Author Archives: Mark McAfee

It just GOT REAL:
Defeating the Monster of Immune Depression

For twenty years the entire raw milk community has been preaching about the immune system benefits of raw milk and raw dairy products. The FDA and CDC has suppressed us. Mainstream media has scorned us. Industry has done everything possible to make sure that raw milk is cut off in the markets, in the legislature, […]

The Party is Over—Time for Americans to Rebuild Their Health

I think it is important to see what is really happening in the real world of conscious people who know the critical importance of a healthy immune system and the gut biome. Clearly the FDA and CDC don’t. We all totally agree that social distancing and hand washing are important, but where is the CDC […]

The Safety of Modern Raw Milk

You will love this five-minute ABC News piece on Localish. Modern technology matched with pastures and the whole goodness of nature makes a great story. Raw milk is the first food of life for a reason. And it is not sterile! It builds immunity through gut biome biodiversity and the whole food that feeds the gut micro biome. The raw […]

Got Viruses? Get Raw Milk!

There are large, well-designed, peer-reviewed studies published in EU scientific journals showing that consumption of raw milk prevents colds. Colds are viruses! Every year the cold or flu virus is different, but as long as our immune systems are healthy and strong, our bodies will adjust to the new threat. These studies also show that […]