Right Under Your Nose:
How Fragrance May Be Affecting Your Health

Ah, the olfactory pleasures that the holidays bring! Sweet, spicy cinnamon and clove. Fresh, invigorating peppermint. Pungent, earthy pine. These are a few of my favorite things. I also love the aroma of freshly cut grass and the ocean’s briny perfume. Our sense of smell is primal and is strongly tied to memory and emotion. […]

Hypertension/High Blood Pressure:
A Balanced Approach

High blood pressure (HBP) has three primary causes, yes we must keep in mind that any one or two of these factors, or even all three at once, can be the area of concern. Let’s review each of these primary causes, and I’ll discuss how changing certain harmful habits and taking some recommended supplements can […]

Cook Your Way to Wellness:
Making Your Own Probiotics Is Easy Peasy

It seems like an eternity since I first embarked on the biggest kitchen adventure of my life—making my own probiotic-rich foods. Though they are profoundly healthy, probiotics—microorganisms that help maintain or restore beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract—seemed like they would take too much time, too much money, and be too difficult to make on […]

Shrimp de Jonghe for the Holidays

Many years ago, at a Christmas party, the hostess served a dish called Shrimp Dijon. It was delicious. I live in Chicago, and this dish is a favorite served in many restaurants, but none are as good as the first time I tried it. Not only that, but the restaurant versions had no Dijon mustard […]

Build Your Cooking Confidence with This Seasonal Favorite

Whenever someone tells me that they’re not much of a cook, but they want to learn, I always steer them in the same direction—one dish with endless variations that’s so forgiving that you can’t go wrong. This seasonal favorite will build your cooking confidence every time you make it. What is it, you ask? Exactly […]

9 Great Ideas for Kids’ School Lunches

Dealing with kids’ food, especially pre-schoolers, can be overwhelming. Whatever you think is healthy is not necessarily what their taste buds want. As a stay at home dad, I have lots of questions about parenting. So I started my own blog! Parental Questions is a great resource for parents. But my biggest worry is whether […]

Gingerbread Spice Makes Everything Nice:
Interesting Ginger Facts and An Easy Holiday Recipe

In my recent blog post “The Phenomenal Cranberry,” I wrote about the tremendous health properties of cranberries and their traditional appearance during celebrated American holidays, but especially Thanksgiving. In this, my latest holiday contribution, I want to focus on ginger for the Christmas or Hanukah table. Many of you have probably graced your tables with […]

The Quickest Way to a Family Connection

A lot of families are spending more time together during these days of COVID, but being in the same space doesn’t necessarily guarantee a deeper connection with each another. After all, our time is still being divided between work (video meetings and phone calls) and/or school (video classes and self-directed assignments). There’s no gimme that […]

The Night Before Wellness:
A Kid’s Chiropractic Adventure

B.J. Palmer famously said, “Get the Big Idea and all else follows.” Like many of his statements, he was talking about the “Big Idea” of chiropractic. However, you could also apply these words to your own life in whatever way is most appropriate. (Another personal favorite: “Is life worth living? That depends upon the liver!” […]

Solutions for Your Turkey Leftovers

Ask Chef Phyllis I have this problem every year so I decided to call the turkey hotline for answers. They were helpful with the cooking of the bird, but with the leftovers not so much. I like leftover turkey with dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce, and mayonnaise on a sandwich. Most often, I slice the turkey […]

The Phenomenal Cranberry:
Just in Time for the Holidays!

Despite this difficult year with the disruptive coronavirus and the suspense of the nation, we are nevertheless headed toward our most special and beloved holidays: Thanksgiving, followed by Hannukah and Christmas, and then New Year’s Day. The sadness and shock we’ve all experienced this year is not quite over, yet Father Time turns our attention […]

Finding Comfort in
Simple Steps to Everyday Self-Health

Even the most avid self-healther can lose their way every once in a while. It begins innocently enough. Something comes along to throw you off your daily routine, and all of a sudden it’s been a month since you’ve made a weekly meal plan or found the motivation to exercise. But then one day you […]

Surviving the Pandemic in Holistic Style:
Beef Up Your Body and Health at Home

The coronavirus outbreak caught us all off guard. No one was prepared for what 2020 had in store for us, including how it’s affected not only our work but also our lifestyle and diet. With the lockdowns happening all over the world, poverty and malnutrition are simultaneously on the rise. I decided I would use […]

Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Buy Organic Produce

As we keep trending toward healthy eating, organic fruits and vegetables are becoming increasingly popular. However, while most of us recognize the benefits of superior nutrition, fewer of us actually make the commitment of incorporating organic food into our diets, even though it would make a big difference in our personal health and the health […]

Practitioners’ Adjuvant Nutritional Protocols:
Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

Osteoporosis is a condition where bones, especially the spine, hips and wrists, become weak and brittle. Osteopenia marks the first stage of bone density loss, when they begin losing “mass” (or thickness) and break down. This condition results when resorption of bone becomes greater than the production (new creation) of bone. Osteoporosis is more common […]