Therapies for Chronic Itching:
Symptoms & Solutions

It is perfectly natural to reach out and scratch the occasional itch. Within moments, the itching sensation is gone. This is the simple solution from Mother Nature to alleviate the otherwise serious and annoying problem of chronic itching! Unfortunately, sometimes scratching only seems to make the itching worse, and if the unique condition is bad […]

Your Circulatory System:
The Importance of Knowing the Basics

We all know, at least in a broad sense, the general meaning of the words circulatory system. But my understanding of it has recently been enhanced after a very knowledgeable person, Mark R. Anderson (president of Standard Process West), explained to me that supporting the circulatory system is a critical step to take when addressing […]

Stuffed and Fried Squash Flowers

The last recorded song by John Prine is a beautiful ballad called “I Remember Everything,” and it says a lot to me. John Prine, a man of simple words but extreme talent, reached into the hearts of so many. At the very least, I should say that I don’t remember everything, but I do remember […]

Why Your Doctor Offers Nutritional Supplements

This month we’re shining our Product Spotlight on Why Your Doctor Offers Nutritional Supplements by Stephanie Selene Anderson with Mark R. Anderson, now in its fourth edition. Which begs the question…why does your doctor offer nutritional supplements? There’s not one answer; Anderson lays out an entire ecosystem of them. It begins once upon a time, […]

Joseph’s Journey Through Cancer

In April 2007, I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma, a non-Hodgkin’s, large B-cell cancer. As a committed practitioner of wholistic health for 35 years prior to my diagnosis, you can imagine how opposed I was to the standard medical approach of cancer treatment: cutting (surgery), burning (radiation), and poisoning (chemotherapy). Fortunately, my cancer was slow-growing. […]

Essential Food and Care for Your Eyes:
Prevention, Healing, and Preserving

It is my belief that we need our precious eyesight more than any other part of the human body. I say this because I’ve dealt with eye issues for the past year. I hope you will take this opportunity to understand the basics of preventing, healing, and preserving this wonderful gift. As such, I will […]

Food for a Happier Life:
3 Ways Eating Healthier Can Improve Your Mental Health

“You are what you eat.” We’ve heard this old saying many times throughout our lives. But did you know that eating well isn’t just about your physical health? It’s about your mental health as well. It’s true! Eating healthy food is a must for good mental wellbeing. A diet of unhealthy foods doesn’t fill you […]

Dr. Dority on the 33 Royal Principles of Health:
#10. The Function of Force

Welcome to “The Royal Principles of Health,” written by Dr. Michael Dority and presented by Selene River Press. This fascinating series is based on the 33 principles of chiropractic identified by R.W. Stephenson, DC, PhC, in his 1927 classic Chiropractic Textbook. Dr. Dority calls these the “Royal Principles of Health” and invites you to learn […]

It’s Never Too Late to Sleep Like a Baby

Psst…how’s your sleep? If you’re exhausted, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans, as many as one-third of us, are sleep deprived in one way or another, and it’s seriously messing with our health. The consequences of sleep deprivation range from the obvious (tiredness, mental distress, poor cognitive function) to the surprisingly dire (heart disease, diabetes, […]

Dr. Dority on the 33 Royal Principles of Health:
#9. The Amount of Force Created by Intelligence

Welcome to “The Royal Principles of Health,” written by Dr. Michael Dority and presented by Selene River Press. This fascinating series is based on the 33 principles of chiropractic identified by R.W. Stephenson, DC, PhC, in his 1927 classic Chiropractic Textbook. Dr. Dority calls these the “Royal Principles of Health” and invites you to learn […]

A New Star Is Born:
Colorado Butter and Cheese (Yum!)

As a writer of all things healthy, it was my distinct pleasure to find a great new business that has decided to make their home base right here in my neighborhood of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Who is that new star? It’s Sawatch Artisan Foods. I encourage you to visit their website and learn a little […]