestly doubt that our ancestors understood the excellence of the foods they ate! It’s just the ways things were. And then… Then came the […]

Ever Wonder Why You Vomit?

I’m the latest victim of a bug one of our boys brought home last week. One of the main highlights of this particular bug is vomiting. Too much information? Be grateful this is the only highlight I’m sharing. ;) Curious about all that this highlight had to offer, I couldn’t help but think to myself, […]

The Ultimate Waldorf Chicken Salad: A Great Memory

A lady friend came to my house for lunch last week. I was serving my version of Waldorf Chicken Salad (a recipe inspired by the nearly forgotten and long-closed Schrafft’s restaurants in New York City). When she spotted what I was serving, Julie commented that my chicken salad was the best and asked me to […]

How to Plant a Simple Summer Herb Garden

Just a few months from now, the promise of gardens bursting with delicious potential will become a reality. Well, for gardeners with seedlings sprouting in sun-filled kitchens and window sills, that is. Rather than wandering by filled with envy, why not make this the year you join the gardening party? The good news is that […]

Tuscan Sausage and Kale Soup: A Hearty, Healthy Classic for Busy Days

Life has been busy lately. I mean, my life is always somewhat busy. As I shift from one priority to the next, I can usually find an ebb and flow in the ceaseless bustle, but of late my schedule has been more of a constant swarm of activity, without much respite. Not necessarily complaining. I […]

Powerful Stress Reducers (That Aren’t Meditation)

I know, I know…you aren’t a meditator. You can’t imagine just sitting there, trying to empty your head of thoughts and focus on your breath for minutes on end. You’re too busy, too high-strung, too whatever. While all good things become easier with practice, just because you’re not willing to put in the time it […]

For the Busy Family: Slow Cooker Chicken in Milk (Actually, I Use Cream!)

Ask Chef Phyllis: I’m not in the habit of using just chicken breasts or parts and need to find a good recipe for whole chicken. I know how to cut it up, if need be. I’ve heard of a chicken in milk recipe from a neighbor and had something like it in Spain, but the […]

Baby Shower: The Best Gifts for This Very Special Occasion

A new life! What a special gift! In just a few weeks, I will be become a great aunt. The excitement is exceptionally wonderful as there’s not been a new baby in our family for some years. When this latest addition was announced a few months back, I was in a real quandary about what […]

Shakshuka with Oil-Cured Olives, Feta, and Herbs: A Spicy Tomato and Egg Dish with North African Flair

I’m one of those folks who loves breakfast for dinner. And lately I’ve been loving dinner for breakfast, so much so that I’ve been implementing this practice with increasing frequency for some time now. I suppose what I mean is that I no longer attach the “breakfast” or “dinner” label to foods that traditionally fit […]

5 Things You Need to Know About Being a Self-Healther

You’ve arrived at the conclusion that it’s time to stop taking your health for granted. You’re ready to start paying attention to how to maintain your health, or even improve it. You’re bright. You’re resourceful. And you’ve saved all sorts of articles and tidbits from social media and other great online resources like Selene River […]