Do you ever wonder why some people seem to have a consistently happy, positive attitude? Do you think it’s possible to maintain a seemingly effervescent smile even when things aren’t going your way? Do you brood a lot? Are you blue, disappointed with your life, and lacking incentive to work on your dreams? Read on […]
Author Archives: Maria Atwood, CNHP
I was recently going through my closed client files, some of which I’d not looked at for a few years. As I read each file, I suddenly felt nostalgic. It was akin to pulling out old boxes of family photos and simply sitting and pondering over each one of them. Some photos bring us a […]
What do you think is the most frequent answer to the question, What would you like to drink? Whether at someone’s home or in a restaurant, for the most part the answer is usually, Coffee, please! If we’re not drinking coffee at homes or restaurants, we’re drinking it at the coffee shops we see on […]
What I detail in this blog post will, hopefully, give you what I actually enjoyed last winter—not one single cold! Rather than list a ton of cold remedies, which no doubt most of you already have, I’d like to discuss why we experience what can turn out to be weeks of recurrent misery with one […]
Heaven forbid that we should mention pasta. Why? Because the refined version is fattening, and it’s chock-full of simple carbohydrates and empty calories. In addition, the flour hasn’t been prepared properly by soaking it for easy digestion. To be honest, I’d not even thought of pasta for many years. But when a memory brought it […]
I’ve been working with an out-of-state friend by phone for a little over a year, and we were recently discussing a horrific car accident she was in about a year ago. She’d sustained some very serious injuries, both internal and external. Prior to the accident, she hadn’t been a sickly person. As a matter of […]
Pardon the title, as it may sound rude, but I truly believe that each one of us can identify with the phrase “pain sucks.” Because I’m no exception, I thought it would be helpful to update my readers about some tried and true traditional pain remedies and also discuss one particular not-so-new remedy that’s becoming […]
I don’t know about you, but since I’m sort of a recluse I often tend to cogitate (to ponder on any one thing intently). This happened to me recently while I was quietly enjoying my lunch with some soft classical music in the background. Do you ever do that? Probably not many of us get […]
It’s mid-July here in colorful Colorado—and for that matter, all over the country. For the most part, we’re in that precious time of year when, after a long, somber winter of browsing seed catalogs, we’re anxious to start digging into the earth. Yes, we true blue gardeners are finally in the thick of our gardening […]
In a recent post regarding the healthiest sweeteners, I carefully detailed what are considered to be the most natural and safe sweeteners. I also included some modified recipes to demonstrate how we can and should cut down on our sweetener consumption, even for the ones we consider healthy and natural. In that same post, I […]
Are you one of the many millions of people who, even though you know how essential leafy greens are for your health, you—yes, you—nevertheless find at the end of the week that once again, you’ve not eaten any leafy greens! The feelings of remorse and guilt creep back for the umpteenth time, and with a […]
Sometimes the usual foods we choose to keep our blood sugar stabilized are just that—“usual foods.” Take, for example, the common suggestion that we just eat a slice of cheese or drink a cup of coffee! Unfortunately, we forget, or simply don’t know, that for thousands of years many different herbs and foods have played […]
Are you one of the many worried people who would like to know how to best prevent the onset of an early bone disorder, or even stop the progression of one you suspect is already happening? Maybe, like me, you’re not too excited about exercise, beyond taking long, healthy walks, but warnings that you must […]
How many times has your doctor or holistic practitioner—or even just a concerned friend—handed you a carefully outlined list of recommendations on this or that “best of the best” weight-loss diet, BUT once you got home, the information went on top of the coffee table, never to be looked at again? How about tippy-toeing around […]
When I was growing up, there was nothing like when my mom would bake her unbeatable chocolate cake. Each day, we’d only get one slice, along with a tall glass of really cold milk. Nirvana is the only way to describe each bite of this smooth, chocolaty treat. Oh so sweet and delicious. Yum! Although […]
“Essential substances, including healing fats, must be obtained in optimal quantities to maintain optimal health.” —Udo Eramus Have you perchance ever wondered why it is that even when you eat well and use affirmations, prayer, and meditations, you’re still, after so much effort, unable to resolve some persistent health issue? Could the practice of anointing […]
We’ve all had that occasional sick feeling of glancing into the mirror and finding we look like someone stuck a cushion under each eye! Often, eye bags are an alarming sign of a late night spent out on the town, but what if that’s not the case? What if you never stay out late or […]
While basking quietly in my cozy reading chair and watching the morning sun coming through my east bedroom window, I was surprised by the sudden PA-LOP! that brought me out of my reverie. There, to my surprise, was my sweet cat curling up in my lap, wanting to also enjoy those welcome rays of morning […]
We see the words “healing the immune system” in hundreds of magazines, TV shows, and pieces of literature. I recently found out from a family member that there are even immune system research centers where children can be tested and treated for immune system disorders! I can only surmise they treat such disorders with steroids […]
In a recent conversation with a lady who had just discovered Sally Fallon’s cookbook Nourishing Traditions and the Weston A. Price Foundation, it became incredibly apparent to me that despite the enormous amount of information available to people, both in print and online, many STILL have a low grasp of what foods qualify as “nutrient […]