Intelligence Test to Detect How Much You Have Been Brainwashed

Introduction by Stephanie Anderson One of the many things I love about America is our can-do spirit. No matter what obstacles we face, innovative and creative people find solutions to overcome them. We got vacuum cleaners out of this mother of invention. And cars. And baby monitors. Come on, we’re awesome, and we never give […]

Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Hypothyroidism (low thyroid) will affect 12 percent of the U.S. population in their lifetime, according to the American Thyroid Association. When the thyroid doesn’t create and release enough hormones into the bloodstream, the metabolism slows down. This causes a variety of symptoms, including tiredness, weight gain, intolerance to cold, anxiety, depression, and high cholesterol. If […]

Refresh Your Smelly Wardrobe:
The Dangers That Lurk in Your Closet!

For the most part, by this time of year most of us are tired of our stuffy winter clothes. Maybe this is why Adam and Eve were naked in paradise (smile). Yes, that might be going a little too far, but I for one am ready to switch into my lighter, more colorful jackets and […]

Know Your Pets’ Lumps and Bumps

As our pets age, it’s common to start finding some lumps and bumps. Although they can be genuinely concerning, most lumps and bumps are often benign. But how can you tell if you should be concerned or not? The first thing I’d recommend is setting up an appointment with your veterinarian. Never try to identify […]

Laugh More:
A Winning New Year’s Resolution

About now, you’re probably asking what the heck is there to laugh about. We’ve been in lockdown for the better part of a year, many small businesses have been forced to close, and millions of people don’t have enough money to pay for even basic necessities. Suicide rates are at an all-time high, schools are […]

Expressive Facial Muscles

You can learn a lot about faces and what they project by watching actors and politicians on TV. In a profile shot, Tom Cruise will often tense up his jaw muscles when he wants to show stern determination. And when politicians want to show they’re really serious about something, they will often tense up their […]

The Power of One Word in 2021

The new year has begun, and whether you’re a resolution maker or not, you likely have some idea of what you’d like to see happen over the next 12 months. I’m trying something a little different this year. I’ve chosen one word to be my guide for making decisions, and it feels quite powerful. I […]

Closing Out the Year (and How to Be Worry-Free Next Year)

Are you someone who can honestly say that you never worry about anything? If you are, then you’re one in million—though I doubt that you never give way to the “worry trap.” According to many scientific reports that can easily be found online, worry ages us faster than almost anything else. It can also produce […]

Fermented Clown’s Treacle:
A Delicious and Potent Year-Round Remedy

“Clown’s treacle.” Surely you’ve heard of it? If not, it’s still likely that you have some in your kitchen right now. According to The Spice and Herb Bible by Ian Hemphill, clown’s treacle (also called “poor man’s treacle”) are both old-time names for garlic. Treacle was first used in the 14th century as an antidote […]

Staying Well During Flu Season:
Meat Stock to the Rescue

The weather is turning cooler, and winter is officially just around the corner. As the temperature drops, many of us start craving foods and beverages that are warming, both in temperature and in spice. We trade in our iced tea for hot, spicy chai and swap our cold salads with warming soups, stews, and stocks. […]

Right Under Your Nose:
How Fragrance May Be Affecting Your Health

Ah, the olfactory pleasures that the holidays bring! Sweet, spicy cinnamon and clove. Fresh, invigorating peppermint. Pungent, earthy pine. These are a few of my favorite things. I also love the aroma of freshly cut grass and the ocean’s briny perfume. Our sense of smell is primal and is strongly tied to memory and emotion. […]

Hypertension/High Blood Pressure:
A Balanced Approach

High blood pressure (HBP) has three primary causes, yes we must keep in mind that any one or two of these factors, or even all three at once, can be the area of concern. Let’s review each of these primary causes, and I’ll discuss how changing certain harmful habits and taking some recommended supplements can […]

Cook Your Way to Wellness:
Making Your Own Probiotics Is Easy Peasy

It seems like an eternity since I first embarked on the biggest kitchen adventure of my life—making my own probiotic-rich foods. Though they are profoundly healthy, probiotics—microorganisms that help maintain or restore beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract—seemed like they would take too much time, too much money, and be too difficult to make on […]