Author Archives: Heather Wilkinson

Overly Emotional You:
An Essential Webinar from Dr. Lowell Keppel

I am sensitive. Too sensitive, some friends and family have said. Once—and only once—my husband told me that I am super sensitive. In reply, I told him he did not get to decide where the line is between normal sensitive and super sensitive. But also, he wasn’t wrong. When I was very young, I went […]

Remembering Chef Phyllis

Before her death in 2022, Phyllis Quinn wrote a blog for SRP called “Ask Chef Phyllis.” Her blog was about food, yes, but it was also about everything food means to us—family, love, friendship, traveling. Phyllis lived a rich, full, remarkable life. She was a fantastic writer and an exceptional chef. All of these things […]

What I Learned at Back to School for Doctors

Dearest readers, a question: were you at Back to School for Doctors this year? You know, the annual event where Mark Anderson takes attendees on the deepest of deep dives into the wholistic principles of Dr. Royal Lee. When wholistic-minded practitioners and self-healthers from all over the country show to a singular event year after […]

Who Knows Who Owns Organic?

Let’s embark on a journey of discovery. A fact-finding mission, if you will. Together, we seek to answer the not-so-simple question: “Who owns organic?” I already know the answer because I wrote this. Then again, it’s an easy guess. I refer to the usual rogue’s gallery of malfeasance-y food corporations getting up to their usual […]

Let’s Celebrate an Independent Mind on Independence Day

A peek at my calendar tells me that Independence Day, my third favorite holiday, is rapidly approaching. Have you noticed that independent thought is a bulwark of the Selene River Press Historical Archives? I sure have. It is an especially strong current in Dr. Royal Lee’s Applied Trophology newsletter, which he published every month from […]

Your Very Own Practitioner-to-Patient Translator

Practitioners, if you know Selene River Press, you know we have an expansive catalog of patient education materials to boast of. That’s because we’ve been at it since 1986, and from the start our goal was to help translate practitioner knowledge into a language patients can understand. With so many titles to choose from, focusing […]

The Latest in Palmyra:
A Standard Process Expansion

Ever wondered how nutrients are taken out of a whole food and put into a whole food supplement? At least part of the answer involves smart people doing smart things—inventing, engineering, building, manufacturing. And they are at it again in Palmyra, Wisconsin. There, on the certified organic farms of Standard Process, Inc., exists what is […]

Dynamic Duos:
Reliable Protocols of Synergistic Supplements

SRP has a gripe. And before we turn our attention to this month’s Product Spotlight, we’d like to discuss it. The issue? Practitioners whose reaction to the words “ongoing education” is a resounding…meh. You know who we’re talking about. Practitioners who are content—with the level of their patient care, with the pace of their referrals, […]

Why Your Doctor Offers Nutritional Supplements

This month we’re shining our Product Spotlight on Why Your Doctor Offers Nutritional Supplements by Stephanie Selene Anderson with Mark R. Anderson, now in its fourth edition. Which begs the question…why does your doctor offer nutritional supplements? There’s not one answer; Anderson lays out an entire ecosystem of them. It begins once upon a time, […]

It’s Never Too Late to Sleep Like a Baby

Psst…how’s your sleep? If you’re exhausted, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans, as many as one-third of us, are sleep deprived in one way or another, and it’s seriously messing with our health. The consequences of sleep deprivation range from the obvious (tiredness, mental distress, poor cognitive function) to the surprisingly dire (heart disease, diabetes, […]

Prenatal Nutrition and Birth Defects:
The Hereditary Catastrophe of Nutritional Deficiency

Prenatal Nutrition and Birth Defects is an essential new booklet from SRP that tackles one of the most fundamental problems in today’s America: the continued genetic destruction of our progeny. In just a few information-packed pages, Mark R. Anderson connects the dots between abnormalities in the developing fetus (which are frequently revealed later in life) […]