Creamy Spiced Brown Rice Pudding: A Warming Autumnal Treat

Rice pudding will always hold a special place in my heart. I loved to prepare it as a child. I’d always ask my mum to make extra basmati rice for dinner just so I could make dessert with the leftovers. The creamy, custard-like texture, the aroma of the spices and vanilla, and the chew of […]

Endorphins for Happy Moods and Pain Control

Possibly since the dawn of our humanity, hidden yet very real energies have existed that can generate instant physical healing, help control chronic pain, and give us the power of metanoia (the instantaneous changing of our minds or overcoming damaging habits). What would you think if I said you could access the phenomenal effects of […]

Picadillo: Ultimate Cuban Comfort Food

Last week, I was seeking inspiration for dinner. The weather had changed a bit. After months of hot and dry days, it was crisp and cool, and I couldn’t shake the yearning for a pot of stew or chili. Browsing through some of my old favorites, I remembered a dish I’d always loved but hadn’t […]

Vaccination and Immunization: Are They the Same Thing?

I often hear people using the words vaccination and immunization as if they were interchangeable. Plucking one of them out of a sentence and plopping the other in its place. But is it that simple? Are they the same thing? Don’t worry, I’m not about to dive into the debate of childhood vaccinations. I avoid […]

11 Tips for Getting Great Results with Herbs

Because of the amazing healing capacity of herbs, I’ve been able to regain my health after a serious battle with lupus and other autoimmune diseases. Knowing what I’ve been through, friends and family often come to me with their questions. What herb should my aunt take for her lupus? What herb can I take for […]

Blackened Steak Bites with Buttermilk Blue Cheese Dip: Healthy Snacking with a Probiotic Punch

Now that the equinox has passed, fall is officially in full swing. And with that, so is football season. I’ve never been much of a sport spectator, and I don’t really understood the intense passion that people have for football. There, I said it. Sorry, guys. But! I do get the camaraderie of sitting around […]

Signs You Need More Salt in Your Diet

“You need to add more salt into your diet.” Those are words we rarely hear. Yet much to my surprise that’s just what our clinical nutritionist recently told me. I was discussing some odd symptoms I’d been experiencing, and after asking me a series of questions, she explained that my sodium and potassium levels were […]

Rescuing the Rescue Dog or Cat

Have you ever adopted an animal from a shelter or rescue group? Ever found a stray on the street to bring to your forever home? Well I have. When I was seven years old and out shopping with my mom, we ran into a pen of puppies that a local shelter was putting up for […]

Detoxing the Villi: Why? So You Might Be Able to Eat Gluten and Wheat Again!

Looking at the vast number of articles, podcasts, and blog posts out there about gluten, it seems that our flight from this substance is becoming more and more of the “in” thing. I wonder if this trend is just a temporary craze or if there’s something more to be understood here. Unfortunately, not enough of […]

Zucchini Zoodle and Shrimp Salad with Lemon Parmesan Dressing

I first came across the spiralizer—that nifty contraption that quickly creates long strands of julienned vegetables and fruit—at a trade show years ago, well before the thing became a regular item in households. At that time, to be honest, it seemed like just another bulky item to add to my list of one-use devices that […]

What Role Does Nutrition Play in Your Mental Health?

With all of the discussion out there about how more and more of us are dealing with anxiety and depression, it’s hard not to wonder what other treatments we can turn to besides traditional pharmaceuticals and talk therapy. A question that’s been bouncing around in my head for a while now is: What role does […]

Whole Versus Parts: Why Whole Food Feeds Us

Originally published in Nutrition News and Views, Vol. 20, No. 2, March-April 2016, “Whole Versus Parts” will be featured in the third edition of Judith DeCava’s The Real Truth About Vitamins and Antioxidants, available from Selene River Press in 2019. Many supplement makers, food fortifiers, and scientists would like us to believe that our bodies […]

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream: New Research on Why We Sleep

Matthew Walker’s important new book Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams offers readers an in-depth discussion of why we spend a third of our lives in bed. In lively and personable language, he explains all of the latest research about sleep and dreams. Scientists at several top universities have discovered that […]

Thai Grilled Pork and Green Bean Stir-fry with Spicy Cucumber Relish

I never thought I’d welcome fall as much as I do this year. See, I’m that girl that holds on to every last bit of daylight, sunshine, and heat from the summer, refusing to admit the seasons are changing as I freeze my butt off in flip-flops on a November morning. Yet here I am, […]

Let’s Take a Look at Nearsighted Versus Farsighted

Every time our family relocates and we start seeing new health care practitioners, something intriguing happens: one of them always has an important new concept to share with us. Not necessarily new to their field of expertise, but new—as in, none of our other practitioners focused on this particular “thing” before. California is no different. […]

10 Killer Anti-Inflammatory Supplements to Beat Chronic Pain

If there’s one thing I see a great deal of in my chiropractic clinic in Anchorage, Alaska, its chronic pain. Whether it’s joint pain, the pain of arthritis or fibromyalgia, or low back pain, what they all have in common is inflammation.   What Is Inflammation?  Many people think of inflammation as a bad thing, but in truth it’s a natural response from the immune system that helps protect […]

Mark Anderson’s Recommended Product List from Back to School 2018

Mark Anderson's Back to School FORDOCTORS 2018 recommended products list

No other event has done more to bring the teachings of the greatest nutritionist of the twentieth century, Dr. Royal Lee, to a modern audience than Mark Anderson’s Back to School for Doctors. Every year this annual seminar manages to transform Dr. Lee’s body of work into a relevant, living tradition of holistic nutrition that […]

Anxiety and Fear: What If They’re Caused by Bad Habits?

I can just see every psychiatrist, psychologist, and even many holistic practitioners wondering if I’ve gone off the deep end by introducing the idea that maybe, just maybe, the excessive and sometimes irrational anxiety and fear experienced by millions of people in our society could be caused by a set of really bad habits. Yes, […]

Flourless Chocolate Cake: A Sinfully Simple Chocoholic’s Dream

Over the summer, I spent some time up in Canada visiting my family, an annual tradition of relaxing beach days, big, boisterous family affairs, and long hikes through the forests and along the coastlines. This year, we also had the fortune to visit just in time for my stepfather’s sixty-first birthday—an occasion that, obviously, needs a cake of some sort, and that I, of course, volunteered/was ordained to oversee.  My […]

Find Your Body’s Perfect Fuel In 4 Days

Day after day, many of us eat our meals without even considering whether or not our food choices are the perfect ones for us. These choices are supposed to give our bodies the fuel they need to do their very important jobs—from standing up to moving around to fighting off harmful bacteria and germs. Doesn’t […]