Safe Summertime Salads

Ask Chef Phyllis: Summer is nearly here, and I love cold, creamy, mayonnaise-based potato and macaroni salads when we go to the beach or on a picnic. But everyone says that it’s unsafe to keep them in a cooler for too long. Is this true? Do you have ideas that will make me feel better […]

Grilled Fajita Bowls with Chipotle Cream and Guacamole:
Mexican-Inspired Meals for Summer

I’ve been eating the majority of my meals out of shallow bowls for quite some time now, even though everyone thinks I’m weird for it. I also eat almost everything with chopsticks (even weirder, I know), but in my opinion bowls accommodate chopsticks more than a plate. Besides their practical uses, I like bowls for […]

Are You Meditating Without Realizing It?

In many parts of the world, meditation has been around for a really, really, really long time. But in our neck of the woods, the practice has achieved darling status only recently. And now that it has, the people I come across tend to run in one of two circles: the “I do-ers” and the […]

Are Health Issues Real or Imagined?
Mysteries of the Body and Mind

Despite access to an astronomical amount of online information about health, including stories, documentaries, and articles, for some reason I still love old books that tell of our approach to illness back when western medicine was much less sophisticated than it is at present. One book that I especially love is Religion and Health by […]

Seed-Crust Tourtière:
A Mile-High Makeover Inspired by a French-Canadian Classic

I grew up in Canada, and I’ve been interested in food as far back as I can remember, so I was quite surprised that I didn’t discover tourtière—possibly the most quintessentially Canadian food outside of poutine (fries, gravy, and cheese curds…if you’ve never tried it, you must!)—until my later years. Tourtière is a hearty meat […]

Find Comfort in Your Routines

I am a routine kind of gal. They make me feel stable, at ease, and organized. Some people find them boring and restrictive, but I’ve always found great comfort in them. When my routines are interrupted (from here on out known as “routinus interruptus”), I can adjust for a while, but then I crave them […]

Why Does My Dog Do That?!

We can call agree that our dogs do some pretty funny—and maybe even weird—things at times. Although they live in our homes and we consider them part of our families, they also belong to a species of their own. This means they can exhibit actions and behaviors that occasionally make us shake our heads or […]

Homemade Cinnamon-Vanilla Granola with Coconut:
Taking Cereal to a Whole New Level

I’m not a big cereal fan, but I used to be. Back in my younger (less knowledgeable) years, I indulged in my fair share. And though it wasn’t optimal, cereal was one of the only things I had an appetite for when I was pregnant. Luckily, my mother was pretty strict about the quality of […]

When Was the Last Time You Went on a Picnic?

It’s finally here, my friends! July is National Picnic Month. When was the last time you grabbed a big ol’ blanket, packed some grub in that basket, and headed to the great outdoors? I’m gonna take a stab in the dark here and say it’s probably been too long. Am I right? Not real keen […]

Self-Health Habit #7:
Use Fresh Herbs in Your Kitchen

I used to be super intimidated by using fresh herbs in the kitchen. Something about their big green bunchiness seemed complicated to me. So I’m not surprised when I meet people with similar fears. But now that I’m a convert to fresh herbs myself, I challenge you to face your fears this month and start […]

Medicinal Indoor Houseplants:
Your Very Own Year-Round Pharmacy

I recently did a dumb thing when I swiped some debris off of my glass stovetop, thinking the unit was no longer hot since the red glow had disappeared. The burning sensation went through me like a jolt, and I suddenly found myself in need of some quick pain relief! I quickly clipped a good-sized […]

Creamy Coconut-Key Lime Pie (Grain and Sugar Free):
A Slice of Summer

Even though the bright beauty and flavor of citrus brightens up the bleakest months of winter, when citrus is at its peak, I’ve always felt that these lively, juicy fruits are much better-suited as a welcome respite from the heat of the summer months. Lemons are a constant in our house, with their neutral flavor […]

Compelling Facts About Men’s (and Boy’s) Health

Boys and girls are different in more than just the obvious ways. We discussed some need-to-know facts about girls health last month, so let’s consider a few compelling health facts about the boys out there. Be aware that when it comes to diagnoses, these three familiar conditions are more commonly diagnosed in boys. Boys are […]

Why You Should Pamper Yourself:
A Profound Physiological Remedy

Merriam defines the word “physiology” as: “A branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (such as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved.” What a perfect word to help discover the reasons for discovering why you should pamper yourself. This is […]

Einkorn Pita:
Light and Airy Whole-Grain Flatbread

Bread is the Staff of Life; so the saying goes. It’s no secret that since the discovery of agriculture, bread has been a staple food in nations all over the world. From baguettes slathered with butter in France, to tortillas in Central America, Roti in South Asia, and dense rye breads in Scandinavian regions, each […]

Guys, Want to Know How Healthy You Are?
Try These Simple Physical Fitness Tests

Many of you guys out there walk around assuming you’re fairly healthy. You eat mostly nutritious food, and you get some exercise more days than not. That’s good enough, yes? Wouldn’t it be cool if there were some simple physical fitness tests you could perform—in the comfort of your own home—to confirm this? Read on. […]

Hemp Oil Complex for You and Your Best Friend:
Powerful Nutritional Support for the Challenges of Modern Life

Hemp oil, CBD oil, and cannabis are some of the buzz words we’re hearing in conversations about our health these days. People are talking about the benefits of these products—not just for them but also their dogs. These benefits include everything from better sleep and less pain to a more positive mood, increased calm, and less […]

Turkish-Style Livers with Crisp Sumac Onions:
Getting More Organ Meats onto Your Plate

Thanks to a heightened interest in eating for health, and mainstream acceptance of making use of the whole animal, organ meats have made a bit of a comeback lately. Yet, while this resurgence in popularity is certainly creating more interest for the average home cook, few people know ways to integrate them into their diet […]

Self-Health Habit #6: Move. Every. Day.

I was recently listening to an excerpt from Dr. Keith Kimberlin’s seminar, “How We Get Sick: The Human Stress Response,” and was struck by his practical approach. In very pragmatic terms, Dr. Kimberlin explained how a person’s unmanaged stress response triggers a spiral of all sorts of disease—heart disease, acid reflux, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and […]

Ever Hear of Antimicrobial Herbs?
Powerful Allies for Gut Cleansing and Pain Relief

In my recent blog post “New Thoughts on Arthritis,” I wrote that more and more evidence is pointing to the fact that arthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders may, in reality, be caused by long-standing infections. I would like to suggest that you go back and read that blog post before continuing here, as this will […]