Fresh Figs and Ricotta with Thyme Honey and Cracked Pepper: An Easy, Elegant Ending to a Summer Meal

I grew up on a little island in British Columbia. Life there was, and still is, different than my life in the “real world” down here in Colorado. There they have a thing called island time, where everyone seems to just amble along without much rush. It sometimes drives my type-A personality bonkers, but nevertheless […]

Learn How Healing Tonics Can Energize, Tonify, and Boost Your Immunity

Have you ever stood in front of your fridge only to realize you’re not even hungry and have no interest in cooking? Do you find yourself eagerly searching the shelves but nothing piques your interest? If you’re anything like me, a dismal mental slump may accompany this moment of the blahs! Even the health-minded among […]

Summer in a Bowl: Andalusian-Style Gazpacho with Avocado Cream

I have an incredibly soft spot for a perfectly sun-ripened tomato, plucked fresh from the vine or market stall during peak harvest. To me it is the epitome of summer, and I am overjoyed now that we are really getting into that time of year, with all its colorful, sweet tomato bounty. Usually I keep […]

Why Is It Harder for Women to Lose Weight Than Men?

If I had a nickel for every time a fellow female asked the question above, I’d have a whole lotta nickels. Of course, this wouldn’t make me rich or anything, but I have been meaning to start my nickel collection. ;) Enough about nickels already. When a man and a woman both commit to eating […]

Thought You Didn’t Like Lentils? Try Savory Chicken and Lentils

How about a recipe for savory chicken and lentils in a mouthwatering wine-mushroom sauce? Did I get your attention? I’m the first to admit that a plate of lentils didn’t used to thrill me. Post-WWII, my mother made rather plain lentil soup/porridge at least once a week. Though my taste buds have since become much […]

Compound Butters: The Best Condiments You’re Not Using

People ask me all the time why food at restaurants tastes so much better than what they cook at home. Besides the obvious fact that professional chefs are just better at cooking than most home cooks (it is their job, after all), one of the real secrets, I can guarantee you, is butter. Lots of […]

Things We Should Have Asked About Vasectomy

Nearly thirteen years ago, my husband and I made a decision that seemed like the logical thing to do. Our youngest son had just been born, and we were content with the way our family looked. We decided we were done having kids. So we did what we had to to make sure our decision […]

Instead of Opioids: The Best Life-Coping Herbs to the Rescue!

After watching a particular broadcast regarding our current opioid epidemic, it occurred to me that holistic practitioners need to step up and recognize the incredible amount of chemical substances people are taking as if they had no side effects. I simply have to ask what we can do to help. The sad part of this […]

Herbed Chicken Parmesan Patties—Power Packed and Portable

Like many people, I feel best when I obtain the brunt of my nourishment from foods high in protein and fat, rather than from carbohydrate-rich meals or snacks. Proteins and especially fats seem to keep me going far longer and leave me feeling energized, focused, and satiated without experiencing a need to eat again for […]

Weight Loss and the Lost Art of Folk Medicine

I just love opening up to a random page in D.C. Jarvis’s book Folk Medicine: A New England Almanac of Natural Health Care from a Noted Vermont Country Doctor. Every time I do, I come across some fascinating piece of information that makes me think, “Really?! I had no idea. How interesting!” Then I completely […]

4 Steps to Losing Weight on Keto (The Right Way)

Have you recently heard or read about people losing a ton of weight on a ketogenic diet? If you’re wondering if this is really possible—and if a keto diet may be right for you—today’s article can help. I’ll be covering the basics of a ketogenic diet, the potential health benefits of being in ketosis, and […]

Chocolate Chiffon Cake with French Buttercream: A Foundational Recipe for Every Cook’s Repertoire

Nothing quite beats a chocolate cake, especially when that cake is rich, moist, and full of deep chocolate flavor. Yum. I don’t frequently eat cake, or sweets in general for that matter, so when I do indulge, I want it to be outstanding. I want it to be worth it. Unfortunately, too often I’m met […]

The Little Slow Cooker That Saved Summer

Once upon a time, there was a slow cooker named Patience. Patience loved her job and took great pride in providing for her family. She lived in the pantry closet and got a case of the butterflies every time one of her people reached for her handles. Whenever this happened, she knew she would be […]

Reflexology: Why You Should Pay Attention to Your Feet

This may come as a surprise, but your feet hold a vast and wonderful network of pathways that help keep you feeling at your optimum. The practice of reflexology, which is the gentle manipulation of certain parts of the foot, has led to many cases of healing when nothing else works. If you want to […]

Spicy Grilled Curried Shrimp with Thai Jicama Salad and Peanut Sauce

Ahhh, these long summer days call for celebration! I’m a mover, and I feel inspired at this time of year, when the sun is shining and the light stays around until well after the kiddo is down for the night, to see just how much I can fit into a day. Responsibilities on the back […]

Ice Water or Room Temperature Water—Which Is Better?

Our family’s new home has a kitchen appliance that has sparked a debate I hadn’t thought about in some time. You see, our refrigerator has a handy dandy ice-and-water dispenser right on the door, a feature we’d lived without thus far in our lives but seems to be in use more than not now that […]

Adobo Pork: The Latin American Favorite

Before I begin this story, I should tell you that I wrote a previous blog post about a Cuban Pork recipe that I discovered during a trip to Puerto Rico many years ago. It was February, and New York City in winter is a dreary affair. So my husband and I, being young and adventurous, […]

Gardening, Part I: Is It Really Worth It?

My husband recently enjoyed a three-day weekend with the family. As we pondered what to do with our extra time off, I thought about finally starting our garden. We’ve talked about it for three years now but just haven’t found the motivation to get started. After all, a daunting amount of prep goes into a […]

Roasted Pepper Feta Dip: A Perfect Picnic Provision for the Fourth of July and Beyond

On busy workdays, and often not on busy workdays too, I’m a grazer, meaning I’m more satisfied snacking on little bites here and there than I am on full meals. This is partly because I’m frequently on the go, and sometimes stopping for a break, even to sit down and eat, can easily deflate my […]