Author Archives: Peggy Sue Meininger

Four Modules = Four Opportunities

Good things come in fours, and this is especially true when it comes to Dr. Lowell Keppel! He’ll be hosting four separate classes with an intense focus on specific areas for nutritional evaluation: Vital Signs and Vitamins Organs and Immune System Digestive and Mineral Endocrine System Got your attention yet? Each of these intensive 4-hour […]

Back to School for Doctors 2014: Principles, Not Trends

When I first read the Back to School for Doctors 2014 brochure, a single statement caught my eye: “Principles, not trends.” My attention was instantly captured because navigating trendy styles of eating is frustrating for someone like me who has suffered the consequences of years of poor diet choices. Thankfully, there are shoot-from-the-hip people like […]

Salt Lake City Welcomes Dr. Lowell Keppel!

Do you want to: Fine-tune your Muscle Response Analysis testing? Better serve your patients? Get 8 CEU credits? Then don’t miss this seminar on Muscle Response Analysis! Selene River Press and Standard Process West are proud to sponsor Lowell Keppel, DC, in Salt Lake City on June 7, 2014. Dr. Keppel’s seminar is designed for […]

Dr. Keppel is BACK and better than ever!

Attention, healthcare practitioners, healthcare students and staff active in clinical assessments…we have a seminar for you. If you’re interested in a systematic approach to Nutritional Muscle Testing that will enhance your testing results, along with pre- and post-treatment assessments, attend this seminar! Join Dr. Lowell Keppel, D.C., as he helps you go through a specific […]

Lee Carroll, a gift of wisdom on MediHerb all the way from Australia!

Salt Lake City, Utah, will be the place to be on Feb 1, 2014, for those of you who understand the use of nature’s medicine in coping with the stresses of modern living. All the way from Australia, Lee Carroll, one of the foremost authorities on the Standard Process Australian company, MediHerb, will be speaking […]

Family Wellness: Preconception Through Early Childhood

pregnant mom with child

Attention, Northern Colorado! There is a wonderful seminar after the new year to add to your calendar. Selene River Press and Standard Process West are sponsoring a seminar on preconception through early childhood, presented by Dr. Carol Adams and Lynn Mayer, CNC. Adams and Mayer will cover topics for this very critical time frame that […]

QuickStart Your Nutrition Practice, Part III: Patient Education, Communications & Staff Training

One may think that running a business in the world of personal health is very cut and dried, and it would be if you were the only one in the market offering your particular services to patients. However, there is this issue called “competition,” which means you are not competing against one other health practice […]

What do you mean I have a leaky gut?!

Intestinal hyperpermeability, otherwise known as leaky gut syndrome, is a very real problem that health practitioners are discovering in their patients who are suffering thanks to years of bad dietary choices. If you are a practitioner who has patients with leaky gut syndrome or metabolic syndrome or you’re trying to get a better understanding of […]

Back to School for Doctors 2013

It is rare in this day and age to find people in the world of health and nutrition with as much experience and knowledge as Mark Anderson. For forty-one years, Mr. Anderson has been educating health practitioners about the teachings of Dr. Royal Lee, the brilliant nutritional leader whose works have withstood the test of […]

Damming Up Your Gut Leaks

One of the most talked about health issues today is intestinal hyperpermeability, otherwise known as leaky gut syndrome. Unfortunately, this is a topic close to my heart—or in this case, my gut. Not a fun thing to deal with, but with correct nutritional counseling and understanding the nature of a leaky gut, I’ve made great […]

Dinner with the “Lunatic Farmer”

Joel Salatin, prolific writer and owner of Polyface Farms in Virginia, will be in Masonville at Sunrise Ranch on September 13, 2013, to speak at a fund-raising event for the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. Sponsored by the Fort Collins Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation and the Farm-to-Table Culinary Academy at Sunrise Ranch, this […]

East Coast or West Coast? Which Way Should I Go?

The great thing about attending Weston A. Price Foundation conferences is they have them on both sides of the country this fall. If you can’t make their conference in the fall in Georgia, then we suggest you consider attending their Regional Conference, which will be held in Portland, Oregon, on September 21 and 22, 2013. […]

Wise Traditions 14th Annual Conference

Going on 14 years now, the Wise Traditions conference is growing larger every year. Join them in Atlanta, Georgia, from November 7–11 for the 14th Annual Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation. If you want to learn more about traditional foods and why they’re so good for you and your family, this is the […]

Herbs Are More Than Garnish…Just Ask Lee Carroll

When most people think of herbs, they think of flavorings and seasonings like sage, rosemary or…basil—that tastiest of tasty used in fresh tomato-based dishes. Sounds delicious, right? However, there is another side to herbs, long used for centuries around the world in healing generations of families for infections, tissue repair, wound care, and so much […]

Dr. Keppel’s Refresher Course on Patient Testing

While we understand many health practitioners have their ways of testing and checking their patients’ health needs, sometimes it’s a good idea to do a refresher course on how to check for certain conditions. Maybe your adrenal stress testing needs a little boost, or your food allergy assessments are not quite getting the results you […]

Family Wellness on the Western Slope

Pregnant mom with child

What a great gift for the Western Slope of Colorado. Lynne Mayer, CNC, and Dr. Carol Adams, DC, will be giving a seminar on a topic we get asked about all the time at Selene River Press related to nutritional needs for babies and children. It is shocking the lack of knowledge of the benefits […]

God Bless the Italians!

It is finally happening: A four-decade ban on importing salumi from certain locales in Italy will end on May 28, 2013. Salumi is, of course, the name for Italian dried cured meats, most of them raw. This means enzymes in the meat, instead of being destroyed by heat, can break down proteins over months into a variety […]

Seminar: The Latest Advancements in Applied Clinical Nutrition

Hello, Billings, Montana! Selene River Press and Standard Process West are pleased to sponsor the seminar “The Latest Advancements in Applied Clinical Nutrition” by Michael Gaeta on June 15, 2013. Dr. Gaeta will be lecturing on the following topics: The Autoimmune Process, The Original B-Complex, Lifestyle Solutions, and much more. If you are a health […]

Truth or Fiction: Protecting GMOs

This past year, the Consolidated Continuing Appropriations Act 2013, to provide funding for various federal agencies through the end of the 2013 fiscal year, was passed. The contents of Section 735, which has been called the “Farm Provision” or the “Monsanto Protection Act, are startling: For the first time in our food chain, not even a judiciary […]

Sally Fallon at LocalFest 2013

Sally Fallon Morell is the keynote speaker for LocalFest 2013 in Pinedale, Wyoming. She will be speaking on May 18th at the Pinedale Library on the topic, “Nourishing Traditional Diets: The Key to Vibrant Health.” For more information on this and other LocalFest 2013 activities, go to LocalFest is May 14 through May 18.