Confessions of a CBD Oil Advocate

It isn’t hard to find information about cannabidiol (CBD) oil these days, even if you aren’t looking for it. Heck, even Martha Stewart is jumping on the CBD bandwagon (and she’s a rather savvy businesswoman, in case you hadn’t noticed). We’ve started the conversation here at SRP, too, with articles like Joy Smith’s “15 Ways […]

Chapter Two: A Widow’s Time of Adjustment (and a Quiche Lorraine)

This may sound cliched, but there are some journeys you have to go on alone. Widowhood is one of them. And if you think widowhood isn’t easy, neither is chapter two: the Time of Adjustment. In my personal life experience, there’s never been a time when I’ve learned so much. What if I told you […]

Top 6 Keto Post Workout Foods to Help You Build Muscle

The ketogenic diet is all about keeping those carbs limited. For the diet to work, your carb intake must be extremely low. That said, what you eat plays a major role in the quality of your life. If you don’t include the right ingredients in your meals, you might be cutting yourself short—both physically and […]

Healthy Alternatives to Sugary Condiments and a
Homemade Hoisin Sauce

Brianna Goodall - Homemade Hoisin Sauce

I’ve been a condiment person as far back as I can remember. Unlike many youngsters, I never went through the “ketchup-on-everything” stage (a preference I am grateful my daughter inherited from me), but I always liked an array of choices with which to smear, dip, and drizzle. I almost think of condiments as an extension […]

Are Your Ordinary Daily Habits Affecting Your Health?

When we think about the things we do on a daily basis that have an impact on our health, we tend to only evaluate things like alcohol consumption or the number of times you go through a drive-thru for a fast lunch. You know, the ones that everyone realizes aren’t in their best interest. But […]

Scenes from the Zombie Food Apocalypse:
How to Feed Your Body After a Workout

Scene One: I work out, so I can eat whatever I want. ~~~ Humans are weird. We spend uncountable dollars and hours on clothes, makeup, and exercise. We worship buff athletes and their athletic contests. We adore skinny models and their skinny fashions. We think vegans are the healthy eaters. We’re hooked on image—on the […]

GLA and HCL for Sudden Joint Pain: What Is GLA and HCL? Read On to Learn More!

It seems to me that even when we purposely research healthy foods and natural remedies, it’s sometimes just as easy to stumble into a unique healing solution as the result of a sudden illness. This is the situation I ran into recently after a sudden, unexpected episode of joint pain that made me feel like […]

Creamy Ham and Cabbage Chowder:
Leftover Ham Makes a Quick, Comforting, Family-Friendly Meal

Like many families, mine often has surplus ham after our Easter celebrations. And every year, I’m on a mission to try to repurpose it in unusual ways, outside the standard “ham sandwiches.” I use the leftovers for all manner of things: omelets and frittatas, pasta, Chinese fried rice, and, of course, the classic split-pea-and-ham soup. […]

A Different Approach in Dealing with Addiction

A while back, I wrote about  shifting the way we look at addiction—examining the impact true connection can have on the choices we make. Whether you’ve made that shift yourself or not, it’s impossible to avoid the reality of what addiction looks like today. I have yet to find an infographic or line graph out […]

To Sell or to Teach? The Purpose of a Health Practitioner

Throughout my journey from Indiana farm boy to Doctor of Chiropractic, my undying love for nutrition and biochemistry has deepened with each passing year. And with it, so too has my appreciation of the true genius of Dr. Royal Lee. Most of my colleagues know Royal Lee as the founder of the whole-food supplement company […]

Baking with Less Sugar—and More Vegetables

Ask Chef Phyllis: All I’ve been reading about—and hearing about on food TV shows—is that we should eat less sugar and cut out all artificial sweeteners. The new sugar-free products I don’t understand. I drank Diet Coke for years thinking it was good. What can I do to begin making healthy choices in my life? […]

Grain-Free Crepe Pinwheels with
Smoked Salmon and Herbed Cheese:
Brunch and Beyond

Wow, it’s hard to believe that we’ve passed yet another month; at long last, we are through the dregs of dwindling winter vibes, and all the bountiful colors, heavenly scents, and lovely animated sounds of spring are finally in full-swing! This season always calls for celebration and transformation at my house. Windows opened wide, closets […]

Self-Health Habit #4: Drink Plenty of Healthy Water

One of the most important things you can do for your health is to pay attention to your water consumption. When it comes to water, quantity and quality both deserve your consideration. Need a reminder of why water is crucial for attaining optimal health? In his book Effortless Healing: 9 Simple Ways to Sidestep Illness, […]

Cauliflower That Kids Will Eat

Ask Chef Phyllis: It’s popular today to make pizza crust out of cauliflower rice, and I’ve seen it for sale in the produce section of my supermarket. I’ve tried sneaking vegetables into many of my children’s favorite foods, such as mac and cheese, with some success. Though cauliflower rice worked, cauliflower pizza crust didn’t fool […]

Spotlight on Limonene: For Superior Breast Health and Much More!

Every once in a while, I run across some information that reminds me how there are so many special plants and/or foods that do so much more than look pretty. Then again, once you embark upon the study of plants and foods, you realize that very few of them are just pretty. They all contain […]

Jamaican Oxtail Stew:
A Soul-Satisfying One-Pot Meal

I am constantly on the lookout for exciting, innovative ways to broaden my palate and my culinary knowledge. Sure, I have my favorite fallback flavors, for which I will always hold a special fondness, but branching out of my comfort zone with unusual spices, meat cuts, and produce keeps things interesting, and more times than not, winds up creating new favorites.   Such is the case with this Jamaican oxtail […]

Alcohol Awareness Month: Shining the Light on Addiction

The next time you’re standing in a room with a dozen people or more, pause and take a look around. Chances are, one of these people is dealing with an addiction to alcohol on some level. According to Facing Addiction (formerly known as the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence), 17.6 million adults are […]

Dental Care for My Pet: What to Expect

When should you arrange a dental checkup for your dog or cat? Some things to watch out for are bad breath, not eating, drooling, licking, just not feeling good. However, not all bad breath stems from dirty teeth. If your dog’s teeth don’t look dirty, we need to consider digestion. Your veterinarian will be able […]

It’s All About the Frittata

Ask Chef Phyllis Our neighbors stopped by recently around lunchtime, and all I had in the house was eggs. I know that frittatas are so popular today, but what proportions make a good one? What kind of pan is best? My guests said that a cast-iron skillet is a good choice. Can you help? —Christine […]

Wine-Braised Chicken with Leeks and Mushrooms:
Spring Flavors, Winter Comfort

The transition between winter and spring can often be a little challenging for the home cook. Market shelves are unpredictable, and the quality and taste of produce is heavily dependent on whether the season cooperates in prime growing areas. Not to mention, at this time of year, it can be hot and sunny one day, […]