The Proverbial Milkshake:
Improving One of America’s Favorite Treats

I suppose that the majority of my readers would shamelessly admit that they’ve enjoyed many, many milkshakes in their lifetime. I too am guilty. (Smile) As a matter of fact, milkshakes are one of my favorite childhood memories. I especially remember the fun of going to the corner drugstore with my girlfriends to sip on […]

Grilled Salmon with Grapefruit-Avocado Slaw:
Fresh and Light to Start the New Year Off Right

Now that the holiday season has come and gone, it’s time to ease back into the slower pace of everyday life and start the new year off right. Even the most steadfast of us health-conscious folks can stray a little from our routine habits over the holidays. We’re busy with the hubbub of company, parties, […]

2019 Self-Health Habits Roundup

Here at the Adventures of a Self-Healther blog, we discussed all sorts of topics in 2019. We made cholesterol less scary, learned about the pancreas, discussed fermented foods for naysayers, examined the perfect diet (for you), and explored some compelling facts about breast milk—to name just a few. Along the way, I hope you were […]

Flu? Stomach Bug? Stage 1 of the GAPS Diet to the Rescue!

‘Tis the holiday season. Unfortunately, ’tis also flu and stomach bug season. But have no fear, for the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet is here. Should your tummy feel queasy and uneasy this holiday season, or any other time of year, it’s back to Stage 1 of GAPS. The diet is easy to do, […]

Role of Chiropractic Adjustment in Pediatric Health Care

At the Erin Mills Optimum Health clinic in Mississauga, Ontario, we see many people, including children, seeking chiropractic adjustments to obtain relief for their neck and back pain. Chiropractic care can also correct spinal misalignment issues associated with serious nervous system and spinal problems if left untreated. Children, especially those who suffer from chronic health […]

A Zero Waste Kitchen? Dare to Dream!

Every day, there’s a battle cry heard in most kitchens across the land: “I’m tired of wasting food!” Or it’s what the adults—aka the ones who buy the groceries and pay the bills—are saying anyway. One of the rites of passage into adulthood is when you go from opening the fridge, finding it clearly packed […]

Eating “GAPS-Style” on the Road

Following the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet at home can be challenging enough, but come the holidays even the most experienced GAPS cooks can be stretched to the limits. Travel—no matter when, no matter why, no matter if it’s by plane, train, or automobile—means eating outside the home. But the following simple rules will […]

The Dream State:
The Physical, the Emotional, the Prophetic

Do you dream often? And if you do, are you aware of what, why, and how your dreams happen? In recent months I’ve experienced some disturbing occurrences in my life, and I noticed that my dream state became much more active than I can ever remember. I’m even having the same dreams and similar dreams […]

Chocolate-Orange Truffle Tart with Toasted Pine Nuts:
Decadent Desserts for Special Occasions

I’m certainly not a dessert-after-every-meal person. In fact, I tend to avoid sugary treats most of the time. But there’s something to be said for special occasions—which, in my opinion, are one of the few times I feel it’s practically imperative to serve a little something in conclusion of a special meal. It could be […]

The Most Important Thing to Consider
Before Setting Your 2020 Goals

The end of the year is drawing closer, and whether you realize it or not, you’ve probably been thinking about what you want your 2020 to look like. In other words, all kinds of ideas about the things you’d like to accomplish are bouncing around in that big beautiful brain of yours. Maybe you just […]

Chiropractic Care for Kids

With a focus on proper spinal function, chiropractic care ensures that your nervous system communicates as it should. The brain continuously talks to the body through the spinal cord (which is protected by the spine). Restrictions in spinal movement, called subluxations, cause disturbance to this communication, creating dysfunction and dis-ease in the body. Chiropractors are […]

Do Germs Make Us Sick?

We’ve all been there—the fever, the sinus drainage, the congestion, the aches and pains. But nobody wants to be sick! Darn those nasty germs…it’s all their fault! Or is it? You might be surprised to learn that germs are everywhere. If you swab your shoes or purse, wipe it on a petri dish, and let […]

Paleo and GAPS:
What’s the Difference?

Frightened of the GAPS Diet? Too complicated? Have no fear—it’s easier than you think! When people tell me they have symptoms that just won’t heal, I always bring up the healing properties of food. I ask what they are eating and if they cook for themselves. Often, when I talk with people about the GAPS […]

Steak au Poivre:
Create a Holiday-Worthy Menu with an
Easy, Elegant, and Timeless Recipe

Holidays and special occasions are a great time to present dishes that are a little more special than your average, everyday home meal. It’s also an excellent time to splurge on fancier ingredients and put forth a little extra effort in preparation. Unfortunately, there’s also the danger of getting carried away when dreaming up all […]

Self-Health Habit #12:
Get More Sleep

Sleep is one of those things that most of us don’t get enough of. Though the restorative impact it has on our bodies is well known, I bet we don’t even know the half of it. The busyness of this time of year can be an arch enemy of slumber, so make sure you don’t […]

The BEST Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Sugar-Free GAPS Chocolate Cake!

Everyone loves chocolate cake. (Well, nearly everyone.) I created this recipe one evening after dinner, when my husband said that he’d love a piece of chocolate cake. I told him to give me about an hour, and he’d have one! We’ve been eating GAPS-style at my house for years now. And for a few years […]

The Vanilla Queen:
An Entrepreneur Par Excellence

I recently wrote a fun blog post titled “Baking Better Cookies” in which I offered some healthier cookie recipes for my readers. Many (if not all of them) called for vanilla as one of the ingredients, but since I’m not one of those weekly cookie bakers, I was stunned when I shopped for a bottle […]

Sweet Potato Grits with Andouille Sausage and
Southern-Style Greens:
A Stress-Free Brunch from the Slow Cooker

The holidays come with all sorts of bustling activity, being the perfect time to relish good food and good company with cheer. It’s also a time for lots of entertaining, be it a cocktail party, a lavish dinner, or a family brunch with all the out-of-town guests—and with all that, exhaustion. Many of us feel […]

Put Pen to Paper This Month

It’s hard to remember the last time you got a piece of personal mail delivered to you, isn’t it? If you’re like me, the route back from the mailbox always includes a brief stop at the recycling bin or the shredding pile, and rarely does anything make it any further than that. When a handwritten […]

Health Isn’t Complicated

Parents, listen up! It’s no fun to watch your child deal with an illness—but be sure to think before you act. First, ask yourself: what is the condition, and what are the symptoms? Fever, sinus drainage, congestion, and lethargy are all symptoms that trigger the immune system to employ its defense mechanisms. They are perfectly […]