Sauerkraut! Now, More than Ever

Want to stay well—now and always? Eat your sauerkraut! Whether it is just another day in your neighborhood or you are in the middle of a health crisis, fermented cabbage is “health food extraordinaire.” Yep, the humble cabbage. If you know this already, I would hope that you eat sauerkraut (or some other fermented vegetable) […]

Pandemic Reflections and Quick Meals for
Canned Vegetables and Leftovers

I woke up Wednesday morning with the notion that all was well. But then in a New York minute, I remembered that I’m living through a pandemic—never before known by my generation or, for that matter, anyone I know. (My dad talked of the Great Depression, and to this day my memory of him hoarding […]

3 Easy Lifelong Health Habits You Can Start Right Now

At the beginning of the year we started a fitness challenge with my husband’s family. There were four daily metrics: a minimum step count, a water intake goal, a 20-minute workout, and no refined white sugar in any form—no fructose (combination of fructose and glucose), no fructose corn syrup, no brown sugar (made by adding […]

Turning Pantry Staples into Delicious Meals

This year of 2020 is a particularly difficult time in the world. Indeed, it’s a time of crisis. Just a few months ago, this hysterical news would have sounded like Orson Welles’ “War of the Worlds” did back in 1938. My friends, not knowing what the future holds touches all of us. We all need […]

The Impact of Social Distancing on Your Mental Health

The other day a good friend reached out to say she wished we could spend some time together. She said that she’d been feeling down, which at first took me by surprise (she’d never expressed feelings of sadness to me before). But the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. She’s a […]

Castor Oil Packs:
Amazing Healing Energy

I have known about castor oil packs for as long as I can remember, and I’ve used them from time to time. However, I never knew the real story of castor oil—until I encountered in my pile of new but unread health books a bright purple cover with a title that was just too intriguing […]

3 Things Your Kids Can Do in the Garden

With all of the modern technology kids have now, they can forget about what’s going on outside far too easily. However, a great way to lure them into nature is giving them fun activities to do in the garden. There are many simple tasks they would enjoy that wouldn’t feel like boring chores. (If you […]

Finding Opportunity in Challenging Times

Stating that these are challenging times isn’t exactly a news flash, right? Because of COVID-19, so many people are worried about every aspect of their daily lives—jobs, finances, their own health and the health of the people they love. While it would be foolish to tell you there’s nothing to worry about, posing the right […]

How to Supplement Positive Thinking

My friend Cheryl was recently diagnosed with cancer. She has undergone radiation treatment but is supplementing that with a boon of positive thinking. Cheryl sent me links to some podcasts and videos on the mind-body connection, and I listened to a doctor discuss how the power of positive thinking may be a factor in unexplained […]

Take the Torture Out of Doggie Bath Time—for Both of You!

When you think of good hygiene for your dog, what comes to mind? The ever so dreaded doggie bath! While an essential part of caring for our dogs includes regularly trimming their nails, cleaning their teeth and ears, and brushing their coats, most dogs don’t require hygiene and grooming every day (unlike their human counterparts). […]

No Bile, No Poop!
Truer Words Were Never Spoken

Sometimes solving a mystery takes you down interesting rabbit holes—or even worse, up steep, mountainous terrain. What am I talking about? The real cause of severe constipation. So severe that you are lucky to have one, yes one, small bowel movement weekly, and sometimes not even that! Based on the analysis of four major surveys, […]

A Simple Guide to the Art and Preparation of Paella

In a post from about six years ago, I wrote about feasting (and I do mean feasting) on paella at a restaurant called Trader Vic’s in Puerto Rico. It was a truly memorable and romantic evening in February. Back in early 1960s, many in-the-know New Yorkers would jet off to sunny Puerto Rico to escape […]

Why Do I Have to Take All This Weird Stuff?

As healthcare practitioners, we know that most of our professional advancement comes as a result of tackling new challenges. For example, a patient with a new condition may challenge us to come up with a new approach. Sometimes, all it takes is a question from an inquisitive patient to lead us to communicate in a […]

Letters from the Quarantined:
Coronaphobia vs. the Immune System

It’s been great hearing from practitioners, friends, and staff during our quarantine. They’ve sent me emails containing bits of humor and intelligence that you might find useful, so I’m sending this out to everyone coping with confinement in the CoronaSphere (a term coined by Bill Whittle). Please enjoy with your morning coffee. There have been […]

It just GOT REAL:
Defeating the Monster of Immune Depression

For twenty years the entire raw milk community has been preaching about the immune system benefits of raw milk and raw dairy products. The FDA and CDC has suppressed us. Mainstream media has scorned us. Industry has done everything possible to make sure that raw milk is cut off in the markets, in the legislature, […]

The Party is Over—Time for Americans to Rebuild Their Health

I think it is important to see what is really happening in the real world of conscious people who know the critical importance of a healthy immune system and the gut biome. Clearly the FDA and CDC don’t. We all totally agree that social distancing and hand washing are important, but where is the CDC […]

Supporting the Organs of Immunity:
The Terrain Is Everything

Louis Pasteur is credited with developing “the germ theory of disease” (which I loosely translate as “germs jump into bodies”). Yet many other researchers and scientists of the time, including Claude Bernard, focused their research on internal regulation and the importance of nutrition, among other things. These scientists expanded their focus beyond germs to consider the state […]

The Egg Scare Continues!
Let’s Get the Facts Straight

For years, that boogey man cholesterol has been convincing many of us to never eat eggs, especially yolks. This phenomenon carries on even after many studies have come out assuring us that our fear of cholesterol is based on nothing more than a myth. Yes, the cholesterol myth still exists. After a recent and somewhat […]

Coronavirus and Sleep

Reprinted with permission from author David Kolowski, DC. Original post found here.   The news is flooded with stories about the coronavirus, along with plenty of misinformation coming from social media and even from our own elected officials. It’s hard to know who to trust or what to believe! We’re not going to downplay the seriousness […]