Author Archives: Heather Wilkinson

Your Gallbladder Matters

Each year in the United States, far and away the most common elective abdominal surgery is gallbladder removal. This is in large part due to the advent of a minimally invasive procedure known as the laparoscopic cholecystectomy in 1987. Ever since then, the number of surgeries performed annually has continued to rise—even among pregnant women, […]

Foundations of Trophotherapy III: Exposing the Diet-Cancer Connection

Introducing the important third volume in our groundbreaking Foundations of Trophotherapy series. Five chapters. Nine articles. Supplementary excerpts and commentary from Dr. Royal Lee. Resources for further study. All of it shining a spotlight  on the diet-cancer connection as seen through the view of some of the twentieth century’s foremost researchers of nutrition. Indeed, Book […]

Classic Titles for Modern Times: New MP3s from SRP

MP3 products

Ready, set, download! Select products from Selene River Press are now available as downloadable MP3s, and we’re hard at work to bring you more in the coming weeks and months. For now, you can start with some of our core audio titles. Previously only available as CDs, you won’t find this profoundly important work anywhere […]

The New Secret Weapon for Practitioners


Good health practitioners understand the more their patients know about nutrition, the better. Great practitioners take the time to make it happen. Why not be great? With the Expert Nutrition Advisor: Informed Nutrition CD, all Standard Process and MediHerb clinicians have a secret weapon at their fingertips, one that will help them save time while […]

Dairy Sensitivities and GAPS:
Everything You Need to Know

Culturing Dairy cover

You may have heard of the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) healing protocol. You may even be one of the many people who’ve benefited from it. Or perhaps you’re in the third category: the small but important subset of people who could benefit from GAPS, but avoid it because of their sensitivity to dairy products. […]

A Terrible Ten: Know Your Faux Health Foods

Terrible Ten cover

If you’re reading this blog post, you probably understand a thing or two about proper nutrition, and you definitely know what’s up at the grocery store. No white bread or soda for you. No corn syrup or GMOs. And no junk food, ever. When you get home and start carefully unloading your canvas tote, you […]

The Science and Art of Muscle Response Analysis


What, exactly, is muscle testing? If you’re a practitioner, now is a great time to find out. Available as a 3-DVD set or as on-demand videos, Dr. Lowell Keppel’s “Muscle Response Analysis: Seminar & Workshop” walks you through the deceptively simple process that can greatly improve your level of communication and quality care. It costs […]

Practitioners: Tailor Your Nutritional Approach with a Simple New Chart

Organ chart

Some practitioners always seem to be on the lookout, forever seeking new ways to integrate the best nutritional formulas into their practice. If that sounds familiar, we have a new tool for you. The “Nutrition Affiliated with Organs, Glands, and Tissues Chart” is a straightforward, practical guide that cross-references 45 different organs, glands, and tissues […]

Introducing the Natural Fast-Aid Cabinet

Natural Fast-Aid Cabinet

While your first-aid kit is good for the occasional scrape or sunburn, that tube of antibiotic ointment is pretty much useless when it comes to allergies, heartburn, or bloating. In fact, there’s a host of maladies that are best addressed with high quality, food-based nutritional supplements rather than adhesive pads and tweezers. Now families have […]

Why We Get Sick and Die for No Good Reason:
Foundations of Trophotherapy I

TFTI cover

If you’re reading this, you probably know more than most that something is wrong. Too many of us are getting sick, living in poor health, suffering from disease, and even dying before our time—for no good reason. We just forgot how to eat. The truth of this has been known for decades, and it’s been […]

How Do I Find Real Food While Traveling?

Travel food

Let’s face it. Whether we’re racing through the airport or driving for hours down a long and lonely road, for some of us, the downside of traveling is the series of increasingly questionable food choices we make on the go. A pit stop at Panda Express before security? Check. Grab some “trail mix” (M&Ms and […]

SRP Releases Second Book in Applied Nutrition Series

TFTII cover

What if we told you that the nutritional debacle of the modern American diet was predicted—with frightening accuracy—more than half a century ago? Would you file it under Oh well and get on with your day? Or, after you picked your jaw up off the floor, would you demand to know why those warnings were […]

Meat Stock and Bone Broth:
You’re Doing It Wrong

Meat Stock and Bone Broth cover

If you or someone you care for is on the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet, you could be dealing with a problem that you don’t even know about. The result could be a slower recovery, aggravated symptoms, or other unhealthy consequences. But don’t worry—chef, teacher, and author Monica Corrado is here to fix it. […]

Teaching Kids How to Live and Cook the “Nourishing Traditions” Way

Nourishing Traditions children's cookbook

Nourishing Traditions—part cookbook, part phenomenon—inspired half a million people to return to the wisdom of traditional human diets and start eating healthfully again. The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care gave pregnant mothers, as well as moms with newborns and children, a comprehensive guide to valuable holistic nutrition and advice on everything from […]

Introducing New CDs from Selene River Press

CDs new to SRP

Selene River Press presents new CDs from two big names in the fields of herbal medicine and veterinarian practice: Lee Carroll, BSc, BHSc (WHM), and Dr. Tom Cameron, DVM. As a leading member of the MediHerb team for over 20 years, Lee Carroll bolsters his unique insights into the clinical application of evidence-based herbal medicine […]

Monica Corrado Helps Students Achieve Their Best Eating Habits, Well-Being

Monica at Athenry Farm

“It was a power packed mind blowing learning experience and I loved it!” So says Elaine Boland—blogger and owner of Fields of Athenry Farm—of a cooking class. Chances are high that when a cooking class is described as “a mind blowing learning experience,” Monica Corrado taught it. Boland was so impressed with what she learned […]

You Spoke, We Listened…Introducing Our Publisher’s Printout Editions

Culturing Dairy and Men in Kitchens PPEs

Meat Stock and Bone Broth. Culturing Dairy. Men in Kitchens. These are some of our most popular ebooks, and now they’re available in a high quality printed format. That’s right. We heard you loud and clear: Ebooks just don’t always work for you. You like your cookbooks in the kitchen. You need to write notes […]

Introducing Dr. Ron Carsten’s Veterinary Clinical Reference Guide

This is big. The Veterinary Clinical Reference Guide by Dr. Ron Carsten is destined to become a new industry bible—and it’s available now at Selene River Press. With this invaluable tool at your fingertips, you’ll have comprehensive, up-to-date information that will help you lead pet owners to a deeper understanding of how their animals can […]

Can Probiotics Console the Inconsolable?

The inconsolable crying of a colicky baby. How are parents supposed to cope? They try everything, but nothing helps. Back in January, NPR reported some new research published by JAMA Pediatrics. Colicky babies in Europe were given a form of the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri with the idea that friendly bacteria could help them develop their digestive […]