Author Archives: Julia Nikolaus

Using Herbal Supplements to Boost Productivity

Everyone gets stuck feeling unproductive at some point in their lives. Sometimes a difficult life change occurs which makes it hard to focus, and other times a monotonous daily routine can create a difficult environment for productivity. Either way, people have been seeking solutions to boost their productivity for years. Thankfully, herbal supplements are growing […]

Food Plating:
How to Make Your Dishes Look Stunning

You don’t have to work in a professional kitchen to serve beautiful food. Whether you’re designing elegant plating for a dinner party, hoping to show off to your Insta followers, or just creating a pretty plate for your partner, you can make any dish look stunning! After putting together your newest healthy recipe, check out […]

5 Ways Eating Organic Can Improve Mental Wellness

We’ve all had those days when we feel down and don’t know why. More often than you might think, it’s due to your diet. Eating well, especially with organic food, can help improve your mental wellness and overall well-being. Read on to learn how and why eating organic can improve your state of mind. #1. […]