What Does Malnutrition Look Like?

With National Nutrition Month coming to an end, a look at what it means to take this topic for granted seems in order. If you’re lucky, you were brought up eating all the right things (at least most of the time) and you’ve continued as you started making your own food choices (again, at least most of the time).   But what if that […]

15 Ways CBD Oil Can Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Among health, wellness, and medical communities, CBD (cannabidiol) is in the limelight these days—and deservedly so. For openers, in mid-2018 the FDA approved Epidiolex, a CBD-based oral solution that treats seizures associated with two rare forms of pediatric epilepsy. This is the first time the FDA has approved a drug containing an active ingredient derived […]

New Thoughts on Arthritis: Could the Real Cause Be Long-Standing Infections?

A few months ago I suddenly experienced a great deal of joint pain and stiffness, even though this has been a mild winter and I’ve never been prone to arthritic–type pains before. I wondered if it was just my imagination, but I still went to see my favorite chiropractor, Dr. Joe Givan, and his adjustment […]

Lemon Egg Yolk Cake with Honey Cream Cheese Drizzle:
A Sweet Treat to Celebrate Spring

It’s my birthday today; and it’s a big one. Or at least that’s what everyone seems to be telling me…. Me? I’m kind of feeling somewhat neutral about it all. Not that I’m uninterested in celebrating the occasion, but I don’t really feel an urge to commemorate this one in any sort of over-the-top and […]

3 Ways to Care for and Feed Your Brain

The Brain Foundation’s list of related disorders is surprisingly long. From the unfamiliar Dysautonomia to the seemingly ubiquitous Alzheimer’s Disease it is clear the health of our brains is something that deserves our time and attention. And, if you’ve landed here at SRP before, you know we’re going to talk about the role nutrition plays […]

5 Tips for Eating (and Enjoying) Healthy Food

Though we all want to eat healthy, we can’t get there unless we know what healthy food is. Non-healthy foods are refined and processed, made with unhealthy forms of fats and sugars and non-food chemical ingredients. If this is the kind of food that you habitually eat, you probably crave it—and it’s hard to give […]

The CSA and the Fickle Consumer- Part 2

Reprinted with permission from author, Rebecca Thistelthwaite, and LocalHarvest. Last month I wrote about how many CSA farms and other direct-to-consumer farms are struggling with the increasingly fickle consumer and the growing competition of online food sales. Taking our plethora of diverse food choices for granted has become the norm. No matter how many times you may suggest […]

Daikon Carbonara:
Reinventing a Roman Classic

The road to more healthful eating can often feel daunting. Less-optimal temptations beckon us from every corner: refined and adulterated ingredients, toxic quantities of sugars, and questionable additives abound. And to top it all off, even when you think you might be making a healthy choice, much of the information out there is conflicting, misleading, […]

Self-Health Habit #3: Try a New Nutrient Dense Food

With March being National Nutrition Month, the logical self-health habit to encourage this month is to try a nutrient-dense food you’ve never tried before. (Now, keep in mind that it can take some time to acquire a taste for new foods. So, don’t let the first bite determine a new food’s fate on your future […]

Deviled Pork Chops with Simply Delicious Spicy Greens

Ask Chef Phyllis: Many years ago, my grandmother and great-aunt Theodora made a southern dish they called Deviled Autumn Pork Chops, For lack of more information, I know they used spicy mustard (maybe even more than one kind), country ham, and collard or mustard greens in it. In late autumn, when the pigs were slaughtered, […]

CARB CYCLING: Adrenal Reset, Lower Cortisol, and Weight Loss

Can you identify with any of these symptoms: struggling to lose weight, anxious and/or fearful, not sleeping well, tired but wired? And do you feel all of this despite last year’s resolution to give up carbs in a last-ditch effort for more energy or to feel calmer and slimmer? Perhaps you became disillusioned after seeing […]

Lebanese Spiced Lamb Shoulder Chops with Sumac-Onion Relish:
Fundamental Middle Eastern Flavors

I’ve been rather enamored with the bold, exotic flavors of the Eastern Mediterranean regions for quite some time. Growing up, I was fortunate to experience the influence of Greek, Turkish, and Lebanese cultures, though I barely ventured outside my comfort zone—pita, hummus, shawarma, and the like. As I’ve matured, I’ve discovered just how many other […]

What’s Your Mission for National Nutrition Month?

A national celebration of one of my favorite topics began in 1970, armed with the mission: “to increase the public’s awareness of the importance of good nutrition and position American Dietetic Association (ADA) members as the authorities in nutrition.” Starting out as a week-long campaign, March became National Nutrition Month in 1980 and continues to […]

Choosing the Right Pet for You

Companionship is something we all value, which is a big reason why so many of us decide to bring a pet into our lives. Pets bring us laughter, happiness, and friendship. Nevertheless, it’s important to find the right pet for you. Whether you like tiny teacups, mighty Mastiffs, subtle chinchillas, chirpy birds, bearded dragons, colorful […]

Health-Boosting New Year’s Resolutions for 2019

There’s something very promising and positive about New Year’s resolutions, those goals we make for ourselves and for our loved ones. We do our best to keep them, even though we often don’t succeed. Here are some common resolutions we make to improve our health, along with some tips for accomplishing them. Keep a Journal […]

Cauliflower Tabbouleh:
A Grain-Free Take on a Middle Eastern Classic

Those who have been reading my blog for some time now, might know that one of my favorite things to do is revamp classic recipes, to make them more wholesome and fitness-forward, and to suit restrictive diets and alternative lifestyles. Those who are new to the site, welcome! I hope you find a wealth of […]

Everything You Need to Know About Ghee

While zipping through the grocery store a few days ago, my hubby noticed a jar of ghee. I’d seen the display several times on previous stops without giving it much thought. Interest piqued, he asked, “What is ghee, anyway?” To which I replied, “Do you really want to know?” Now, why did I ask him […]

The Keto Diet for Diabetes: Does It Work?

Here’s the straightforward answer: the keto diet can help manage diabetes by helping to normalize uncontrolled blood sugar levels through reduced carbohydrate intake. But how does keto work? What is the correlation between a low carb diet and regulated blood sugar? In this blog post, I’ll simplify things for you. By the end, you’ll learn: […]

Exploring the Second Brain:
Gut Signals and What They Mean

When my clients describe the following, I immediately know what they are talking about: “gut signals.” A sudden and anxiety filled awakening that often comes in the super early-morning hours, approximately 3 AM—though symptoms may also come at other times of the day, depending on many factors. Since I frequently hear more about the 3:00 […]

Spinach-Crusted Cod with Lemon-Leek Sauce

Fresh, Fast, and Family-Friendly I always start getting a hankering for spring towards the end of February. Funny, because we really haven’t had much of a winter this year (though there is presently snow on the ground…finally!). I think this is simply hardwired into my brain from growing up in the Pacific Northwest, where the […]